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The following morning, Loki still hadn't spoken much, he was trying to read any of the men, to know which one it was, that was her alpha, but the power dampening was still in place, Starks point that anyone with powers could walk in, undetected, so he wanted to ensure no one could.

Loki wondered if it was Stark, but the man was determined to find Banner, Barton and Barnes, bring them back. He glanced to the captain and his sidekick, Wilson, before assessing Vision and Pietro. He really couldn't tell who it was, they were playing it very well.

'Boss, you have a visitor in the lobby. They would like to speak with you..'..

Everyone looked to Tony, stopping what they were doing... 'Who is it?..'.. Tony swiped at his screen, pulling up the cameras to see.

'Dr Stephen Strange, he has a message from Trix..'..

'Give me a run down on the guy, send him up..'.. Tony watched the screen, as files about the man came up and he flicked through, finding nothing unusual.

'Who is the guy?..'.. Ross asked, peeking over Tony's shoulder.

'No one that flags up in the system..'.. Tony sighed, looking over to Steve... 'Don't let your guard down, we don't know what he wants..'

'I want answers..'.. Steve said, moving to stand near the elevator, Sam and Nat coming to his sides, while Wanda, Vision and Pietro, stood opposite. Thor and Loki were stood a little further away, watching.

'We all want answers..'.. Tony tapped away... 'Hes not got any weapons on him, but he's looking at the camera, smirking..'.. Tony pulled a face... 'Hes weird, I'll say that..'

The elevator opens, and they all see a man, dressed casually, jeans, jacket and a red scarf around his neck. Nat thought he was kinda cute, that little smirk on his lips, she knew the guy had an ego.

'Flattered at the welcome..'.. Even his voice was smooth as he spoke, and Nat swallowed at the dryness in her mouth... 'She said you'd all be on edge..'.. He pulled out a phone, and called a number, placing it on speaker.

'You messed up already?..'.. They heard Trix ask.

'Not at all, but they look as if they're ready to pounce on me..'.. He chuckled, looking around at them all... 'You were right, he does have the power dampening on..'

'Where's Bucky and the others?..'.. Steve stepped forward.

'Right here pal..'.. Bucky says.

'And us..'.. They here Barton... 'We're fine guys..'

'Yes, they're alive and well, and still human for those of you who are wondering..'.. Trix tells them... 'Stark, deactivate the power dampening, this is a conversation best suited face to face..'

Tony frowned, moving from the table to the man, Strange holding the phone up... 'You're here?..'

'Not exactly, but I can be, if you deactivate it..'.. Her voice was filled with amusement... 'I'm starting to think you miss me Stark..'

Tony rolled his eyes, huffing irritably... 'Friday, deactivate power dampening..'.. He glared at the man... 'You make any movements, I'll throw you out a window..'

Strange smirked at him, hanging up the phone, and slipping it into his pocket... 'Can't bring her here if I can't move..'.. But he still waved his hands, creating a portal and chuckling at the stunned looks on their faces. The portal was to the small clearing behind her house, not wanting the team to see it.

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