Chapter 100

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" I hate school " Rays shouted .

" Then you'll be dumb ,you know " Kaiya giggled looking at Rays.

" Dad , Kaiya thinks I will be dumb when I don't go to school " Rays pouted as he searched for her  father who wanted nothing but hide himself right now .

" Of course sweetheart and the only way to get past that is school " Came Femy's voice and Rays searched for her father again until her eyes landed on him walking from where he was hiding .

" Is it true dad ? " Eyes welled up .

Femy glared at Ray warning him to dare lie to their daughter .

" Well actually , kind of but it ain't that bad princess " He started .

" See Kaiya ,dad says it ain't bad "

" Well them I'll let you be a fool " Kaiya spoke turning her gaze back to the TV .

" Kaiya stop being rude " Femy scolded and Kaiya gulped lowering her head down.

" And you Rays, school is important if you really want to be elite to be in your life ,so both of you will go to school " She finalized and walked out of there throwing Ray a deadly gaze .

Ray started to follow her to their room .

" You know you shouldn't be blunt like that to the kids " Ray spoke earning a shocked look from Femy .

" And you serious want to support her into 'school is not my thing ' "

" Of course baby ,school is not my thing " Ray spoke proudly .

" Then I guess I don't need a DNA for that " Femy crossed her hands in the chest and glared at him .

" Am sorry ,they'll go to school and be good doctors or whatever they wish to be but ain't forcing them ,you know " he whispered pulling her to her arms .

" Look Mom , I want to be someone people they fear just with my gaze and when I point them this ,they cower away " Rays spoke pointing a gun to them and both of them gasped .

" Rayson ,I thought you hid that away from the kids "

Rays just gave them that gaze she thought people would cower away .

Rayson smiled knowing he's just gotten himself a heir .

" Put that down kiddo " Femy yelled and Rays moved bad but still not lowering the gun .

" Princess put that down " Rayson spoke this time and she lowered her gun .

" I can't believe she's listening to you more than me " Femy raised her eyebrows looking at Ray .

" Call it DNA " Rayson replied looking over the door to Kaiya with her ice cream .

" Dad you promised to take us to the yatch ,I see you're free ....soo.... "

She slowly licked her ice cream gaining a raised brow from both parent .

Kaiya can be very seductive sometimes and acting all girly.

" Well I want to see the basement dad ,just like yesterday " Ray spoke and Rayson rubbed his face as Femy gritted his teeth .

" You brought her to the basement ,Rayson " she yelled .

" I want to see that too " Kaiya spoke with amusement .

" Consider it done sister " Ray spoke with a grin .

" Well I guess ,we've got to yatch to visit ,go get ready "

With that the girls bolted while Rayson turned to face his wife .

" Am sorry but I just can't help it "

" Seriously "

" Am sorry beb "

" I don't want my daughters anywhere near your mafia shits ,okay "

" Okay " he nods and pulled her to a hug .

" Now how about you go and put that red dress for me to rip it off tonight " He whispered to her ear and she walked out on him .

Rayson sighed with a smile .

It's been 6 years ever since all the revenge shit and tragedy time walked past them ,with the family they've built together ,warms their heart now and then .

It was hard at first for Femy yo forgive Rayson but with time she learned to heal and accept him with all his flaws and mistakes .

Having Kaiya as their first daughter and Ray as their second made them feel so complete ,it felt like finally the demons that once beheld them had left them free .

Mia was taken to the asylum after being proved she was seriously mentally ill , and the rest served their fates .

Taking a step in their life was something they've noted down and happily lived with it .

" Are you not ready ,Yet " Came Kaiya's voice

" Shortly princess " He spoke walking out of the room .

With the time enough ,they all walked out of the house as the girls ran toward the car as Femy warned them to to run as they'd fall .

Driving slowly as Both Kaiya and Ray sang their favourate song as Femy encouraged them as a sololist .

" You've been awfully quite " Femy decided to ask when the girls went on playing in the back seat .

" I've been enjoying the view of the dream I once had "

Femy smiles .

" What have you ever wished for ,wifey "

" You , I've wished you and all that you can give " she turned to gaze at Ray and Kaiya .

" You've what I ever wished for "

Ray smiled as he drove slowly .

" Am going to give you all of me once again tonight "

" I'll take it gladly " .

And the laughter filled the car .

                    °•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•^   End°•°•^•°•°•°•°•°•°•

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