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The whole team watched the news the following day, not one of them saying a word at what was being reported. At exactly 12pm that day, it would seem that every news station in the US, received the same video message, from Reaper. It had been broadcasted on every station, and the government was in an uproar about it, not to mention, Tony had received many calls and messages, needing the team to basically find out what the fuck happened.

Tony had no answer, for anyone, not yet, but he had a copy of the message, pulling it up on the screen for the team to see.

'Hello America..'.. The voice was clearly using a device to alter how they spoke... 'I'm sure you all know who I am by now, but don't worry, I'm not a threat to the people, well, not those who are innocent...

For everyone else, those who commit heinous crimes, are involved in criminal activities, your names are on my list. I have accessed every criminal file in the states, and those of serious nature, I am coming for you...

But first, some good news..'.. The voice chuckled... 'Hydra is no more, not in America..'.. The image changed from Reaper, to files, documents, videos, surveillance photos of those who were involved. It flicked through quite quickly, also showing the fall of the Triskilion... 'Many tried to rebuild, but failed. I am a killer, but only of those who would harm your freedom, your lives..'.. The voice spoke over the images.

'Your government had tried to capture me, but never succeeded, but here is a game for you Mr president..'.. Reaper came back on screen... 'Do the right thing, for your people, and I will unmask myself. They need to be pulled out of poverty, equal rights for all minorities. Save the vetrans, the children. Bring in a tax for the rich, and use that money to help save this country. I have many more suggestions, which you will receive, but my questions are as follows..'

Reaper leaned closer to the camera, tilting the head... 'What is more important to you right now, this country and its people, or lining yours, and your friends pockets? Did you know, you have rats in your house right now? I'm coming for them Mr president, and I will stand before you when I do. My last question..'.. Reaper stood straight... 'Do you want your name added to my list, or will you do the right thing?..'

The video ended, and Tony ran a hand over his face, as he sat back.. 'I have no fucking clue on what to do..'

'Reaper admitted to being a killer, threatened people and the president..'.. Rhodes turned to him... 'Tell me you got something Tony, cause right now, the senate want you all hauled in. They know Fury asked you to track this guy down, and it's been four months..'

'What do you want me to say Rhodey?..'... Tony's voice came out a little louder than needed... 'I have nothing in Reaper. We had somewhat of a lead, but you want to go speak to this woman, go ahead..'.. Tony gestured to the door, feeling overwhelmed.

Rhodey looked down at the file in front of him, holding all the information, Tony had on Trix Benson. Maybe he had to come clean... 'We know about her Tony..'.. Rhodey sighed, pushing the file away... 'She's under the presidents protection..'

'What?..'.. Steve stared across at Rhodey.

'She came across the DODs radar years ago, and we have her work, how she works, on a few conditions. We don't get involved, don't make a scene, and she sends us information on high priority targets. She doesn't kill, but those she's hurt have come close to dying. She does it a little too well..'.. Rhodey shook his head.

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