Chapter 32

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I happily dedicate the love to Chumpeh202.


"Aaah " Mia screamed throwing the flower vase beside her dressing table , she huffed looking at her messy self on the mirror .

Her hairs were all messed up from running hands monitored by anger , her face all red , her hands gripping the edge of the table so hard .

" I will make you pay bitch " her face shivered when the door to her room came open revealing the man in his simple white short and white tee shirt , with white Air Jordan on his legs and well equipped white socks .

On his head he had a white cap that he removed as he observed the mess in the room before his eyes befall to the woman who turned and faced him , trying to place her hairs back into place  .

" What's this commotion Love ? " he asked walking toward her placing his golf stick on the wall beside the door .

" Am frustrated , I can't control it " she sobbed slowly .

" And why is that ? " he asked stopping in the middle .

" My God , don't you see it ...Camilla humiliated me and people are questioning the quiteness of Garen " she explained and he narrowed his eyes .

" So it's all about Garen again , huh ! " , she closed her eyes and raised see her hand in mid air before exhaling deeply .

" No it's not about him , am tarnished as a model and the situation right now people questions what's going on in my marriage and am losing fans already " she palmed her forehead licking her lips slowly .

" Marriage , what Marriage ? " he asked again and Mia looked at him with bewilderment.

" You no longer have a marriage with him Mia , things will change of course what did you expect ? " he stated .

" Don't give me that , you know that ain't my fault " she said as she walked toward the bed , the frustrations boiling once again in her chest .

" Ain't blaming you for anything but it's you who need to accept that most of things will change and come up with a strategy to live the changes but what I can still see is you having hopes on Garen "

" Don't act childish and be a woman with mind , what made you go there in the first place ...fine and show off or something , what did you want to prove ? " he added .

" That's not ......."

" Did you want to brush the fact you're married with a top rich man in the city before them or wanted to show people that you don't fear the Wings because you hoped that they would think Garen would handle the situation " he short cut her .

" If anyone better knows what to do that should be you , lay low because there's more to come ..we all don't know what Garen is planning with those videos , you need to be prepared to save your career "

" You would help me , don't you ? " she asked licking her lips nervously with a frown .

" I have never left you alone , have I ? "

She nodded .

" But you also know I can't come to the front and back you up , so stop breaking my expensive vases and make a mind instead and don't stress yourself too much , I don't want anything to happen to both of you " , he eyed her bump and her hands slowly caressed it .

" Am expecting guests , we're going to play golf so behave and sort out your emotions "  , he slowly walked back to the door grabbed his golf  stick and opened the door slowly .

" And ...I don't want to hear his name in this house ever again , if you can't live without him pack and leave " he spoke with a frown being annoyed .

Mia gulped as he walked out and slammed the door behind that made her flinch .

She tiredly sat on the bed gripping the sheets so hard , everything will change and that's fore sure .

She's no longer married to Garen but couldn't help but think of what would happen to her career when he officially announce of their divorce or either release the videos .

Garen has been the root of her success until now and she's now worried that the same root will soon detach itself from her and her crumble is to be expected , but she wasn't ready for that .

It was true that she has the love of her life and never a day he has let her take the fall by herself , he has always been there because he loves her and maybe that's what she believed .

But he's always been a back up and never the front protector because they can't risk their plan and schemes for they have come so far to where they are right now .

Her fears were peaking up because the humiliation that Camilla put her through has done  a damage itself , what if the divorce announcement comes out , she will lose everything .

There's no way she can get Garen on her side anymore and even if she can try , one step and this man knows of it , they're done then that would be over for her , so no she can't try poison on her mouth , can she ?? .

But she can't spare Camilla at all , she has to pay at any cost .Thoughts went all over as to why Camilla would act like that towards her and the answer came to the point of Gareth .



Gareth can be her escape plan but after what she had told him the other day , would he believe her or even give her the help she needs , she can try but too risky.

And thinking of how Camilla reacted , she wouldn't allow her to be attached to Gareth anymore .

Mia grabbed the bottle of water from the table and gulped down , to calm her nerves .

After some minutes , laughter's were heard and curiosity riled her to see whom laughed happily like that , she knew one must be her love but wanted to see the other .

She stood and walked over the window , pulled the curtains aside and glared down to the play ground .

Her love was all way smiley with a woman on her white short skirt , white blouse and white Nike with white socks , exactly like how he dressed .

Her eyes narrowed but couldn't see the woman clearly because of the cap and she faced the other side but definitely conversation was going on between them .


How far can Mia's life fall down ????

Want to see , then follow up to the story .

Love you so much guys .

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