Chapter 91

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" Who are you " Revagan asked with so much fear on her eyes and Ray just smirked before turning to the man beside her .

" Wondering why your husband is too quiet , care to explain " Ray added as he pulled a seat for himself and looked at both of them well and amazed .

" Who are you ? " Gregory asked .

" So you speak Gregory Conrad " Ray shrugged like he was expecting that shit

" Am Ray , your son in law " he pulled a cigar from the nearby packet laying over the table just across from him .

" Your sick " Revagan narrowed her eyes on him and he gulped .

" And I was wondering where she got that sharp gaze , now I know where " he mumbled to himself .

" What do you want from us " Gregory asked .

" So this is where she got that sharp pointing stating " he smiled to himself this time .

" Please let us go " Revagan pleaded.

" No ,mother in law I wouldn't be the nicest son if I tie you up , so just sit comfortably with your husband over there "

" We just want to know why were here " Gregory came again gulping down his fear and all .

" I always fuck out that sharp tounge of hers ,now what do I do to yours ,father in law "

Gregory closed his eyes and fisted his palms .

Ray went on smoking his cigar as he looked at the clock on the wall .

And when it clicked o'clock

" It's time "

And both eyes widened .

" Don't be so surprised , it's a story time and after that you're going to do something for me " , Ray pointed a finger to Revagan .

She gulped

" It all started with trust issues on your own daughter and that's what I call a failure but Karma is a bitch ,huh .Anyways to cut it short for both of you , Evelyn ordered a hit on her multiple times , shifting the prisons then asylum and indeed she lost a lot , her baby and everything but that did not satiety the hunger of the wretched woman until when she plotted a death on her "

Grey's eyes bore to Ray's whom gritted harder with every sentence he makes ,while Revagan lowered her head and a tear dropped .

" She succeeded because she did excecute her plan and someone died on behalf of your daughter , if not a lucky what should I call it ,because she would be practically dead , killed by your favourite inlaw after marrying off your prostitute of a daughter "

Ray smirked while Grey's eyes still narrowed at him

His eyes spoke it all ,the guilt , the pain , the failure as a father , the longing .

" And boom ,the story time is over " Ray stood ,placed one of his hand in pockect and the other rubbed back of neck .

" And now I want you to do something for me " He spoke slowly rolling his tounge in the act before pulling his hand out with a syringe containing a clear fluid , well packed .

Walked towards Revagan, squat before her and sighed as he looked at Gregory whose eyes never left his .

" You're going to give this to someone ,okay ? "

" What is that ? " ,she asked knowing the danger surrounded the man before them .

" What Audrey was given , Evelyn knows it very well " He smiled like it was fun .

" Am not doing anything for you " she stood up and walked the other side of a table as Gregory stood too .

" Well that wasn't a requested mother in law ,you play shit out of this your husband here dies "

" What !!? " Both exclaimed .

" He asked for water right , well a lot of fluid are just colourless as water , guess what it was " ,he smirked raising his brow as She started caressing her husband worry in them .

" Are you okay ?"

" Am okay " replied Gregory

" Ooh he will but not until another hour , so here's the deal , take this and do as you're told within an hour and he gets an antidote . And don't worry I will accompany you to her "

Revagan gulped before nodding but Gregory held her face and shook his head .

" You don't have to do that "

" And I can't let you die , Greg "

" He maybe lying for you to do so for him "

" Ooh , well am in to test a theory " Ray spoke taking a seat on the coach comfortably as he placed the syringe beside him .

" Who's in with me ? " He asked smiling , and bell rang in Revagan , this guy was a psychopath and he was just enjoying whatever he was doing .

Revagan bit her lips as she pushed herself from him slowly and looked to his eyes as Gregory insisted no .

She walked from him and stood close to Ray .

" I will do it "

" That's the spirit o was wondering where that bitch learned it , am surprised it's from you though " he stood up with the syringe on his hands .

" And where's Evelyn ,she's not an easy target "

" Well at the hospital still shocked from the death of the son she once abandoned " he spoke walking in between them heading for the door and the couple loled at each other .

" Some minutes are off in a hour , Revagan " Ray shouted as he walked out leaving orders for his bodyguards , and silently She followed .

Arriving to the hospital , Rayson hummed .

" Now I've even cleared all the way for you , let's go because your punishment is hers ,I spare that for my baby " he walked out of the car and went in first , she then followed after having few thoughts only not to see him when she stepped outside .

Went to the reception and talked some relative friends shit anda pass was for her until she arrived to the room to find Ray waiting for her.

" Now I know that sharpness in acting isn't from you , am glad " he snorted as Revagan eyed the unconscious Evelyn and once prayed that she wakes up but that wouldn't change a thing at all.

Taking steps towards her hesitantly .

" Come on , don't hesitate like that , she did worse for your daughter am just giving you a chance for revenge "

She gulped and went for the syringe he was offering , took it's cap off and looked at the needle then Evelyn .

" You've got someone to save Mrs . Conrad and I don't have all the day with you , I've got a woman to take care off " Ray pressured her and she went for Evelyn's hand and looked at it several time before taking a courage and plunge it down deep in the skin and she shivered after taking it off .

" Bravo " he clapped his hands on air and walked to her .

" Ever heard of Karma , this is it then " he mumbled

" And don't act as if it's your first time killing someone " he whispered to her ears and walked out leaving her alone trying to wake up Evelyn and scared shits.

Senses coming back to her when that sound alerted the nil of heart beat and emergency bell went off , people started rushing toward the room .

Wanted to ran but , as soon as she got out of that door polices were coming that way same as doctors.

Too late

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