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Trix kneeled on the floor, naked, the collar around her neck, ready, waiting. Looking at the clock above the locked door, she let out a breath, knowing the sun had finally set. She didn't use the Mercury cuffs and chains this time, or the wolfsbane. If the shots she had been taking worked, she wouldn't need to lock herself away ever again.

She knew the sunrise was at 6.47am, so she had 9 hours and 6 minutes til then. Blowing out a breath, she was nervous, thinking back to the first time she had shifted.

She was lost and alone, the pain that tore through her body, every bone snapping in her, it echoed around the field she was in. Her screams died in her throat, unable to make a sound as her body twisted, bending, breaking. She wasn't fully aware, like it was a dream, a fog had gone over her, and she had woken up the next morning, laying naked next to a dead horse that had been mauled horrifically.

The fear she had felt right then, it had been years since she had been that afraid, but she swore that she wouldn't let anyone else come to harm when she changed. So she found this house, and built a safe room, not to keep her safe, but everyone else.

Watching the seconds tick by, she tapped her fingers to her thighs, waiting. She wouldn't know if had fully worked, not until the moon was high, but even if it did, she would stay there all night, just to be sure. She couldn't speak, not if she didn't want to get electrocuted by the collar, but at least she had a book, some crossword puzzles, snacks and water.

Feeling too anxious to get up and walk to the sleeping mat in the corner, she crawled over and pulled the blanket over her, picking up her book. Maybe a few chapters would distract her from her worries.


Tony was still searching for anything on this Trix Benson, but there was hardly anything, not even a social media footprint. He had a feeling, she wasn't who she said she was, no one, not even a pretty woman like her, would ever stay away from social media.

Tony paused for a moment, realising that he thought she was pretty. Well, he couldn't deny that she wasn't, her long dark hair, framing her round face, those piercing green eyes, not to mention the tattoos. He found tattos attractive on a woman, but on her, she looked like a bad guys wet dream.

Groaning to himself, he dropped his head into his hands, moving to his desk and dropping his head to it with a thud... 'Whats wrong with you?..'.. Bruce asked him.

'Nothing..'.. Tony sighed and sat up. Why the hell did he think that of her? He was with Pepper, who he loved.

'You look guilty and sick at the same time..'.. Bruce chuckled and then stopped... 'What did you do?..'

'What makes you think I did something?..'... Tony frowned at him.

'Your face..'..

Tony scoffed, and ran a hand over his face... 'Just trying to figure out who this woman is, and why Fury used Hill to trick us. We don't know anything about her, and he wants her on the team? And she's made it clear she doesn't want to either, so why bother..'.. He shrugged, sitting back in his chair, linking his fingers behind his head.

'Nat hasn't stopped talking about her with the girls..'.. Bruce smiled, shaking his head... 'She really wants this Trix on the team, and you know what Nat is like, she won't stop until she gets what she wants..'

'That's an idea..'.. Tony clicked his fingers at Bruce and sat up again... 'Nat can go play friendly, see if she can't get any information about her, if she's hiding anything..'

'You want Nat..'.. Bruce put his tablet down, giving Tony a look... 'To go play friends with the woman, who has told you herself, she's been in the system, managed to fire people who have been moles, and doesn't seem to have any charges stick to her?..'

Tony deflated... 'Fine..'.. He thought it over... 'What if one of the guys plays friendly?..'.. He grinned... 'She stuck up for Rogers, maybe he can give it a shot..'

Bruce shook his head... 'This woman sounds smarter than you. You really think she won't know you'll play her? She knew what your favourite drink was..'

'Whos playing who?..'.. Nat walked in with Steve and Sam.

'Tony thinks you should go play being friends with this woman, and that Steve should date her..'.. Bruce tells them, before Tony got a word out, and Nat laughed.

'Tony, from what we know and seen already, this woman is two steps ahead. But damn if she isn't hot..'.. She sighed wistfully.

'What is wrong with all of you?..'.. Tony frowned at the three of them... 'Why not go piss on her leg and stake a claim..'

'Whats got you in a mood? The fact you've been out done by her, or she was right about your suit?..'.. Nat folded her arms, staring him down... 'Oh shit..'.. Nat laughed again, holding onto Steve so she didn't fall over... 'You think she's hot too..'

Bruce looked between the four of them... 'Wait..'.. He stepped forward towards them... 'What if she has a power or something? I mean, Tony's with Pepper, he wouldn't want anyone else..'

'Exactly..'.. Tony gestured to him... 'Shit..'.. He thought it over... 'What if there was something in the drinks? What if she's done something to us?..'

'She got our attention before we even had a drink the first night, and Nat didn't drink hers, neither did Wanda and Pietro, but even they think what she did was hot..'.. Sam turned to Tony... 'Maybe she didn't do anything to the drinks..'

'One way to find out..'.. Steve slipped his hands into his pockets, trying to pull his trousers loose. Talking about her, made his body feel as though he was swimming in fire... 'We go talk to her..'

'I'm not going near her..'.. Tony shook his head.

'I'll go..'... Steve shrugged... 'If I don't get anything from her, Nat can try..'

'Don't go alone, I dont trust her..'.. Tony gestured to him.

'Tony, you don't trust anyone but yourself..'.. Bruce rolled his eues and went back to work... 'You got a photo of this woman? Have you tried facial recognition?..'

'Wow Bruce, it's like you don't know me at all..'.. Tony snarked and stood up... 'I tried to get a photo of her, but it instantly wiped from my phone. I know she did something..'

'Ok, so me and Nat go. I'll try and talk with her, but maybe Nat can try to get a print off something? Or her DNA somehow?..'.. Steve suggested.

'I'll go..'.. Sam put his hand up quickly.

'What are we? In 5th grade? Put your hand down..'.. Tony pulled a face at Sam.

'Lighten up..'.. Nat nudged Tony with her shoulder... 'Better yet, go to bed or something. Don't forget the hot water bottle, ice cream and shower. When it's that time of the month, you get hangry too so make sure you eat..'

'Fuck off Romanoff..'.. Tony huffed... 'It is almost midnight anyway. Yeah, I'll try to get some rest..'.. He looked around at the others... 'Well, get out of my lab, go to bed..'

Nat smirked over at Steve, and headed out, the others following behind her... 'You need tampons or maxi pads?..'.. She looked over her shoulder at Tony, seeing him glare at her. He was too easy sometimes. She really wanted to know this Trix, the fact that she had gotten one over on Tony, she was already on Nats good side.


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