Chapter 2

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After they all had their meal , everyone was now getting curious as to why this family dinner was held , especially when not all are Craig's .

" So what is it my dear , for you to have all of us tonight ? "Mrs. Craig  asked and the man smiled before looking at everyone except the woman in red and he then glanced at the man beside Mrs. Craig and sighed while the older man creased his eyebrows.

" Well , thanks for coming together as a family but I have got nothing to say rather than show you ......

" So We're here for a show now brother , huh ! " Maria scoffed and Mrs. Craig banged the table angrily .

" Maria , be quite and behave yourself don't shame yourself around here little kid , show some respect you aren't alone , take a look around you closely "  she was now breathing heavily as anger flashes on her eyes , the insolent child was riling her up .

" Calm down Evelyn , she's just a kid not that you don't know her " the older man beside Mrs. Craig spoke slowly caressing her hands.

" Don't try to defend her Grey Craig , is she your accomplice " and that shut down Mr. Craig's mouth himself and Evelyn turned to her son and nodded.

" I need everyone to sit comfortably and see whatever am going to show you , mind you all no anyone is allowed to speak until the show is done " , they all watched him in wonder .

" Enjoy the show " he clapped his hand and the light went off then a projecting light came from projector and a video started playing .

A man and a woman broke from their hug and they Kissed slowly before taking a break leaning their foreheads together .

A woman in red flinched that was her , and the whole room gasped too because of the man on the video , they all glanced at the man who lowered his head while the woman fidgeted so hard , sweat forming to her face as she stole glances to Garen who sat there quietly watching the show .

" Now this is interesting " Maria mumbled as she smirked looking at the woman in  red dress whom now held her small showing bump and she seemed out of all the control god ever gave her .

" I missed you so  much " the man spoke and the woman  smiled , " I do too but we have to focus Gareth we have a mission to complete "

The woman now walked toward the vase that settled on the table and caressed the flowers it held .

" Femy has to go away , I need to be with Garen for us , for our future you know " she spoke and Gareth lowered his head looking to the ground before rubbing his forehead and then walked to her .

" You know she didn't do it and there's nothing to prove that she did it ....this will not work "

" Yes , it will Gareth I have everything in place and my plans are in motion just be calm and trust me ...we will not fail "

Her hands were now holding his face and then placed a haste kiss on his lips.

" Gareth is a tough man Mia , he trusts Femy so much do you think he will believe you  ? "  he asked unsure of whatever the woman before him planned.

" I know Femy very well and Garen too though not mostly but for the little I have am going to create a havoc and make my path forward , just trust me " .

Mia then leaned and kissed him again and he responded .

Then the video switched to another one   everyone had that reaction of what the heck is going on here.

" Come on you have to stop it , Femy will go to jail , Mia " Gareth spoke seething his teeth as soon as he spotted Mia walking into the room and she smiled walking to him.

" Calm down will you , ofcourse she will go to jail and that's my plan but am not executing it , am I ? " she asked innocently before sitting beside him .

" Do you realise that she might be sentenced to death and how the hell did you fake all of the evidences ? " Gareth couldn't contain himself as guilty and fear consumed him but the vixen beside him was all way proud and consoling him .

" Quit with your nervousness Reth , even if she's going to die , isn't it worth it ? " , Reth looked at her as if she growed two heads .

" Well I think this is too much , we don't have to hurt her like this for us to have all the properties to ourselves , am sure there must be another way , she's your sister for God's sake " 

Mia frowned instantly ,  " Well just to remind you , she's not my sister to begin with and for every success there must be a sacrifice and i don't mind her being one , do you ? "

Gareth's hands went onto his hairs ruffling them in frustration.

" Or is there something going on between you two that I don't smell it ? " Mia accused him instantly and he gaped looking at her .

" No , I wouldn't dare have a thing with Femy am just thinking that it's too much for her, did you see how she looked back there in court , she was so dead that I couldn't stop feeling that am responsible " he explained .

" Well quit with the empathy and make love to me , what's done is done , we're not going back to squire one while I worked hard for this step , so take it all and gulp it down your throat , shut down that asshole of a man and be a real one instead of acting cowardly  "

She spoke calmy but rage filled her eyes and whole body and Reth nodded before slamming his lips into hers and they started to make love.

Now most close their eyes in shame while Mia sobbed not believing that whatever she was hiding was now all revealed to the family .

" Mia what's that ? " a woman's voice came slowly and her face in tears .

" Well that's your adopted daughter , ruining your biological daughter's life , how fascinating " Maria spoke gritting her teeth while everyone gulped down .

Evelyn glanced at the man who sat quietly looking all ashamed and then to Mia , she wanted to kill both of them.

" We're not done here and the rule is quiteness , Maria be warned and everybody else " his voice came so hard and cold.


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