Chapter 25

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" Come clean Drey , do you perhaps relate to Garen somehow " Rory asked and Hailey narrowed her eyes at their friend .

"Don't be ashamed of having a billionaire baby girl " Cliff added with a smirk.

Drey sighed knowing there's no place to hide after all this was their break at work and these pumpkins have been persistent from morning at every chance they get to ask her what is going on  .

" I know nothing of that man , he just met me at the bar and started calling me names , Femy something and so on , he even took me forcefully into his car that night demanding a talk and when I pretended to be at his listening he only said sorry , stupidly I fell asleep on his car only to wake up on my bed , thanks to you Cliff for giving out my address " she said in one breath giving hard glares at Cliff.

" And how did he find you ? " Cliff asked .

" Nessa directed him to me " she replied and all gave a tired sigh , Nessa can be a painful ass sometimes , always creating troubles .

" Garen acted as if you were his wife and trust me I know that look very well " Hailey spoke rolling her eyes.

" And where have you seen one ? " Rory asked Hailey with stern voice .

" My late parents of course , looking at each other like they would disappear when they break apart and vanish from the surface of the earth " .

Cliff laughed holding his chest at the explanation Hailey just gave while Drey was rubbing her forehead seriously .

" You know Garen is married to that little witch of a woman , Mia Conrad " Hailey went on picking her snack .

" We can check his history , he's a know person you claim " Rory spoke looking at her girlfriend and Hailey nodded .

Five , ten , fifteen , twenty minutes , half an hour went on but there was nothing more of Garen's personal life except his family , reputation , businesses and his marriage to a Model Mia Conrad .

" Geez , this man is insane indeed " Hailey spoke chewing the bites now.

"So what are you gonna do when  he comes back " Cliff asked and Drey gave a frustrated sigh .

" It's been a day now he hasn't shown up after Hailey dropped the bomb onto his face ......

Anyways I will get the restraining order if he comes back " she added moving from her seat and walked inside the cottage .

" There's something fishy here , if Garen is as popular as you claim then he won't just go for somebody low like her for nothing " Rory spoke looking at the road where different cars passed by .

" And how the hell I don't know him at all" she added but Cliff snapped as soon as she finished that sentence .

" Rehab held you for too long , how can you know what's going around the world " , Rory gritted her teeth on his say , giving him a hard punch on his arm .

" We have been in the world you claim for three years now , she's just not in social media and fame world , stop reciting the past on our faces " Hailey said taking more bites into her mouth making it full and hard to chew , that made her look awful as she forced herself looking at Cliff angrily .

" Your death will be from choking someday " Cliff snorted before moving away too and walked to the cottage .

" That bastard " Hailey spoke still with some food in the mouth .

" Don't worry babe , the choking won't be from food but something else like sexual pleasure , you know " Rory kissed her cheek before moving too .

" Ooh Babes " Hailey gigled following her and their work played on as customers started flowing .

Evening arrived and everyone was ready for their next Job but Drey was planning something else .

" Excuse me to the boss , am going to  Realwave tonight " she started after dressing and now ready to walk away .

" Are you going for Nessa ? " Hailey asked and she nodded .

" I don't think that's a good idea also Liya Charles won't take your absence well " Cliff suggested and other nodded .

" You skipped the other night and she was furious like hell not trusting our excuse at all " Rory explained and Drey took a heavy sigh but still she wanted to go there .

" Anyway , confronting Nessa won't be as good as you might think now because you too know how bitchy she can be for all the times " Rory added and Hailey nodded as well as Cliff.

" Am still going  , Nessa knows something and I need to find out , just excuse me to Liya and I will explain it all to her myself tomorrow " Drey insisted .

All of them went quite , Liya was their boss and a bitch herself for the good example , Missing their  job was one of the mistake she can't tolerate not even when you're in trouble , the less she can take is a sick excuse with a proof sometimes .

" Please " Drey pleaded again and Rory nodded pulling her bag , throwing it to her back .

" Take care of yourself " Hailey and Cliff found themselves talking at the same time and Drey  smiled for the Care .

Cliff , Rory and Hailey took their car and headed to the club while Drey took a taxi to Realwave .

If Nessa showed him to her them she must know something for all this case because it's highly sure she didn't do it for a free charity but some cash .

Vanessa has always been a trouble and hates Drey so much for god knows why , she can do anything just to make Drey sad and low even when she's the only one who helps her whenever she's in trouble or some problem .

For what Drey hoped is that Nessa hasn't sold her or something to the people she's indebted to otherwise her life might turn to another hell while she was hardly trying to walk up from the past ones .

And if she's really a resemblance to the claimed woman that Garen was looking for then , she has no choice but to prove that she isn't the woman he's looking for but maybe got the same facial features or a coincidentally similarity on her part .

But before all she needs to face Nessa even when it will be a hard job to push through her and speak the truth , Nessa has always been a lying bitch as long as she escapes ones  crutches .


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