Chapter 97

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" Promise me you're going to come back alive " Femy whispered their heads in contact .

" I promise I will " he whispered back and slammed his lips to her hardly as if he was saying goodbye . She felt it he just promised her but he was not sure about coming back alive .

He smiled at her before going down on his knees and caressed her stomach then looked at her face .

" It will be. Rays " he mumbled and she smiled with fear . He was just naming his child ,tears welled up in her eyes .

He stood and rubbed her tears .

" I will be fine babe ,just pray for me okay ? "

She nods and he kissed her one more time before walking out of their room and Femy looks at him worriedly .

Agatha walked inside .

" Your obstetrician is here ,child " she spoke and Femy nods sitting on bed .


Ray looked at Shawn and sighed before picking up his gun.

" Are the boys ready ? " He asked and Shawn nodded .

" Then let's go "

They walked outside and down to the basement where laughter and noise came from , people were chatting and playing games .

Ray walked in to meet his thousand gang of people .

With his entrance the room became silent .

" I've always trusted my people and cared for them even when some did betray me , I've been forgiving so far but if anyone among you is going to repay me with betrayal today , I will kill them all .
I know I made some mistakes that got my head on the price .I killed my sister ,her name was Kathy ,the daughter I had not known to be my father's until I killed her accidentally  . She died on a high dose of drugs on the night of some party when I was a teen and I've lived with regret and I will live in regret for that because she was my sister , we kill unforgivable bitches but she was a mistake .

Others had drugged her before I took her with me , she was to be my nightstand but she died on my hands when I gave her some drugs to try as having fun and I killed her .

Am sorry for that , I've taken your sister but I've been your man ever since then , I know my father is not just for my head because of Kathy , I doubt it's for my power and my power comes from you .

When someone tickles us , we laugh , and when they prick us we bleed , and why shouldn't we get revenge when someone wrongs us "

" So tonight , we will fight for our power and seek revenge "

The men in the room started beating their chest with their fists .

" Black Tiger " Shawn called

" Brings darkness with death " the men replied .

" Let's go then " Ray spoke .

The men hooped to their cars and started heading outside quickly .

Ray stopped and looked at the last floor of his building to see Femy standing on the window looking at him too , he gazed at her like it will be the last time he will ever see her .

He then vooped to his car and rove off .

Driving to the warehouse  where everything will be settled for the day .

Walking with some of his few people inside to meet the other group waiting .

" My son " Chris called .

He just gazed at him .

" Aren't you going to greet your father , I've missed you "

" The feeling isn't mutual " Ray spoke .

" So now we've really got a chance to talk ,why don't you tell me why you killed Kathy " Chris asked .

" Well ,long story be short ,she was to be my nightstand and she was already drugged and I offered her some thinking she didn't use and I was to sleep with my sister that night because someone's dick could not stay in pants and didn't find the importance of informing his own family that he has a child out wedlock and guess that's how she died but I thank God I didn't sleep with her ,and that's the truth "

Chris gritted his teeth .

" So why don't you tell me why are you after me because Kathy is not why ? "

Chris chuckled .

" Why don't I show you ? " He pulled his gun and started firing same as Ray .

And the war started .

The loud gin shots echoed inside as people scattered to find places to hide and the game was on .

The game of hide and seek ,I find you first you die .

Ray's eyes trailed across the room finding his father but he was no where to be seen .

" Coward " .

He kept on shooting while looking for cover and for his bastard of a father .

Until he walked to one of the room ,finding his father waiting there ,and he doubted that he's got something up his sleeve .

" At a point I thought you ran "

" Not before I kill you " Chris spoke .

" Why don't we have some fun before that " Ray spoke .

" Hand fight me ,you you'll win " .

" Let's see "

Both men prepared themselves as they stretched their arms smoothly circling one another until when Chris threw the first punch .

Meanwhile Shawn carried the bomb with him and set it somewhere with a count down number , he the alert his guys to be ready to back up and leave .

The fight went on despite the time for bombing .

Ray was now in top of his father throwing punches to his both side of faces as he screamed letting all out ,the pain he's felt when he abandoned him .

The pain of wanting to kill him while he should have treated him more of a son .

He stopped seeing his bloody face ,breathing hard he rubbed his nose with his hand tears rolling down his cheeks .

" Am sorry " his father mumbled and Ray chuckled .

" Too late " he spit walking past him to the door when something cold hit his back and he fell groaning while Chris dropped the gun tiredly .

" You've never been a good son ,Ray "

Ray pulled himself to sit and glared at his father angrily .

" You've ...never been better either " he gritted holding his flank that was bleeding already .

Meanwhile his boys tan out of the warehouse and the bomb ticking .

" Where's Ray "?" Shawn asked .

" Not seen him " one of the soldier replied and Shawn ran inside .

Soldiers drove off as they were instructed  but the bomb time was already set .

A loud explosion followed .

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