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Pietro found her, laying down at the edge of the stream, her head on her front paws. She hadn't moved, but he sat next to her, placing the bundle of clothing his other side, looking across the land, the stars bright in the night sky. The only sounds he could hear, were her breathing, the water and the chirps of bugs that were around them.

'I can't imagine what's going through your head right now, but we've been waiting for this moment, all of us..'.. He reached out, running a head through her fur on her head... 'You're not weak Trix, it's not weak to care, to let your guard down..'

He felt her body shudder and removed his hand, picking up the clothes next to him ready. Her bones snapping, her whines let him know she was shifting back. He waited until it was over, and handed her each item, and soon she was fully dressed, laying down again, with her head in his lap.

'They don't know me, and yet they want to protect me..'.. She said quietly.

'Much the same as you protect many who you don't know. Why?..'.. He put a hand to her shoulder, looking down at her.

'Because they're innocents. They've been through enough, and it's not fair they don't have help they need..'... She spoke with a sigh... 'I do see the irony in that..'

'These people, they want to do the same for you. So do the team, our friends. You have a family, all across the world, even if you haven't met them all yet..'... He rubbed his hand up and down her arm... 'Talk to me..'

'I don't know what to do. I always plan, I always know what to do, know what's happening, always the next mission. But this..'.. She shuffled to lay on her back, looking up at him... 'I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to let people in..'.. He brushed her hair from her face, seeing her eyes shine with tears... 'I don't know how to be anything other than a monster, a villain..'

Pietro hooked his hands under her, and pulled her onto his lap fully, an arm around her back, the other across her body, just holding her as she finally cried. He didn't say anything for now, just let her be vulnerable, offering his comfort and support.


Trix scrunched her face up, and the brightness. Even with her eyes closed, it was as if someone was shining a light in her eyes. She felt weight pressed against her back, which she knew was Pietro, his arm around her, holding her tight. Blinking away the fog of sleep, she opened her eyes, and started chuckling. There, not a few feet from her, was a goat, staring at her. Her body was shaking, trying not to be loud, but she had woken him up anyway.

'Not exactly the comfiest place to sleep, but it's better than a Hydra cell..'.. He murmured into her neck. After last night's little breakdown, she had fallen asleep from exhausting herself crying. Out here in nature, the beautiful plains of Wakanda, it was peaceful, even with the smelly goat coming closer to investigate... 'Please tell me we didn't sleep in shit..'.. Pietro sighed, pushing up on his arm and looking around.

'No, but we smell like shit..'.. Trix shifted to sit up with him... 'I'm sorr-..'

'No..'.. His head whipped around to her... 'Don't you dare apologise for feeling. Life dealt you a really shitty hand Trix, more than most, and yet you take everything you've had thrown at you, and use it. You use your past, as guide on how to protect others from ever seeing a glimpse of what you experienced. Don't ever apologise, not for anything..'

'Ok..'.. She nodded, pushing her lips and blowing out a breath... 'Its hard, to try to let go of everything, to try to be better. I don't want to take anyone's place, they're his parents, and always will be..'

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