Chapter 56

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I happily dedicate this to Lumocolore2023.


"I met her in the morning " Calvin spoke ignoring the fact that the woman he wished to kill was in the same room few minutes again .Garen raised his eyebrow as he looked from his PC .

"In her room " Garen asked more like a question than a statement and Calvin nodded ignoring the daggers that were now thrown his way .

" She looked a mess ,not like herself " Calvin now looked at him with concerned eyes as Garen's face soften even when he did not like the the fact that Calvin walked to her room earlier than him and got the chance to see a sleepy Femy maybe or rather walked with a towel from the bathroom . He fisted his palms tightly and Calvin saw that .

" Cut the shity thoughts man ,she was just sleeping on sofa instead of the bed ,red and puffy eyes ,messed hairs .....she looked like a person who had not slept for days "  he explained knowing how much an ass his friend can be .

Garen sighed as whatever he was told sank in his mind very well when the door came open revealing Astrid whose smile was wide like a winner with a prized grand trophy .

" Garen Craig " she called making herself comfortable in the chair ignoring the presence of a lurking Calvin ,who chuckled amusingly knowing what this woman was after .

It was very obvious that women would now throw themselves to Garen since he's single for another round now ,Garen hissed slowly at how his name rolled on her disgusting lips . He had few encounters before with Astrid with the same goal she plans in her mind but used a simple humanity of explaination that he's a married man and however he wouldn't go for her ,not even a night stand .

Astrid has been so forward lately trying to get under his skin by different means she thinks she can win with , earlier today she had proposed being the model for his company since Mia is now out of the picture ,she can act better than her . Garen shrugged the idea and closed his eyes on her stupidity ,but here she is .

"Been so busy I see ,hope you have seen my proposal "  she spoke batting her eyelashes seductively .

" And not being replied simply means two things Ms . Cons , your proposal has been rejected not least considered or am giving it the last thought " he spoke moving his eyes back to the PC .

"I guess the second is the best choice Garen " she spoke cleanching her hands around the hem of her short dress that revealed half of her thighs ,she really was determined to make him fall for  her .

" First choice is always the best ,I think and .....

He trailed his eyes on her body giving her the positive thoughts of capturing his attention for a second but he averted them annoyingly back to his PC .

Business has codes and rules Ms . Cons ,the first is formality and respect which you have been breaking ever since you've crossed that door "

He sighed as her eyes narrowed ,Garen was a man with meaningful words be it a long speach or a simple threat ,he means it well and deep .

"And the answer to my last thought for your proposal is rejected ,now I would excuse your unofficial behaviours and let this go as you walk out of that door and never return with the same tactic ever again " he warnedas she flinched .

Garen was simply telling her that he would never fall for her despite the techniques she would use ,so better be a good and wise girl and drop the ideas of seduction .

" What do you mean tactic ,am here for business " she reasoned .

" Business without an appointment , an official meeting and unorderly sent of your proposal , have you really been in havard for business Ms. Cons ,I doubt that " Calvin intervened and there Astrid noticed the presence of the man she hated , the shadow of Garen .

Speaking of which ,it was the truth ,she simply lied her way up here with an excuse of an appointment approved by Calvin and that Garen has directly called her over ,and stupidly and fearful of the receptionist to her shallow threats ,she was let go  .

She cursed herself insidely for being short minded ,how could she forget that Calvin was the one organizing all the deals ,proposal of the companies and not like other secretaries do in other companies , Garen trusted Calvin the most .

" There's more to personal issues between us ,so if you would excuse us or don't interfere " she spoke confidentiality trying to hide the shaky voice she has been harbouring ever since her facade has been noted .

Calvin chuckled to her stupidity and Garen smiled ,how foolish can this woman get anymore .

" Sadly I handle his personal issues too me on that " Calvin replied nochantly and she trembled with anger , Calvin was humiliating her . Turning to face Garen only yo see him picking up his table phone and ordered ,

" Come and take out a nuisance and never let her anywhere near my properties " , with that her eyes widened knowing that whatever has happened to Mia few minutes ago would be the same to her and this was her chance to walk out decently and fakely .

She stood and heaved out before looking at Garen with anger .

" I can escort out myself Mr. Craig but don't forget this day , because soon you would be running back to me " she spoke .

" Never do that my friend ,trust me she ain't tasty " Calvin spoke with a frown and Garen raised his eyebrow at him while Astrid turned to him with anger as she shouted while throwing her purse that he easily doged .

" How dare you Calvin ? "

" You son of a bitch "

She shouted as Calvin chuckled and a menacing laugh escaped his lips  as the guards walked inside and grabbed her hands .

" Let me go ,I can go by myself bitches " she shouted moving away from their hands and Garen signalled them to let her go .

She collected her purse and walked out angrily .

Now Garen turned to Calvin and raised his eyebrow more like ,talk boy .

" Don't give me that look ,I was drunk and it was a one night stand man "

" Fuck you Calvin ,you just fucked a Cons " Garen spoke annoyingly but Calvin clicked his tounge like he was bullied .

" She's not tasty though " and there both erupted with laughs like maniacs .

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