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Clint hung up the phone after speaking with Laura. He had told her what had happened, the team now knowing, and even she was ready to tear head off bodies over it. Lauras codename was Mockingbird, before she handed her title over to her protégé, Bobbi Morse. His wife was a sweet, kind woman, unless you pissed her off. Clint was more afraid of Lauras wrath than Trix, that thought alone made him chuckle.

Though he hadn't told Laura, that Trix was a wolf, nor about vampyrs, that wasn't something he wanted to drag her into, knowing his wife as well as he did, she'd be straight in the fight. No one messed with her kids, and that's what Trix was to Laura, even if there was a decade between them.

Picking up his beer off the little table next to him, as he sat out on the back porch of her house, just watching the sky, he wanted to talk with her, alone but she was answering all of Banners questions right now, inside. Strange had disappeared back to wherever he comes from, following Trix orders.

It really pissed him off that the team now knew, and he wanted nothing more than to punch Barnes for opening his mouth, trust that asshole to be observant and figure it out, he was sure it would've been Nat more than anyone else.

Before the bottle even reached his lips, Clint stood, taking a few steps forward to the rail of the porch. Something was out there, he could hear it. The sound of the owl had stopped, and there was a crunch of broken twigs, as though something stepped on them. Placing the bottle down on the rail slowly, his other hand crept to waistband of his jeans at his back, for his gun.

'Stand down Barton, it's a friendly..'... He heard Trix call from inside, her footsteps coming to the door behind him. Blowing out a breath, he picked his beer back up... 'Good to know you never stop working..'.. She pushed open the door, joining him.

'All good in there?..'.. He jerked his head to the house, just as Banner came out, coming to Trix other side.

'Yeah, we're good..'.. Was all she said, stepping down off the porch, hands on her hips as she hit the path and stopped, waiting for her new guests... 'Come on out, I promise not to bite..'.. She chuckled.

Clint watched with Banner, seeing the shape of someone come through the trees, the lights from the porch casting a glow... 'Who's that?..'... Banner asked him and he just shrugged.

'No idea..'.. Clint drained the last of his bottle, setting it back down on the rail... 'She's not ripping them to shreds, so got to be a friendly..'.. He moved to the steps, when another person stepped out from behind the first, and then a third appeared. Clint noticed two were women, holding spears and dressed in colourful clothing. The last person was all in black, armour it looked like, with a mask, was that a cat mask?

'It is an honour to finally meet you..'.. Clints eyes flicked to Trix, seeing her bow slightly, her hand out indicating for him and Banner to follow which they did... 'Thank you, for coming on short notice..'

Clint and Banner shared a look, but neither one said anything. The three guests walked forward more into the light, the one in black stood in the middle, the other two at their side. Clint watched as the person removed their mask, and he was surprised, still remaining silent, not sure what to say or do.

'Your files, they have proven to be true. Though our nation remains hidden, it will not be long before we are found..'.. The man says, and Clint couldn't quite place his accent, African perhaps?

'Honestly, your nation is pure, and I don't want it to be tainted..'.. Trix clasped her hands in front of her... 'I wouldn't have come to you, if there was any other way..'

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