Chapter 65

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" You're going to tell me each and everything Rayson " Agatha demanded after they had made sure that Femy was alright and we'll tended to her medical treatment in Ray's mansion .

" Can I at least have a look at my engineer's work ,mom " he spoke folding his sleeves to his elbow but his mother was not buying the excuse at all .

"No Ray ,he's done magnificent job he did sent you the pictures be a good boy and tell me or go back to your father and am taking her back to Garen " she yelled and that got his attention . Of course he came for her but seeing Femy intrigued something else .

He sat on the edge of the bed as he sighed rubbing his hand on his face as Agatha heaved waiting for a positive answer .

" I and Femy met Australia in jail " he started as Agatha gasped closing her mouth .

" You've been to Jail ? " She asked surprised ,never in her life she ever heard that her only son jailed .

" That's another part mom but yes I did after having some drug issues in my way " he added as Agatha narrowed her brows ,has she really lose that one innocent boy .

" You got into drugs Rayson " she whispered this time tears on her eyes ready to fall down .

" Don't give me that look mom , I was stupid back then but got me closer to her " he spoke looking at his watch .

" This is not over but you tell me about her first " Agatha insisted giving him a hard glare . Ray sighed looking at his mother ,he was definitely not saved from her wrath this time .

"She walking on a life sentence ,I met her in a devil's room the called it ...that's where they would torture a life out of a person ,most died in there and whom survive lived a day on their normal cell but she survived " .

" She came out of devil's room three times a week carried as her body bloodied the floor , took sometime cleaning the floor too , I became close to her as I was appointed one day in carrying her beaten up body back to her cell , they didn't kill her that's what I thought was never their intention ,just a torture " .

" I ensure to have a look at her every now and then and as usual I had to clean the floor and some time tend to her wounds ,she used to say something mostly not a murderer " .

" She's always said that like trying to take a prayer into her heart and something else captured me back then , a name . She mentioned a name even in her sleep .....Garen " .

" I became curious about that Garen and her story ,it was obvious a murder case held her in there and I wanted to get her out , I had seen her beautiful soul when she was not beaten and on her sense , we made a very good friend until dad took me out of there and I was still determined to take her with me but she wasn't there when I came back for her , she was gone "

" Someone told me she went insane and that ringed a dangerous bell on my ears ,she was just fine except for the pain the guards inflicted on her "he added .

" You wanted to make an escape for her ! " Agatha surprisingly asked raising her eyebrows and he noddes .

" I would do anything for her mom " he spoke .

A moment of silent .

" And since I have found her ,am not letting her go at all " he added as Agatha sighed knowing whatever this is ,nothing is going to end well .

Femy being sleepy as she is , memories crossed her mind on the darkness that trapped her .

Femy collected her flowers and ready to leave the boutique shop ,many as they were hard for her to handle by herself ,she cursed this day but there was nothing she could do ,today was the day for her parents anniversary and both her sister and herself wanted to make their parents day special .

Mia went busy with the other decoration on a reserved ground just behind their house , they surely wanted something special to remind their parents of their special day in their life .

And that's when she pumped to a hard chest as she struggles to carry all the flowers in her small hands .

" Ouch " she exclaimed as some flower fell and both her and the man went in their knees to pick some .

" Am sorry " the man spoke with his baritone voice , his cologne hit her nostrils and travelled down her spine making her inside churn ,this man smelled good .

" It's okay " she responded as her eyes met the beautiful eyes she's ever seen and for a moment she got lost on them same as he when she remembered how busy she was for the day .

"I have to go "

" Let me help some " he responded taking some flowers from her hands .

Walking outside ,she was surprised to see guards and luxurious car just behind hers but she didn't care for the owner this was a famous boutique shop .

Placing them in the back seat , she smiled to the man as she went for the door when the man caught her hand .

" I would like to treat a coffee for the commotions " he spoke and she smiled .

"It's okay ,don't worry " she responded blushing ,this man was a semi god perhaps .

" I insist " he added and she nodded ,taking the business card ge was offering .

With that he stepped aside and she walking inside the car and drove off with hi beautiful face in her mind ,for a minute she wished for a future with him .

She picked up a card as she slowed down near their house and looked at the initials

Garen Hades Craig

" Garen Craig " his name rolled smoothly on her lips as a smile plastered on her face .

" Garen ,Garen " she sing whispered as she got of the car and collected the flowers .

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