Chapter 46

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I happily dedicate this to Cupcake_love bitch


" So what are you going to do ? " Nica asked looking at Drey whom just froze where she stood ever since she started to watch the news .

The Television just showed someone she knew and she was crying speaking to the media .

"Mother " Femy called desperately as soon as she saw the silhouette of the favourite dress her mother owned .

Walking close to the bars and held them tight and she was right , before her stood the woman who gave birth to her,  Revagan Conrad .

" Mother " she called again but her mother had a  frown face and the eyes she glady inherited held nothing but hatred .

" I know you didn't mean what you said back there , outside " she went on trying to hold that sad smile in her face .

" You're my mother , and am your daughter " she moved her hand to hold her hands but Revagan was quickly to move them and stepped away still looking at her with so much hatred and no remorse was in them .

" I meant every word I said out there Femy , you're no longer my daughter . I can't have a murderer for a child , can I womb is pure and you don't get to tarnish it , not now not ever " Revagan spoke her voice clear and loud with disgust on it .

" You're a disgrace to me , I really regret the day I bore you , I should have pinned you in between my thighs if I knew you would be a murderer someday ,  I could have aborted you or maybe kill you right after I gave you birth least I could have saved someone's life , the one that you took"

Femy froze with the words from her mother , how come she hates her like this to an extent of wanting to end her life ,  has she ever tried ....she wondered .

" I didn't kill her , you should know that better , you know me mother " Femy pleaded .

" One more mothering me and I would make sure you don't see tomorrow but no have to suffer for what you have done to mercy , you don't deserve pity at all "

Femy gulped .

" And talking about knowing you , I just don't know you ....I never knew you could kill someone , now tell me , do I know you ? "

Femy's throat tightened as tears welled more in her eyes , she couldn't believe what her mother has just said .

" See , I don't know you , you're not my daughter and am not your mother , I have one blessed child and that's Mia ....."

Revagan took few step until she was so close to the bars making her close to Femy too .

" And make sure when we meet next time ,  you don't know me , never knew me infact " she whispered before taking her leave , leaving the shocked Femy who stood there looking at that place her mother stood few seconds ago .

Tears tricked down her cheeks as she held herself to the sofa next to her ,  Nica run to her side and she sobbed .

" Don't cry please , be strong ? " Nica spoke looking at the TV and wondered who was this woman to Drey .

Monica knew that Drey was Someone else just taking the name of their cousin , and according to her mother and aunt , she had an awful past and that she has to hide her identity but what happened , that's for Drey to tell whenever she's ready even though Jesca one day decided to tell Nica and assured Drey that her secret is safe with her but never did she know the people behind the misery of Drey .

" Drey , who's that ? " she decided to ask as seeing that woman seemed to trigger something in her and Drey raised her head and looked at the screen again .

" That woman , just bore me to this world " , she admitted and Nica understood why she was crying .

But Drey rubbed her tears and stood steady before ruffling her hairs in frustration .

" Drey , this shall reveal that you're alive " Nica spoke .

" Garen would do anything to prove that , he knows already and he'll be on my tail or so " Drey mumbled not knowing what to do .

Suddenly the door flang open and Nessa walked inside with so much curiosity .

" I knew you would run to her , so tell me what's fucking going on and Drey don't dare lie to me because I would ran to those bulk man and hand them these " , Nessa pulled some document behind her back and waved it to their face .

Drey gulped knowing what it was ,  in  those there was everything about her .

" And don't threat me about Rehab , that place won't kill me ...I need help too , so come clean " , Nessa turned and locked the door then faced the two sisters .

" Nessa , calm down " Drey started knowing that when she was at this point, she was going to do anything to find out and maybe ruin her plans as well .

" Trust me I am , now start with who are you because you're not a fucking Greens " Nessa sat down with hands on her knees and then placed her chin in then looking at both ,  Nica rolled her eyes .

" Speak up , were out of time " Nessa added seeing that no one was talking and her patience was running out of time  .

" Be quite Vanessa ,  and stop being a paranoid " Nica raised her voice and Nessa pouted .

" Fine , let me go and find that intimidating man then " she stood up walking to the door when Drey held her arm and looked at her .

" Ready to talk now ? " Nessa asked and Drey sighed , she hated being vulnerable before her .

"Take a seat I will tell you " Drey spoke as Nessa smiled walking back to the coach and sat again  patiently tapping her chin waiting for the story telling .

" If I tell you this you promise me that you'll never tell anyone " Drey started .

" I will try , trust me " Nessa replied and Nica rolled her eye .

" And you'll han me that document " she added and Nessa threw them to the table .

" All yours after you tell me "Nessa spoke .

" God ! " she sighed not knowing where to start .

" I gave you a starting point,  who . are you ? " Nessa spoke .

" Shut up , Nessa " Nica spoke .

" Am listening " Nessa went again .

" Well then ,  am not Audrey Greens " Drey started .

" That I know " , Nessa intervened .

" My real name is Aufemia Gregory Conrad " Drey spoke more like mumbling to herself but enough for all to hear .

And Nessa's ears perked up , the story was getting interesting .



Now , now Audrey is Aufemia , too bad nobody tried to guess .


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