Chapter 75

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Mia drank the glass of wine as she listened to dying sobs of Charlotte being raped to wear her energy off . She listened from when they started and her voice being high pitch until when she just gasped slowly , not bothered by that either her men kept taking turns on her until her eyes closed fully and men being men   kept raging on the dying body .

After it was all silent just the groans of men on top of Charlotte , she stood taking step toward the sight with a hand on her belly as usual .

" That's enough " she mumbled enough for them to hear and moved out of the way getting dressed aside as she looked at Charlotte in pity , she was dying and she knew it .

Walking toward her body bent and whispered to her ear

" He shouldn't have touched me today , but he did just because of you " , she stood and spit on her then looked at his men .

" Good job , hope you enjoyed the Asian Princess , grab me a knife " she ordered and a man walked with a knife from the table then handed it to her .

Slowly went back to Charlotte and cut off her wrist deeper to the both hands letting the blood soak out of her veins .

" This is all your fault , Casper " she mumbled before walking back to the table and poured herself a drink .

" Take her and dump her inside his room , Samuel you can do that better " she spoke before downing her drink and closed her eyes slowly .

" Yes ma'am " Samuel replied .

" The night was so long , take a free break for tomorrow but be alert emergency happens " she spoke walking away leaving the men to their discussion .

Taking her car , she clenched her hands around the wheel anger surfacing all over again .

" Am going to take you down Casper " she spoke to herself as she started the engine and drive off to her apartment .

Meanwhile Gareth grabbed the silver golden card from his father secret drawer and walked out through the window , he had to do whatever Femy was telling him and he's delayed the task .

Walking out through the wall and fell the other side , he sighed as he grabbed his arm wincing from the pain and walked to his car then drove off .

" I have it in my possession "

" Meet me at the coastal beach "  a voice responded on the other side of the phone and he just hummed .

After a while he walked towards the reserved area he's been directed to ,only to find  Femy drinking her smooth slowly .

Gareth looked at her from where he stood and then the card in his hand , the woman before him has gone through a lot md he's partially at fault .

Taking a seat across the table .

" Banana smooth is still your favourite " he spoke looking at her removing his face mask .

" Am happy to see the assassin side of you , you look perfect in crimes " she giggled funnily.

" I've risked my life for this , Femy " he mumbled and she stopped taking her drink mid way as her face became sour .

" Risked a life .... How do you feel about that ? " ,Gareth gulped looking at her cold eyes that once held all the shiny beauty in the world , those amber eyes .

Yet he found no answer to how he felt about that even though deeply on the inside he felt a terrible fear , a betray to his family , he felt disgusted and for the first time in his life he felt like a criminal and not a Craig prince .

" Let me guess how you feel " she spoke before taking her sip .

" You're afraid , afraid that they would one day find out about your betrayal to them and you're disgusted because you had no choice , you feel like you have committed a crime , you feel dirty and unworthy for this , you feel distant and insecure , you feel detached and guilty too "  she spoke very calmly .

He looked at her and all he could say was still nothing .

" Don't worry I understand how you feel , but I can assure you that feeling doesn't go away with time . It buries itself deep within your soul , shelter itself in there and eats it up not even after you repent , it lives and it's scar glows so dark unable to be forgotten , that's what happens when you risk a life "  she added .

Stretching her hand and Gareth looked at the card in his hand twice before placing it in her hands and she smiled .

" Take your order , then I will tell you what to do next " she spoke making him close his eyes , he's really going to be a puppet for her .

" Hey sorry am late " came a voice of a man walking toward them with an envelope on his hand and kissed her on the lips before sitting beside her .

" How are you ? " He asked caressing her cheek not paying attention to Gareth at all .

" Good , I was worried that you won't make it here today  " she replied with a smile before she looked at Gareth who seemed embarrassed .

" Gareth meet Rayson , Rayson this is Gareth Craig " she spoke taking attention of both men . Ray ile while Gareth's eys were like he saw a ghost .

" Ray " he called and Ray leaned back .

" Long time no see , old friend " Ray spoke as the waitress walked to their table and served Gareth then took Ray's orders .

Femy grabbed the envelope from the table opened it and iled all to herself before placing it back and pushed it to Gareth who seemed to be in an eye competition with ray .

" Now you'll take this to the police and report it neatly " she spoke taking her smooth again like nothing is happening in the table while the two men were glaring at each other like killing one another in their head multiple times .

Gareth lowered his eyes and picked the envelope then looked at the documents inside it , his eyes widened and he banged the table earning a , ' what the fuck look '  from Femy .

" Am sorry Femy but am not suing my father "  he spoke gritting his teeth .

" Ooh you are Gareth , I just told you the other day , you're my pawn .... So stop questioning your missions and get the job done "  she talked back with a raised eyebrow .

" People makes mistakes ... My father loved you " he insisted .

" Oh ! ....

" I remember he did but he also told me that ' am disappointed in you I took you for a good daughter but I was wrong ' ". She mimicked his facial expressions as she remembers it .

Crossing her hands on the table and placed her chin on then while looking at him .

" Am disappointed in him too , I took him for a good father but I was wrong " narrowing her eyes , Gareth gulped down breathing heavily he was angry not at her but at himself , his father , his family .

" I got punished for my crimes , and he's going to be punished too and you're the portal remember . You insinuated my case and punishments and so you're going to do the same , like an expertise you're " leaning back she was caressed her shoulder with Ray.

" Aufemia please ....

" I will pay for your drink , I expect the news in two days , you have the whole day to think how you're going to do this " with that she looked at Ray who smiled at her slowly .

" How about we talk a walk somewhere else , am bored " she spoke pushing the chair off her body and stood with Ray making their way out .

" What have I done ? " Gareth mumbled to himself as tears lingered on his eyes .

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