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She stood in Maximoffs bathroom, completely naked still and rinsed her mouth out. God those things were vile, it was like trying to drink battery acid. Trix shuddered at the thought, and then stepped out of the bathroom, rummaging through the girls clothes for anything suitable. The shoes were too small but that was fine, Trix didn't mind being barefoot.

'What the fuck?..'... She chuckled at him as she pulled on a pair of jeans. She hated being commando, but it wasn't like she would be in these clothes for long either.

'Enjoying the view Stark?..'... She grabbed the tshirt, and turned to him, her breasts on show as she grinned at him, before pulling it over her head.

'What the hell was that about?..'.. He remained in the open doorway, gesturing back down the hall.

'Took out three skrulls, sounds like you're complaining..'... She shrugged, and brushed past him, heading back to where the jet was. She heard him huff and then follow after her.

'If you're planning anything, we have a right to know..'.. He was pissed, she could tell.

'You tell yourself that Stark..'.. She chuckled again, knowing she was winding him up. She kept walking, not sparing a glance to Banner or Romanoff as they joined the main room, from the labs. The widow had her wrist wrapped, and a scowl on her beautiful face... 'Keep that look, and your face will be stuck that way Romanoff..'.. Trix kept going, down the other hallway that led back outside.

'Is it broken?..'.. Tony asked Nat, as they fell into step with him, Trix pretty much out the door at that point.

'No, sprained. I swear it was like punching a wall..'... Nat was pissed, Tony could tell.

'Whats wrong with you? Why did you hit her?..'.. He asked, glancing back ahead and seeing she was gone.

She's pissing me off. She's hiding something, we don't know the full story here Tony, Fury is missing and Hill. Some random woman shows up here, who we don't know...'.. Nat gestured to outside... 'We need to know. She's got Clint in her pocket amd Bucky as well..'

'Maybe she's not telling us, to keep us safe..'.. Bruce suggested, and Nat narrowed her eyes at him.

'Not you as well..'.. She threw her hands up and kept walking.


Steve watched Bucky and Clint, seeing the two of them share knowing looks, though neither one said much, as the others filled Ross in. Steve could see the man was unsure whether to believe them or not, but considering there were now three dead skrulls on the ship, there wasn't much else proof to their words.

'Werewolves? Really?..'.. Ross had his hands on his hips, looking at each one of them.

'She turned into a dog, and you still don't believe it?..'.. Pietro chuckled. Steve didn't know why the speedster was finding all of this funny. If what Trix said was true, it really wasn't a laughing matter.

'I think Ross just wants to see me naked again..'... They all turn, seeing Trix walk out in a tshirt and jeans, her feet bare as she grinned at them all.

'Those are mine..'.. Wanda pointed to Trix.

'Yep, and don't worry I'm not wearing your underwear..'.. Trix patted Wandas arm as she passed, stopping next to Clint, folding her arms... 'Mercy..'.. She said, and the other woman reappeared, right next to Sam who flinched.

'Don't do that..'.. He huffed, shuffling away from her, and she laughed.

'Aw, don't be scared, I don't bite, not unless you tell me to..'.. Mercy blew him a kiss.

'Who are you?..'.. Ross gestured to Mercy.

'She's an old friend. Anyway, you up to speed?..'.. Trix asked him.

'Still trying to wrap my head around it all..'.. Ross rubbed his forehead.

'Well, I'm a werewolf..'.. Trix pointed to herself... 'I was human but got scraped, now I turn into a four legged puppy. Vampires exist, and the daddy of them all Dracula, who goes by the name Drake, is working with Hydra creating super soldiers, and turning them to fangs. Skrulls are infiltrating governments because they want to take over this world, as does Drake and his lot. Soon to be a war between the two, humanity will be the casualties. Getting it now?..'

'What side are you on?..'.. Ross glared at her.

'My own. Skrulls want me because of how good I am, but they don't know what I am. Drake wants me, to turn me into a hybrid, and create more of his army. I like my life, thanks..'.. Trix shrugged... 'I'm a villain Ross, I took down Hydra, made sure Pierce is really gone this time. I have no remorse for those I kill because they deserve it. But don't for a second think I'll play hero here..'.. She took a few steps forward to him... 'If it ever came down to it, I will sacrifice whoever necessary to stop this war, including this lot..'.. She waved a hand about, indicating the team.

'Like that doesn't fill me with confidence..'.. Sam snarked.

'That's the difference between me and you Wilson, you would try to save everyone, and in doing so, you lose more. I don't hesitate to do whatever needs to be done..'.. She smirked at him.

'What I want to know..'... Nat joins them outside with Tony and Bruce, glaring at Trix... 'Is what you've done with those two?..'.. She gestured to Clint and Bucky, standing behind Trix.

'She's not done anything Nat..'.. Clint sighed... 'I trust her, with my life, with my kids lives. If I have to die for them to live, I'd hand her a gun and let her do it..'

'That's dark..'.. Steve muttered... 'Buck?..'

Bucky shrugged... 'I get what she's doing. If you can't trust her, then I'm walking with her..'.. Bucky nodded to Trix.

'Are you serious?..'.. Tony threw his hands up... 'That's great, the team is being split. Is this what you wanted?..'.. Tony steps towards Trix, but both Bucky and Clint move to stand in front of her, along with the new woman.

'What I wanted, you wouldn't give me. Shame really, if only you had control over me. I highly suggest you all find somewhere safe. As soon as this jet takes off, they're blowing the compound..'.. Trix turns back to Ross... 'Go with them, they're gonna need your help..'.. She looks to Tony... 'Daisy and I will be in touch, so go grab whatever shit you need, and get out of here..'.. She starts walking off, towards the garage... 'Merce, let's go..'

Steve watches as the one called Mercy wiggles her fingers at them all, and heads off after Trix, Clint and Bucky follow too... 'Buck you can't be serious?..'

'I am pal. Go with Stark and the others, they'll need your help. See you around..'.. Bucky caught up with the others, the four of them walking together.

'Uh, I'm sorry..'.. Steve turns, and sees Bruce holding his hands up, and walking backwards... 'I need answers..'

'Bruce, don't..'.. The look of sadness in Nat, as Bruce gave her a small smile before turning and jogging off to catch up with the others, Steve could tell that really hurt her.

'Anyone else want to abandon us?..'.. Tony's tone was clear he was angry, but no one else moved... 'Good, pack your shit and get out of here. Meet at the old tower..'.. Tony ushered them all inside, and shook his head, as he turned to Steve... 'What the fuck do we do now?..'

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