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Trix slid the small box across to Thor, and pulled on her jacket... 'Its a small device, looks like a pendant, sort of power dampening, so hope it works..'.. She shrugged, as he opened it, and slipped it over his head... 'Keep it hidden. If you're gonna tell your brother, be sure to add in, that if he opens his mouth, or let's the Witch read him, I'll kill him..'

Thor chuckled. She wasn't a bad person, not really. He could see she was different from those of her kind he had met before, she was a protector, and understood why she killed... 'You have my word, I will keep him in line..'.. He tucked it under his armour.

'Good. I mean, the sex was great, especially when he used his magic to prolong the orgasms..'.. She grinned at him... 'You're not so bad either..'

He laughed again, and shook his head... 'If you ever choose a mate, I hope he can satiate your appetite. I am still tired from last night..'

'Count yourself lucky you're a god, and not human..'.. She gestured to the front door with her chin... 'Get going, they'll be wondering where you are..'

'I know better than to ask what you will be doing, but I hope to never cross your path when you are on a mission. I would hate to fight against you..'... Thor picked up his hammer.

'Uh uh..'.. She wagged a finger at him... 'Starting to sound like you care, so don't..'

He nodded to her and pulled the door open, stepping outside and down the short steps. He watched as she pulled the door behind her, and heard a click, as though it locked by itself... 'Will you be returning to the city? I know my brother would like to see you again..'

Trix rolled her eyes... 'Ok, listen up Zeus..'..

'My name is Thor..'... He gave her a frown, amd she shook her head. He was good looking, too nice for her, but she wondered if he had more than one ball of tumbleweed in that head of his.

'Yeah, I know. Look, you're nice, adorable even, like a golden retriever, but I'm a hellhound kind of woman. Don't look for any redeeming qualities in me, I have none. I'm a bad person, a villain, and always will be, got it?..'.. She pointed and stared at him until he nodded... 'You're all heroes, because you want to save people, crave the attention and limelight of it all. It bolsters you, makes you believe you're doing the right thing..'

She took a few steps to him... 'Did you know, about 400,000 kids go missing in this country, every year? That there are over half a million people, homeless in the states? Or how about, that there are over 50,000 people in this state alone, who have committed terrible crimes, and they got away with it? Slap on the wrist or fines instead of really being punished for it? Their victims, the families of those victims, never seeing justice?..'

Thor swallowed hard, and remained where he was. He could see the fire of her anger, burning in her eyes... 'I do, what needs to be done, for those who go missing, unseen and unheard. You lot, just go where you're told to go, make the government look good. Tell me, your highness..'.. She jab a finger to his chest... 'When was the last time you really saved someone, not because of the glory of it, but for knowing, it was the right thing to do? To know you would give your life, for a complete stranger, that their life mattered, more than yours? Tell me, have you ever been selfless?..'

Thor thought it over, and the last time he could think, was years ago, when his father had cast him out, and he gave himself up to the destroyer. Since then, he had been selfish, he had followed the orders of others, and she was right, the government did dictate what they did.

'Uh..'.. He cleared his throat... 'You are not a villain, I do not believe that..'

'Its what everyone sees, and I'll gladly wear the title, if it means I don't follow the rules you have. For once your highness, think outside the box you're in. You're from a world that has an army that can decimate this planet if you wanted, so why, when the wars and battles have been so great, putting this world on the brink of extinction..'.. She folded her arms, tilting her head... 'Have you not brought them here to assist? Bring order and peace?..'

He was stumped silent over her words... 'We're part of the nine realms, right?..'.. He nodded... 'So, Asgard is meant to protect, every realm? Keep the peace?..'.. He nodded again... 'Then where were you, when it was needed? Who makes the choices, of allowing it to happen? To not step in, and save the people? Is it because we don't matter, or that you couldn't be bothered to?..'

Thor felt the heavy weight of her words. She was right, there were wars that Asgard could've stopped, could've assisted this world and its people... 'I am sorry. I know my words may mean nothing to you-..'

'Its not me that needs the apologies your highness, its the people who have suffered, because someone couldn't get off his ass, and protect the realms like he's supposed to do..'.. She wagged a finger at him... 'When you become king, I expect you yo do a better job than him. Believe me, if I could go there, I'd happily remove him from the throne, he's not fit to be king, if he leaves his people to suffer, because he finds us inconsequential..'

She turned and headed to her bike, getting on... 'Tell me..'.. She started her bike l, and looked over to him... 'You're a Prince of Asgard, do you plan on being at the beck and call of a government, that pulls on your puppet strings, or are you going to show them, who you really are? You're not an avenger, you're not a hero..'.. She smirked over at him... 'You're a God, you bow to no mans orders..'

Thor watched as she sped off, leaving a cloud of dust behind her as she became nothing more than a speck in the distance. He thought over everything she said, he had changed, become something he never intended to be, a hero for Midgard. But the more he thought about it, the more it troubled him.

He really wasn't a hero, he was just for show, the whole team was. They always went where they were told to go, cleaning up after the government, when there were so many people who really needed their help. Trix was a hero, whether she saw it or not. What she was doing, helped more people, than the whole team combined.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he took off, flying back to the compound. He really needed to talk to Loki.


Tony sat in his car, down the road, and watched the people going in and out of the bar. He was going to find out the truth, no matter what. The others had tried to dissuade him, but he had to know, why was Fury fixated on this woman becoming part of the team? Why was she under the presidents protection? Was she really Banners daughter?

So many unanswered questions, but he wasn't leaving, until he had answers. Settling in as comfortably as he could, he glanced at his watch, checking the time. He didn't have any missions coming up, so he had nothing else to do. Well, he could work on his relationship with Pepper, but she was thw one that left. No one knew, but he would give her time, and wait. He hoped she would come back, but given the choice, of continuing on as Ironman, or giving it up, there was no question.


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