Chapter 81

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Mia walked down a street cafe as she craved for some coffee , it was crazy for her to take things  in a street  because that's the only nearby place she knew where they sold her cravings because she couldn't step to the big hotels as she used to .

Taking a slow walk her eyes met a familiar figure of a woman with a man beside her , her body tensed but relaxed as the thoughts of impossible crossed her mind . The woman picked up the bag and turned as the man helped her with the bag and there she froze completely .

Mia couldn't Believe seeing the face of a woman she knew very well , a woman she once betrayed with the man she's familiar with too . In front of her was Femy walking with Ray , a smile on her lips as Ray whispered something in her ear and she blushed .

" That cannot be " Mia mumbled to herself as she took a step back not trusting her eyes , they seemed to play some tricks with her these days but that was not the fact .

Femy walked in the car as Ray stood by the door waiting for her and then closed , walking in the other side of the Lamborghini and they drove off .

Mia's heart thumbed so hard afraid of what she saw , turning back home with loss of appetite . On the arrival she constantly called for Casper who did not pick up making her anxious more than before .

After many times call Casper came in the line .

"Is everything alright Mia ? " Came Casper's voice with a tiny worry in it .

" She's free , I saw her in the street near Horlds Cafe " she spoke panting trying to catch her breath .

" Whom did you see , and calm the fuck down Mia "

" I saw Aufemia and Rayson together... It can't be a coincidence , that's her ....

" Are you sure of what you're talking about ? "

" I would never mistake my own sister Casper , I even know her breath "

" Okay calm down and I will handle that "

" What if she finds me , what if she knows .... And why is she out I thought you've killed her already or something "

" Will you shut up and calm down , I said I will handle it "

Mia threw her phone across the room and grunted pulling her hair , this will surely fuck her more than she's expected . How come she's walking out freely in the streets while she was supposed to be in a grave or some prison somewhere in the world .

If she's out there freely then she knows about her downfall , she surely knows about her betrayal to her and Garen too ., after all she was the sole reason as to why she was put in jail .

Running hands in her head an idea popped .

She must be dead .

Running to where her phone landed and searched for a number .

" I want this person within my hold as soon as possible , make it clean and smart and alert the boys , all of you will be having some things to do " she spoke in a worried manner .

" I will send you her picture or something's , she's in this city , I don't care what and how you'll find her but three days or maybe less will be enough for you to get her , I will send the starter information "

With that she hanged up and threw her phone again as he walked upstairs and ran to her wardrobe , searching for something until a small box came in her hand . Grabbing it out and walked hurriedly to the bed opening it and took everything out , her hands searched for something and found a picture , it was old one but surely able to identify and distinguish a person .

She smiled before placing everything back and walked down stairs .

Meanwhile Rayson walked inside the kitchen to make something for Femy as she walked to the bathroom .

After a while Rayson walked in their bed room as Femy walked around with a robe in her body .

" What a gentleman you can be sometimes " she smiled walking to the bed as Ray placed the tray in between them and smiled .

" I have always been a gentleman for you , now eat some food I don't want to starve my woman " he spoke and she blushed .

" Such enough courage to call me yours " she replied opening the covers slowly as he chuckled .

" Well you're mine and that's it , you aren't escaping me Woman " he leaned and placed a kiss on her nose making her blush more .

" Now let's eat and have something funny to play with " he ordered and they started feeding .

" You know I really wanted to see that face much closer " she started a conversation and Ray frowned .

" You're not bringing her into meal now , eat up "

Shutting up and both started feeding each other as lovey dovey they're . Small laughs and giggles could be heard in the room as the two lovers teased each other .

Being done with the meal , they laid down facing each other as Ray's hand traced her transparent dress she changed to , knowing inside she had a pant as she played with his beards .

" Tomorrow will be a long and  good day for us " she spoke

" Yeah , I don't want you to stress about that though " he replied gripping her waist and pulled her closer placing a kiss on her forehead .

Waking slowly as she pushed him to lay flat and went on him , her legs gripping on sides of his hips as she purposely moved on his dick and she chuckled taking a moan back .

" Now this isn't what you need , you need rest " he spoke his hands on her thighs slowly caressing them .

She grabbed his hand and moved it to her stomach as she closed her eyes and then to her breast as she moved earning a groan and she smiled .

" This is exactly what I need Ray , fuck me senseless , I want to see that animalistic side you're always trying to hide  " she whispered slowly so enough for him to hear .

" Chose a number Aufemia " he spoke with a smirk as she opened her eyes not quite taking what he spoke .

" What's you're favourite number , my lady ? " He asked this time and she smiled .

" I've always loved number seven " she replied .

" Name seven places that you like in this house " he asked again gripping her thighs hard and made her move her hips .

" Aaah ...

" Bathroom I like it it's so big , the kitchen it's beautiful , the pool outside , bedroom , your office it's magnificent , living room , and the library "

" Good then let me show you something baby " he spoke walking up and carried her downstairs .

" What's that Ray , I seriously want you to fuck me over "

" Of course that what am going to show you , am going to fuck and make you come seven times in seven different places ... So hope the food gave you much energy "

He spoke as he placed her on the kitchen table and slammed his lips on her hardly .

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