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Steve looked over at Bucky, as Tony sent out a statement, about the team doing a mission, and Hydra had taken hold of Bucky, making him the soldier again. They needed a cover, and Tony thought this would be the most believable. Bucky and Loki were going into hiding for the next three weeks, until the fight, and then make their appearance. Hoping to find any information on Reaper that they could.

Steve couldn't help but worry, that it could go wrong... 'Keep communications to a minimum, and if you find anything, come straight back..'.. Tony tells them... 'Knowing I've had moles and that woman has been in my systems, not exactly full of confidence that we can keep you hidden here..'

'I get it Stark..'.. Bucky nodded... 'Not much to do for three weeks, but I can't guarantee Loki will still be alive though..'

Sniggers broke out and Loki rolled his eyes... 'I can kill you with a snap of my fingers Barnes, it may be you that will not survive our time together..'

'Maybe this isn't a good idea..'... Sam said, looking between both surly men.

'I got $20 that says they'll be best friends in a week..'.. Nat grinned.

'Oh, I'll take that bet..'.. Sam chuckled, seeing both men scowl over to Nat.

Steve looked between them and shook his head... 'Too late to back out now. Just try not to kill each other, will you?..'

'Can I turn him into pet instead?..'.. Loki asked, mildly amused. The echo of 'no' rang out... 'You are no fun. Any other rules we should know?..'

'Stay out of trouble, out if sight. If you have to go out, then you need to alter your looks again. You can't be spotted, and don't take anyone back to the place. No killing each other, no turning anyone to pets, just no..'.. Tony folds his arms.

'So, no fun then?..'.. Bucky picked up his bag, slinging it on his shoulder.

'If we get anything we'll let you know..'.. Steve patted his shoulder.

'Shall we then?..'... Loki turned to Bucky who nodded, and Loki put a hand to his shoulder, teleporting them away to their new hideout.

'This is going to blow up on us, isn't it?..'.. Bruce asked, looking between the four of them.

'God I hope not. I just let a homicidal maniac loose on the city with Barnes, telling the world he's back to being the soldier..'.. Tony ran a hand through his hair... 'I hope we find something soon, otherwise, we're all fucked..'

'Question..'.. Sam looked around... 'What if Reaper goes after Buck, thinking he's the soldier?..'

No one said anything, no one thought about that. All they could do was hope they'd find something, anything, and soon.


Trix headed out of the city, to her little hideaway. It was in a remote location, and she had built the basement below the house. Tonight would be the first night of the full moon, and she wasn't taking any chances by staying in the city. If this worked, then she wouldn't have to worry anymore.

She had her bag on the back of her bike, containing the shots she would need, not to mention the new shock collar she had created for herself. Once it was activated, it wouldn't stop sending shock pulses through her, for ten hours. The strength of the pulses would increase through sound. So the louder she screamed, or howled, the bigger the shock.

Trix kept going, knowing she had another four hours before the sunset, she was only 20 minutes away from her place, but thankful that no one else lived close by. She didn't want to hurt anyone, especially innocents, this wasn't a life she wished on anyone.


Bucky looked around the place. It had a large open plan kitchen and living room, a bedroom either end, each with their own bathrooms. It wasn't the best place, nor was it the worst but it would do. At least he had his own room away from Loki. Picking a bedroom, he tossed his bag on the bed, dropping down next to it, looking up at the ceiling.

He hadn't been able to get her out of his head. He didn't know what it was about her, but he was drawn to her. He wanted to know everything, not to mention, live out the sexual dream he had of her last night.

'I can hear your thoughts out here..'..

Bucky took a deep breath and sat back up, shaking his head and heading back to the main room, seeing Loki had already altered the design of the room to his liking. Pretty much, green, black and silver with hints of brown... 'Bit much isn't it?..'.. Bucky gestured around, heading to the kitchen area in the left corner by the main door. He needed a drink, or a million if he had to deal with Loki.

'If we are to be here, then I would like to be comfortable. If there are any changes you would like to your room, you can ask..'.. Loki looked over to him, over the top of his book, as he sat on the plush green velvet couch.

Bucky frowned over at him.. 'Since when are you ever nice?..'.. He grabbed a glass and a bottle of bourbon, hesitating and shook his head as he grabbed a second glass, pouring them both a fair amount.

'It may surprise you Barnes, but I am not nice. I do value my life and as much as think I would like to wear that arm around my neck, I would rather not find myself at the end of your wrath..'... Bucky paused again, letting the words sink in and he shifted on his feet.

'It was a joke Barnes, no need to take it so personally..'.. Loki flipped his page... 'We both know you are enamoured with a certain wild woman. Though it is strange..'.. He put his book down as Bucky walked over, handing him a glass, and taking the chair opposite.

'What is?..'.. Bucky took a bug gulp, trying to brush past Lokis comment.

'You feel as though you are drawn to her, but so were the others. Rogers, Wilson, Thor and Stark. As was I..'.. Loki shook his head... 'It was as though it was a sexual hunger..'.. Those last words were a murmur but Bucky heard him, and nodded, staring off. That was true, he felt that.

'Think shes got some sort of power or something? Still can't believe she got one over on Stark..'.. Bucky chuckled, shaking his head at the memory. Tony gaping like a fish as she had smirked and swanned off behind her door... 'I don't know how she does it, and now knowing Fury wants her to join us, maybe it's not a good idea..'

'Why? Do you not believe you can control yourself around her if she did?..'.. Loki asked, taking a mouthful of his drink as a small table appeared at his side for him to put his drink down.

'Not that. More of I think Stark would throttle her for the stunt she's pulled..'.. Bucky tilted his head either side, thinking about it.

'From our visit alone, I can see she is a wild soul. I do not believe for a moment, that she cannot handle herself. She is very intriguing..'.. Loki picked up his book again, his attention on it, but his mind on the dark haired beauty with a black soul.


Steve stood in shower, letting the water run over him, as he washed away the aches. He had gone too hard in the gym again, but he needed to taken his mind off of someone. How can one person, consume his thoughts after only seeing her twice? What was it about her, that made him want to have all these inappropriate thoughts?

He shook his head, turning the water colder, but it wasn't helping, he was still erect and he couldn't make it go away. It had been a while since he took care of himself this way, but then again, it had been over 70 years since a woman made him lustful, but this woman, he wanted to watch her break beneath him. Gritting his teeth, and mentally cursing himself as images of her writhing beneath him burned into his mind, he took hold of his erection, and stroked to the thoughts of her screaming his name.


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