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Trix sat back, her legs crossed as she tapped her fingers to the arm of he chair. At one point in the elevator coming down, her lens glitched, but thanks to that little device of Sommers, she was still linked to Whistler. She could feel in pressing into her thighs, on the little belt that sat really high on her left leg, holding the device and her knife beneath her dress.

She was thankful to still be connected to the others, with Whistler informing her in messages, that the others were in position, around the old base. They couldn't move in yet, not until she had eyes on Pierce. Glancing over to Wade, in the chair, strapped down, she smirked, thinking how much fun he was going to have, when it was time. The drug would've worn off by now, so he was still playing 'unconcious'.

'It has been almost two hours. If he's not here soon, then I'll make sure, to show him how displeased I am of waiting..'.. She raised her voice loud enough, so that all those in the room present, heard her... 'I want a drink, preferably something that doesn't taste like you pulled it from the toilet..'

She saw Victor motion for one of the other men to go get what she asked for, and she checked her nails, needing to give a small signal to Whistler, that she understood. Pierce had arrived, and was entering the building. She looked at her left hand, as though inspecting her nails, and rubbed her thumb on her middle nail twice.

'If that dog..'.. She juts her chin to Wade, knowing they still believed they had the soldier... 'Wakes up, shoot him in the leg. Nothing too serious, I still need him to use his limbs..'

The man who had gone to fetch drinks, brought hers to her first, and then to Victor with his... 'As you wish my queen..'.. She knew Victor wanted her, especially now she had made herself noticeable. She counted down the minutes, and then, the doors opened, the man she despised so fucking much, walked in the room.

Trix sniffed the air, honing in on him, knowing it really was Pierce... 'Any reason you think you can summon me?..'..  He spat out at Victor, clearly not taking in the room, and Victor stood, now on edge.

'You were not summoned, I demanded to meet you..'.. She put her glass down and stood, her hands on her hips, as she gave him a bored look... 'And I don't like to be kept waiting..'

'And who are you?..'.. He walked over and she saw him stop, his eyes on the unconscious man behind her, strapped down.

'I am the Hydra queen. I did, what you and your fools, couldn't. In just three days, I got the soldiers attention, and then captured him myself. He is now mine, not yours..'.. She smirked, seeing the irritation in his face.

'You're a child, you know noth-..'

She back handed him, hard, that he went down. Trix stood over him, her eyes scanning the room... 'Anyone here want to question me?..'.. She looked down at Pierce... 'I will rule Hydra now, I am the queen, and you will all bow before me. You lost control of the soldier. Hydra was made public, and fell because of you. I have ingrained into the government, I have control, and you didn't even see me coming..'.. She kicked him in the face, knocking him back, as she started walking around.

'It really is pathetic..'.. Whistler let her know, the others had started converging on the base... 'That so many men, have tried, and failed, dismally I might add, to take control of this world..'.. She sighed, shaking her head, as she kept walking around him... 'You lacked vision, you lacked integrity, you lacked a spine. You never got your hands dirty Pierce, never knew, what it was like, to be on the front of it all. You sacrificed lives, as though they were nothing, I don't. I take them..'

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