Chapter 20 .

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This chapter is dedicated to Jodicy 18 .


" I will take a taxi then "

" Don't worry I will be safe " .

Drey hanged up the phone after finishing talking to Cliff who seemed to be having all the fun somewhere inside and she won't take the risk of destroying whatever happiness he was having .

Slowly walking to the road waiting for a taxi , gazing here and there when someone pulled her then grabbed her her legs junking her to his shoulder while she screamed .

" Hey , let me go "

People around never cared because that was a simply definition of a guy wanting to solve his relation with a girl or maybe he paid her for fun and now she backs out , so no interfering at all .

Being thrown to the back seat of a car and locked the door before walking to the driver post .

" Hey are you crazy or what , let me go " Drey shouted trying to open the door but that was effortless .

Garen ignites the car and slowly drives off ignoring the laments and sick names that Drey was throwing at him .

He drives fastly holding the wheel tightly throwing glances at the woman through the mirror , his eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing .

Drey calmed at point and the searched for her phone with the aim of informing someone but Garen snatched it as soon as it came alive from the purse and she groaned .

' Hey give me back my phone and stop being nuts , where are you taking me ? " , this man she saw this very night was making so much troubles .

After sometime he pulled the car aside and stopped , Drey wanted to gaze outside but the tinted mirrors were a barrier , tried to open the door but still locked .

" I don't know what i ever did to you but please , kidnapping is the last thing I want to happen to me " she spoke trying to calm her nerves , gulping down her fear while Garen just gazed at her , his eyes holding so many emotions .

" I just wanted to talk to you Femy " he spoke turning to face her after loosen his seat belt .

" Listen , I have ever heard of this before but can't believe its happening with me but am not Femy , I even bet if I look like one " , Garen gulped at her sentence .

" You don't need to be afraid , am not here to hurt you so stop the facade and be real , we need to talk Aufemia " .

Drey scoffed , this man wasn't getting it at all .

" Are you drunk ? " she asked because alcohol can have a delusional effect sometimes .

" Ain't acting like this when am drunk , don't act like you don't know me when am sober and when am not " he stated looking at her readily .

" Well I honestly don't know if you're sober or not right now , so answer me before I conclude the worst " , he chuckled angrily gazing down then at her again .

" Am not drunk and please calm down and let's talk " he insisted .

" Talk , like what talk when you forcibly took me , thrown me to your damned car , lock the door on me and trying to make me someone else just for you to simply assume we would talk to appease your delusions " She raised her voice and being  angry was understatement and Garen gulped.

" Am sorry for that but I really need to talk to you but with a real you , I know it isn't easy on you but please , listen to me " .

" I guess I have no choice then " she raised her eyebrow And he pursed his lips into a thin line still looking at her with nervous , fear , guilty crossing through those beautiful eyes of his .

" Talk and when you're done , take me back to the bar " she ordered looking displeased .

" Am sorry " he started the  the words fell out of him , what was he going to tell her for her to understand.

A long silence came in between and Garen was all looking foward gripping the wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white but his mouth got heavier ever passing second .

" If you're done , take me back to the bar please " she spoke and silently Garen ignited the car and drove ahead .

" And where are you taking me ? " she questioned .

" Anywhere but not back there , where all those eyes gawked at you like some sweet steak "  stern his voice held the power she couldn't place her finger wondering why this man behaved like that .

He drove slowly not knowing where they're heading but the only thing he wanted is to stay close to her even like this , that was enough .

Looking down at her phone that vibrated now indication of messages and then calls started and the person was neatly saved , bubble life .

Garen gazed at it time to time and wondered why she was calm not along about her phone , he turned to see that the noisy woman she became fell a sleep and was now on some dreamland somewhere .

He picked the call and asked the man where he should bring her and gladly the man never complicated anything , he was given the location and headed there by checking the map , a disadvantage of being a new comer in some strange place you ever been.

On his way he kept glancing at her and how much she has changed from the looks , appearance and behaviour too .

Those long brunette hairs were now cut short just hanging loose around her neck , her amber eyes that he can't forget now closed , her luscious lips that he wanted to taste so much .

His Femy was a fashioned woman but the woman before him was in a total opposite taste of what Femy had ,  Femy was not slim but here she was being slimmer .

He observed her well as she titled her head to side and a butterfly tattoo came into his view , Femy never did tattoes .

But still his instincts were screaming to him so hard that the woman he was looking for was right before him but something else bothered him .

What can he say to her , and getting a neglection being Femy from her bring a damn confusion in his mind.

What am I going to do , he thought before parking outside her apartment .


Guys this was a little bit short but hope you will like it

Ciao , and have a goodnight

Kisses 💋🤗😚


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