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Trix was good at what she did, and that was kill. She moved through the city, with ease, with speed, taking down the robots what had come bursting from the ground.

She could tell where the heroes were, she could sense them, smell them. A few had a some minor cuts and bruises, but nothing major. As much as she wanted to make an impression, she needed to focus on the task at hand, especially now that the city was flying.

Stark and Banner were complete fucking idiots for what they had done, and this was the consequence to their actions. She didn't hold out hope that they would learn their lesson here.

Hulks roar gave her the boost she needed to keep fighting rather than duck out. Trix was adamant this was a lost cause, every one of them were going to die, so why not jump off the rock and let it happen.

That's when she heard the rumble, those familiar engines. To be fair, last time she was on one of those carriers, she had snuck on one a few years ago, keeping an eye on a certain someone. She never was one to keep her nose out of other people's shit.

People were afraid, but for the first time in a long time, they weren't afraid of her. They actually thanked her as she fought the robots, and they ran for cover, towards those lifeboat things. She rolled her eyes beneath her mask, barking orders out in Sokovian, directing them where to go. Not that she cared, but it was better for them to get out of her way than to keep thanking her.

Hearing a little cry echoing in her ear, Trix turned her head, seeing one of the heroes run off towards a child that was cowering. She stood, with her staff in hand, her eyes trained like predator, watching the whole thing, and that's when she moved. In just a blink, she had moved almost 100ft, spinning her staff and slamming the end of it to the ground. It emitted a pulse, creating a dome shield in a 10ft radius, if only for a few seconds. But those seconds counted for something.

She slowly got up off one knee, turning to the man who held the child, seeing fear and recognition in his eyes... 'Reaper..'.. He said, holding the child tight, turning them away slightly as though to protect them... 'Reaper is here..'.. One hand had touched the comm in his ear, calling out to the others.

Trix didn't say anything, but stood, walking past the other one, that had silver hair. She headed towards the edge, when she head a hard voice ring out behind her... 'Stop! You have no where else to go, you will be coming with us!..'... She turned back, and hit the button to disconnect her staff to two batons, and slid them into the holders on her back. She still didn't say a word, as Captain fucking morals stood there, with his two side kicks, staring her down.

She flipped him off, and dropped back off the edge. Being this high, no chute, the landing was really gonna hurt. She spun in the air, and tapped her device on her wrist, checking altitude. Oh yeah, this was really going to fucking hurt. She wouldn't die, but she would end up broken for a few hours. She activated her beacon, so it would send out a notification to Crick and Axel, that she was injured and needed assistance.

Weaving as best she could to avoid the debris, she couldn't help but chuckle at the looks on the heroes faces when they saw her, damn did she wish she had a camera.


After the colossal shit show, where Tony literally had to blow a city up, the team were all sat in the conference room, of the carrier, as it was heading to Cheb airport, so the survivors could disembark and receive medical attention and aid.

Steve was still stunned that Reaper was there. That man was one of their targets to take down or bring in, and for the last five years, had managed to evade every damn time. Nat wasn't concerned about bringing the guy in, she would say the guy was doing the work they couldn't do.

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