Chapter 69

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Seven stood before a portrait hanging on the wall with a piece of cloth on his hand , looking so intently at the woman drawn on it . With the beauty and magnificent pose , the woman looked so beautiful and thrilling , her warm smile called for a home just as her beautiful blue orbs called for peace , she was an outstanding one .

Her hands laid on her crossed legs revealing her diamond shaped ring gold in it , it looked quite expensive , dwelling on the beauty that's when Casper walked right in through a back door that looked like a secret door .

Standing firm looking at the man , he sighed looking so impatient at all .

" Let's get over it I gave got some work on my plate this morning " he spoke walking toward a coach .

" Am surprised you've opened that today , I never knew your were hiding a portrait of a woman on that expensive cloth " he added making himself comfortable .

" She's of importance and a park to the beauty of life " Seven spoke like it was a matter of fact , or maybe it was .

" So what's that important this morning " Casper asked looking at his watch and Seven chuckled .

" Time is always out of your reach son , you should make it a practice I guess maybe , you'll be in sync " Seven placed the cloth to the table beside and turned to his son .

" An apple doesn't fall far from a tree I guess , you've always lost a track of your own time old man " Casper replied .

" That's the old name to be used now isn't it " being annoyed with the name of the old man  he walked to his seat and looked at him once again .

" Her name was Aria , the love of my life one special before your wicked mother for that , I had loved her with all I have and I swear I could have given up my life for her , I could feel undescribable love in me for her , I could feel it in my bones , body , and soul , she had the access throughout my life , I had chosen her for the eternity or at least when I leave this world but sadly she did before I did" .

" Hope you're not responsible for her departure  " Casper taunted with a smirk .  " I have heard so much of your love stories trying to convince me into doing something of your own damn thinking , so what do you want ? " He asked casually .

" This isn't about my thinking anymore boy , Aria died in the hands of your mother took me ten years to know of it and for the good reason of her love obsession with me , let's not count that now , I trusted her but she was all ambitious  making me a loser to begin with only to end with that imbecile after making a damage in your life too ....

Casper cleanched his  fist as his jaws too .

" You've been failing with the mission and  you don't see that the end of you knocks around the corner somewhere , Mia is just like your mother don't ever think she'll spare Charlotte because you've used her so enough and seems like you can't do anything for her anymore , sacrifice her before she sacrifices your dream boy , Garen is smarter and you know that ....

Mia won't back down and that's my gut feeling because people are going to come against you if you don't always have a plan B . Garen always has one just like how he had his ex wife in his hands and you knew nothing about it luckily he's lost her too but it's just the matter of time when he finds her again and maybe knows your plan too "  Seven narrowed his eyes on his son .

Silence was all the boss now .

" Listen son , I love you and I will always do so , the fight with your mom is mine but I know you've got your own revenge , am just warning you because I don't want the story to repeat itself , time is out of our reach but you're the leading pan here , so make a wise choice with a careful steps Casper , a war is all about blood be it innocents or guilty ones that's a sad and good part of it because sometimes we lose our precious one "

" You can have another child with Charlotte , she's not barren is she ... Mia has given you one that's enough she's made her remark on your life but she's needed out of the picture or rather you tell me the best thing to do with her "  He now leaned back to his seat looking keenly at his son whom seemed conflicted .

Without a word Casper stood and walked away to the secret door while Seven bore his eyes to the painting .

Meanwhile Camilla stood frozen to the door not believing whatever she  has heard , her eyes filled with tears and betrayal filled in them .

" Come inside , I guess our time to talk has come Camilla " a voice of her father came loud and clear .

She breathed heavily trying to take all the air in her lungs , she has been caught and there's no way she's going to escape the scratches of her father .

Walking in slowly as her legs seemed heavy to move but she needed to meet the godfather , she needed to ask all the questions filling her head , she wanted to know despite knowing that things will change from this .

" It's always been your behaviour peeking onto things not of your concern , just like your mother stubborn as ever , you're brother was right , an apple doesn't fall far from a tree I guess " ,he narrowed his eyes to her .

Camilla stood looking at him like he's grown two heads and one of them seemed not to be a human head but Seven just smirked at her knowing all of the things his little godchild is thinking .

" So where should I begin ,my  goddaughter ? " ,h smiled this time .

" Tell me what's happening ? " She stummered on her way .

" Everything is happening Princess " he replied with a smug in his face .

" Then tell me what I heard was all wrong and what I saw was just a slight similarity and that's not whom I think he is " . She now slightly raised her voice as tear brimmed in her eyes .

Seven stood up and slowly walked to her , each step his shoe clicked on the floor a frightening chill moved down her spine knowing that the truth would be bitter one or may be a sour for the exception .

Standing right before her face , she gulped not moving her gaze from his that held hers down prying deep into her soul and deep down her bones .

" Mirrors can reflect but doesn't hold the truth of the reality before it but eyes reflect the reality before them , am afraid you've to discard your doubts godchild " he whispered on her ears .

That was it , befall of everything.

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