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The next day, the team gathered again, this time in the conference room. Tony had been up all night, ranting and raving as he spent hours in his system, looking for anything that had been taken. He had destroyed Steve, Sam and Nats phones, taking one of his wrenches and just smashing them up. It was clear he was angry, that even after the phones were broken, he wasn't letting up hitting them until they were almost dust.

Everyone knew to stay clear for the night, not even Pepper went near him... 'So what did you find?..'.. Tony turned his seat to Sam, his tone still angry.

'Spoke with the detectives, Diaz and Carlton. They didn't say anything bad about this Trix, only that she creates a lot of paperwork, but..'.. Sam sighed... 'They didn't outright say it, but they're glad she does what she does, however she does it. These guys she takes down, are some real nasty people..'

'Detective Diaz has known her a long time, years. He trusts her, and doesn't believe she's a bad person, he admires her, like a father would a child, but they're not related..'.. Wanda carries on... 'He cares about her. He worries that Reaper or someone else will get to her, and hurt her, or worse..'

'The fight last night, they had a tip it was happening. He muttered that he hoped she wasn't there, but he had called her before. He seemed relieved, but told her he wanted that footage?..'.. Pietro looked over to Tony.

'So, this woman clearly had a lot of pull somehow if her charges keep getting dropped..'.. Steve huffs. He wouldn't say it out loud, ever, but last night he had barely slept, the dark haired beauty had plagued him, that he ended up having four showers during the night, trying to tamper his thoughts, and if he didn't focus right now, he would have to rush off for another one.

He heard chuckling and looked down the table, noticing Loki was watching him, and he let out an irritated breath... 'Stay out of my head Loki..'

'When you are screaming thoughts like that Captain, it is hard..'.. Loki emphasised the word... 'To stay out of your head. Though you are not the only one thinking of her like that..'

'She is intoxicating..'.. Thor was staring off, clearly not really listening to the meeting.

'Brother, do join us back in the room..'.. Loki kicked Thor under the table... 'I have been thinking it over, with what we know of her. It is possible she is a Harpie..'

Everyone looked between the two brothers, Thors eyes going wide as he sat up straight... 'Harpies have not existed for a long time..'.. Thor cleared his throat.

'Succubus then..'.. Loki rolled his eyes... 'For her strength and speed, as well as her appeal, what could she possibly be?..'

'Were she a succubus, I do not think she would have let us leave that night..'.. Thor waves a hand... 'Though you would have more experience with one than I..'.. Thor chuckled at Loki... 'She would have killed you, had I not appeared..'

Loki scowled at his brother... 'Absolutely not, I knew what she was, and I had it taken care of..'

'Taking her up against the throne, does not count..'..

'Are you two done?..'... They whip around, seeing Tony give them an incredulous look... 'What are you on about? Harpie? Succubus? These things from your world or something?..'

Loki goes on to explain what they are, and how Trix could be one, but Thor disagrees... 'The Succubus does not have the ability to sway more than one man at a time. And a Harpie does not enchant men. They also do not bleed red..'

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