Chapter 84

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A months later

" You'll attend the event ? " Asked Calvin with a shocked stare .

" Yes , I am " Replied Garen .

It has been a  three month ever since Garen has been so quiet and carefully studying Femy and Ray's moves but nothing new came , it almost seemed as if the Hades straw was the last blow they'll throw .

" Of Course you're , anyways her pieces of jewellery are extraordinary " Calvin spoke as he walked through the office cabin coming out with a file in his hand .

" There's nothing suspicious about Ray either , his construction has been going so much good to guess a move behind it " Calvin added as he handed the file to Garen who sighed tiredly enough but just stared at his friend .

The three past months have been a hell to him because he knew that she was here for revenge somehow and Ray is helping her but her quietness got his curiosity up since she's been living her life quitely enough with the name that's not her , Audrey Greene .

Working her arse of by painting and doing exhibition and now making some beautiful jewelries, it took her name to high and surely she made herself known and wealth with few things on the hand .

Ray has been very supportive of her in every move and he been all over jealousy, he's always had hopes of winning her back but every chance seems very slimmed as it slipped off his finger , he never got a chance to see her nor meet with her at all .

Winning was with a zero probability especially since they announced their engagement one month ago and they're on their way to marriage . It was a difficult fact to swallow but there's nothing he could do while there's a lot in his plate .

" Gareth had called and asked for you " Calvin came again taking his attention and he heaved , a lot has happened in the past three month . Gareth had surrender himself to the authorities and took a fall for his crime as an accomplice with Mia thought his punishment was lessened for his justification and his brother's help up to six month .

" You should give him a chance , he's not at all fault is he ? " Calvin went again as he looked at his friend deeply in the eyes .

" I suspect Milla is pregnant and Gareth must be the father " he added .

" And how would you know that ? " Garen asked this time .

" Reth had asked me to keep a close eye on her after his punishment and since he doesn't want to meet her at all , I did as asked and lately I have spotted her to the hospital lately " .

" That doesn't mean she's pregnant , maybe she's just I'll "

" Women don't just go to the hospital for mere illness , those fucking beings knows medicine like scientist, pregnancy is what keeps then in health facilities " Calvin smiled with his knowledge and Garen chuckled in dismay .

" Of course they're human beings , and they could also get sick and sometimes hospitalized and I don't want trouble dealing with Mr. Wings right now , I hate that man " .

" I will look into it " Calvin insisted .

" I want you to look into Mia too , she's been at peaceful so much " Garen spoke closing his eyes .

Calvin nodded before walking outside leaving him all alone . Garen pulled out his phone and started to scroll on it looking different pictures of his brother , Giovanni .

He creased his brows and curiously assessed each of them before throwing his phone on the table with a thud facing his computer that showed an opened mail stating about his brother .

" Who are you , Gio ? " He mumbled before shitting the computer and relaxed on his chair slowly accepting the darkness .


Evelyn walked through the parking lounge of the wing's cooperates and took steps towards one of the black Porsche meeting Seven on the way making himself stop his steps .

Both glared at each other for a while as each breathed slowly. And Evelyn grabbed her purse string harder .

" I assume you're here for me even when you know you don't deserve that " Came Seven's voice making her hands clench harder still looking at him .

" But I am pleased to see you around Vieve " he walked on the side of his car .

" I need to talk with you " came her pleading voice with desperation .

" I can see that too , am not blind Genevieve , so get in the car " he spoke majestically as he hooped in . Evelyn breathed in before contemplating herself whether to get it or not and at last she decided to go with him .

On the car they silently drove to one of his villas in the city .

" I never said I want to go in your villa , I just need a small talk with you Seven "she spoke gulping knowing what kind of a man she's with  today .

" Me and you are not for a small talk and you know that so be patient and we'll talk " he spoke driving inside after the gates opened . Parking to the lounge and walked out tending to dismiss her existence as he walked towards his house and she hesitantly followed .

Standing inside not knowing what to do as Seven walked to his wine lounge and grabbed a wine with two glasses .

" I assume it's still your favourite , make yourself comfortable " he spoke walking to the couch and poured some wine before taking his glass down to nothing and added some more then faced the woman before him who took a seat slowly with so many things swirling in her mind and emotions in her eyes .

" Am all ears " he came louder looking at her with a smirk .

Evelyn took sometime taking some air in her lungs and call her courage wherever it was , she picked up her glass and sipped some of the wine .

" I want your help in getting the ownership of the Craig's under Giovanni and release Hades from the cells be it legally or not "

" And what do I benefit from that shit ? "

" Seven Am doing this for my son and my family , and am willing to do anything for that " determination swirled on her eyes .

" Anything ... " He sipped with a smirk before nodding his head smoothly .

" Then welcome back in my arms , Genevieve " he smiled as she gulped knowing what it fully meant .

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