Chapter 23

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Mia lowered her head still fidgeting with her fingers as the cold stares dig deep on her flesh and she could do nothing about them .

It's been almost three hours now on the same room,  no one was talking but they all knew what the problem seemed to be .

The Man's eyes never left hers so she can  think on what she could say instead they had buried her alive every fucking minute it passed.

He was leaning on the dressing table as she found him getting ready to go out early this morning and now he was desperately waiting for her to start something to converse but she was fidgeting .

His hairs neatly combed behind shining in their glory , his long legs crossed together as his dark blue suit pant tightened around his muscles , hands crossed over His chest making the bulging of some Strong muscles on hands get a great show .

Mia bite her lower lip before clearing her throat awkwardly and he was in his still motion with a blank face .

" Am sorry I ruined everything " she started and silence deepened in the room.

" I should have ..." Being loss of words to excuse herself she gulped down hardly before meeting the stares of the man before her .

The man sighed a relief before untucking his hands and legs then walked towards her bent on one knee and held her trembling hands .

"It's okay I understand and am sorry I shouldn't have given you some pressure in here but am frustrated though" he slowly spoke looking at her bulging and she sadly smiled.

" You should be and I will totaly understand if you punished me , this mission is so important and I fucked it up " she went on tears now dwelling on her eyes threatening to take their fall.

He pulled her to a hug and smoothen her hairs with his fingers caressing them slowly and she sobbed silently onto his shoulder .

" Am sorry , am so sorry " she spoke and he shushes her with small voice that barely escaped his lips.

" Stop crying , that would make my baby sad " he added and she slowly lifted her head to meet his eyes that held nothing but love and adoration .

" My mom once told me so that when a pregnant woman is sad the child follows the trail of emotion too and being a disappointment to my child , don't you think it's unfair "

He joked and Mia chocked on her sobs that turned to small laughs and giggles , his thumbs went on her cheeks and rubbed the tears that tainted her cheeks .

" Don't worry , the plan is still intact I made it tenacious remember , so this won't cost us a dime" he tried to reassure her .

" But I have lost everything even my own family disregards me as theirs now , also am afraid Garen will expose that video and then my career will be over " .

He kissed her forehead slowly as if to remove all the negative thoughts that she harbours on  her mind.

" Don't cry over them sweetheart they don't deserve you , you deserve a way better family than the Conrads and I promised you that we'll make one right ? " she nodded looking at his eyes .

" And we made the second baby , didn't we ? " , she nodded again.

" Aren't I enough , aren't we enough for you , name anything you want and I will grant your wish .....

He then kissed her eyes and then her nose.

"Don't worry , Garen isn't stupid enough to tarnish his family name , that's his only legacy .You've lost the Craig's and the Conrad but you still have me and Carlos and this little blessing here "

He slowly caressed caressed her stomach before capturing her lips into his hungrily .

" You're still a gem to me and our plan still have a lot of roles you can take , don't be disheartened by this , am gonna find out who gave those videos to Garen and punish him accordingly "

He spoke after breaking apart from their hot kiss .

" Don't you think it's Gareth ? " she asked with a doubtful voice .

" He's one naive brat , he wouldn't dare because his family will surely punish him hard and no one wants to be out of Craig's name when you're one in blood " he explained and she sighed on relief .

" But I hated that one , having sex while recording " seething his teeth slowly as anger courses on his veins.

"Am sorry , I never knew I was  recorded " She spoke lowering her head.

" Your body is mine to possess , don't cross the limit even when you know that it's just part of the plan ...I won't like it next time" he spoke slowly .

She nodded as he leaned capturing her lips with his slowly but carefully and passionately .

" Now don't stress yourself anymore , I will handle it from here , okay " he said and she nodded with a smile on her face .

"Where's Carlos ? " she asked and he raised himself from the floor and stood towering her as she raised her head to look at his smiling face .

" He went out with his nanny " , she stood as he held her hand and walked together downstairs .

" I want us to do the ultrasound , wanna know what we're blessed with this time honey " he smiled

" I know it's a girl "

" A boy I bet , I went too deep in your cunt that day so am hoping I got another me "

She laughed smoothly as he pulled the chair for her .

" Even if it will be a girl , that's another you "

He smirked sitting across her as the maids walked with trays of food , serving whatever they had prepared .

" Mother "

"Father "

A boy shouted running from the hands of a mid age woman toward Mia and the man .

" My son" Mia exclaimed as the man leaned on his seat with a wide smile on his face .

" I missed you mom "

"Where have you been ? "  the boy constantly asked the questions and Mia was all way over him kissing his little pretty face .

" Am sorry , I was away for some business but I missed you my Prince " she excused herself and the boy hugged her only to be on her bulging stomach .

" Now this always gets in my way " he spoke and both of his parents laughed .

" Carlos " Mia spoke on bewilderment while his father was on his high way laugh .


So Mia has a family somewhere , who is this man ?

Wanna find out , let's take more steps .

For now .....bye bye 🤗


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