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Trix sat on a stool that Barnes had grabbed from the bar, and all four of the guys stood with her, Barnes and Banner one side, Barton and Strange the other. She chuckled, seeing Stark glare as if trying to convey his anger at her for curing him. Oh, it was adorable, letting him think he was the actual alpha, as if she would ever let him control her. Only one other knew the truth, the real alpha, and he was playing it perfectly. Trix knew she chose right, he made it clear he was only doing this to protect the people he cared about, whatever it took, even if it meant sacrificing a few of the team.

'Oh, don't pout Stark..'.. Trix stuck her bottom lip out, mocking him... 'You'll get more frown lines that way..'.. She wagged a finger at him... 'And as for you Romanoff, this is your one and only warning..'.. Trix smiled sweetly... 'You so much as try and fail, to hurt me again, I won't hesitate to turn you into my obedient omega pet..'.. Her tone turned harsh... 'That or my chew toy, depends on my mood..'.. She saw the woman gulp and step back, Rogers making sure to move in front as though to protect her.

'Yeah, I'm not working with you..'.. Stark rolled his eyes.

'That's fine, your choice there Stark, but don't expect me to save your ass when either side gets a hold of you..'.. Trix rested her arms on her crossed legs, smirking at him... 'Though, it will be fun to see you beg for my help, mmmm..'

Clint couldn't stop the smirk from coming to him, and noticed Nat narrow her eyes on him and he shrugged... 'Glare at me all you want Nat, but you're forgetting, I was sent to kill you, and I made a different call, cause I saw something in you. You were a target, an assassin fresh from the red room. Every agency wanted you dead. I saw who you really were Nat, and I trusted you then, and I trust you now. I'm asking you to do the same for me..'.. He took a step closer to Trix... 'I trust her with my family Nat, with my life, with all of yours..'

'Why?..'... Nat threw her arms up... 'What exactly is between you two? Why does she have your loyalty, that you would abandon us for her? Why does she have on you Clint, cause this is fucked up..'.. She gestured to him, and he didn't say anything, making her scoff.

'She's won't drop it..'.. Trix shrugged at him.

'No..'.. He cut her off... 'I said no Trix..'

'Sadly for you..'.. She pointed at him and stood... 'You're not my alpha, you can't give me orders Barton..'.. She clicked her tongue, and turned to Nat... 'Barton has something important of mine, and I trust him with it. That alone, is enough for him to give me his loyalty Romanoff..'

'What is it?..'.. Rogers asked, looking between the two, seeing a flash of sadness cross Trixs' face, and worry in Bartons.

'Nothing you need to worry about Captain. Now, I'm aware that Daisy has been in touch, and you'll co-ordinate your attack on the base the same time they'll cause a distraction. I have other teams all around the world, ready and prepared to go, the moment Daisy's programme goes live, they'll all strike at the same time, taking down as many skrulls as possible..'... Trix looked around at them all... 'You'll find the humans they're copying at the base, so as soon as you can, run a face recog on them all, so Fridau can notify the rest of the teams..'

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