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Trix smirked, as she poured gasoline all around the cabin. She couldn't let anyone take any DNA or prints from the place if they ever tracked it down. Glancing over as Venom retreated after eating the skrull, Eddie shuddered in disgust... 'I feel sick..'.. He put a hand to his stomach and stepped outside as she chuckled.

'Did it taste like chicken or pork?..'.. She called and heard him retching.

'Its not funny. Yeah, well the bad guys I let you eat are human..'.. Even though he was talking out loud, she knew he was having a conversation with Venom... 'No, absolutely not, that's just gross..'.. She chuckled again, emptying the can, and tossing it into the middle of the room, before stepping outside.

Venom stretched out, his head coming from Eddie's back and over his shoulder... 'What are you two bitching about now?..'.. She looked between them as she pulled out a box of matches.

'Hm, she is a fine human..'.. Venom purred, and she rolled her eyes, striking three matches at once and tossing them inside, setting it alight.

'Not really human anymore V..'.. She patted Eddie on the arm... 'Let's move. We got about 5 minutes before someone spots this and they come looking. Race you back to the city..'.. She grinned... 'Loser buys dinner, meet back at my apartment..'

Eddie and Venom both grinned, as Venom took over and she shifted. The clothes weren't hers, so she didn't care. Down on all four legs, she turned her head and huffed at Venom, showing her teeth slightly. He took off and she waited a few seconds and chased him down. He may be fast, but she was better.


Daisy ran through the audio files that Trix had sent over, isolating certain details and cross reference them with the files they already had. She knew there was more to Trix than meets the eye, but she couldn't find anything, the woman was that good. What worried her, is now finding out that Hill wasn't real, but instead a skrull, something she only heard about in passing, but if these creatures, aliens could look like anyone, then what if they infiltrated her team?

The information Trix sent her, told her that those who had gifts, mutations, or had been experimented on, they couldn't be copied completely by a skrull, so that put Yo-Yo safe, though she wondered about the rest of her team. Trix suggested a high frequency, like a dog whistle, will help narrow it down as it affects skrulls. She would wait for the team to gather in a few minutes and then play the sound, hopefully, she wouldn't be shooting anyone.


'We have a huge fucking problem..'... Whistler slid into Sommers lab, seeing the others there... 'We tried to take down Drake, but he's missing. We got word, that he's interested in the rumours of a female alpha wolf, with no pack..'

'Shit..'.. Sommer turned her head to Abbys voice... 'Anyone got hold of her?..'

'No, we're all on it, to track her down. Wade said she was doing a mission with Brock, but no one has heard from either since last night..'... Whistler saw everyone stop what they were doing and head to the weapons lockers, ready to suit up. Trust that Trix had the loyalty of so many.

Sommers computer pinged and she got to work, hearing the computer voice in her comm, reading out the message that came through. Her fingers flew over the keyboard, feeling the braille letters, and then hit the space key, making the sound play. It didnt affect her, but she heard groans from two people.... 'Abby shoot them!..'.. Not seconds later, she heard two shots ring out, and everything was silent.

Tapping the same key, she stopped the recording... 'What the fuck are they?..'.. She heard one of the guys call out.

'Skrulls. They can shift to look like any one of us, but using a highwave frequency, like a dog whistle, it's like nails on a chalkboard for them I guess. Gonna need to get a hold of some whistles for you guys, just in case..'.. Sommer felt her way around the station.

'What was the message you got?..'.. Abby asked her.

'That the skrulls are after Trix, as she's one of the most sought after and influential people in the country. With her record so far, they believe she would make a good ally if they can persuade her..'.. Sommer stopped next to Abby.

'They don't know what she is though, right?..'.. Abby asked as Hannibal strolled in. She reached across and tapped the key on Sommers computer, but Han didn't react, making her at ease.

'You looking up midget porn again?..'.. He grinned across to her.

'We got a problem, aside from Drake..'.. She sighed, as Blade walked in, and stopped, staring down at the two bodies, of skrulls... 'And you're not gonna like it..'


Clint was able to slink off to his room, under the guise of needing a shower. Locking his door he slipped into the bathroom, and shutting that door too, and putting the shower on. He pulled out the burner, and called her up, hoping to get an answer, but all he got was the voicemail... 'We need to talk, now. Get your ass to the compound, shit is going down and you're a target. Call me back T..'.. He sighed, hanging up and leaning on the sink.

Trix would've known about Coulson, that woman doesn't miss a damn thing, but what got him worried, is why there is an obsession from Fury, about getting a hold of her. He shook his head and headed into his room, but stopped, seeing both Asgardians in his room... 'Figured you would stop by, she said you would..'.. He gave a wry smile, and moved to pull his desk chair out and sit down.

He pulled the chain from under his shirt, holding out the little medallion, the device she had created... 'We need to talk, and you two need to fill me in on the real truth..'

'And what truth would you think that would be?..'.. Loki folded his arms. It surprised him that Barton knew of her, but how acquainted were they? Barton was married after all.

'I've known Trix a few years, and that she's Reaper, hell I even played that role once to draw attention from her. We look out for each other, help each other..'.. Barton looked between them... 'Also know she played you both well..'.. He shook his head, chuckling at them... 'She's good at drawing you in and getting off, before kicking you to the curb..'

'It sounds as though you are familiar with that concept..'.. Loki frowned down at him.

'Nope, never been thee with her..'.. He held his hands up... 'Seriously, we need to talk so sit down..'.. He gestured to the bed, and they both took a seat on it. He told them about his meeting with Trix, earlier that morning, and in return, they told him what they knew, leaving out, exactly what she was.


Tony headed to his lab, after Friday informed him he had an urgent and important message from someone called 'flower girl'. He guessed that would be the young woman he had met earlier that day. Something big was coming, and he had no idea what it was. Him and the team needed to find out the truth, otherwise, they'd be walking in blindly.


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