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Nat caught her breath, her hands on her hips as Sam laid on the floor of the training room out of breath from their sparring session... 'You think we'll be able to catch Reaper?..'.. He panted, turing his head to look at her.

'I don't know..'.. She looked over to the two soldiers, still going at it as they trained. It had been six weeks since Sokovia, Clint had gone home, and the twins and Vis were on probation. They had all moved upstate to the new compound, but no major missions have come up, only small ones.

'Tony is adamant of finding them. I mean, we've been trying to track them down since SHIELD, but we never got close. Whoever it is, they're really good..'.. She walked over, holding a hand out to help him up to his feet.

'You think it's true? Reaper is a woman?..'.. He asked, bracing himself on his knees.

'Again, I don't know. But I see what Vis meant, so it's possible. None of the kills have been innocents, that much we do know..'.. She let out a sigh, shaking her head... 'No offence to you guys, but this team needs more women, too many dicks not enough vagina..'

Sam laughed out loud, shaking his head... 'You just want a playmate..'

Nat rolled her eyes... 'Wanda is nice, but she still had a way to go to get some rough edges. Yeah, sometimes we kill when we fight, but I don't think she has it in her to do that..'

'True. This isn't an easy job, but having her and Pietro here, keeps them safe from anyone who would want to use them again..'.. Sam walked over to the bench, grabbing his bottle of water and sitting down.

'Boss wants everyone to the conference room in 10 minutes..'.. Friday's voice rings out.

'You heard her, let's go boys..'.. Nat headed out, leaving the three there.

'I agree with Red, Reaper doesn't seem to be targeting anyone who doesn't deserve it..'.. Bucky headed over to Sam, unwrapping his good hand.

'Reaper is a killer, no matter how you try to justify it Buck..'.. Steve follows, and unwraps one hand.

Bucky stops what he's doing, giving Steve a passive look... 'And what about when I was the soldier? I killed people, innocents..'

'You didn't have control Buck. Reaper does, there's a difference..'.. Steve says and Bucky scoffs, shaking his head.

'So let me get this straight. I can get away with what the soldier did, because I had no control, killing people, good people in the name of Hydra, who wanted to take over and control the world, but Reaper is stopping those like Hydra, and should be condemned for it, because they choose to do what others can't?..'.. Bucky finishes unwrapping and stuffs it in his bag, a little pissed at Steve.


'No..'.. He picks it up, and slings it over his shoulder as he turns back to Steve... 'I see it differently. Yeah, killing is bad, but if Reaper didn't do what they were doing, how many more innocents would've been hurt, or killed? How many lives have they saved by taking out the bad guys? How is it any different to what we do?..'.. He shook his head and walked out the room, the door banging shut behind him.

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