Chapter 10

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" What do you want to know ? " a woman asked looking keenly at the two men before her as she gulped down , fidgeting with the hem of her uniform .

" Everything " Garen spoke not breaking eye contact .

" See , we have used ten hours to be here and trust us we used days back too just for this important issue that you're trying to hide and gulp like you just did , we left a lot for this , so at least come clean with in and out sourced informations" , Calvin explained.

The woman lowered her head as she released a sigh while Garen eyed her slowly down to her uniform and spotted a name.

" Nicole Edwards " he called and a woman glanced up to see how close Garen leaned and she moved back even when a table separated them .

" You acting like this , freaks me out and that you should know by now , anyways am Garen Hades Craig " , the woman flinched on her seat as thin sweat started to form on her forehead .

" There's nothing more to know here , rather than she was really insane and brought here on 21st as I told you but she was moved to another asylum in few years "

Calvin sighed as he examined Nicole and wondered what the hell was going on , why is every step so hard like it's kind of some games played .

" Here is the file , check it all over again and see if am lying " She added looking at both of them with all the courage she could gather .

" I don't see the consent form in this , where is it ? " Garen asked and the woman gulped .

" See , you may not know who I am because you're a Mexican but trust your guts as they tell you to fear me , am no joke to crack with because I would simply ruin you in a blink " , Garen threatened and Calvin closed his eyes tiredly , was this a good time for threats .

" Okay I will give that to you but on one condition "

Surprisingly the threat worked .

" What is it ? " Garen asked and the woman leaned forward then whispered something before moving back , he nodded and the woman walked to the cupboard and took out a file .

Took her seat and started flipping the pages until she met with a labeled paper written , 2017.

She went on fliping the page until she stopped when she saw the name , Aufemia Gregory Conrad .

She turned the file and Garen pulled it to his side and Calvin came closer too , they took their time and read what was there but suddenly Garen's eyes widened in shock just as Calvin .

The consent was signed by none other but Garen Hades Craig .

Garen pulled the file from the table and brought it closer to his face , that was impossible he was never here personally for this kind of issue , not now nor back then .

The state of shock took his energy as he dropped the file and Calvin picked it up and handed it back to Nicole .

" Thanks Miss Nicole , but I would like to know where is the asylum she was moved to ? " Calvin asked and Nicole looked back to the file .

" Well ...uumh , It was Norway " Calvin nodded and gave a forced smile , this was going to be harder than they thought .

" Thanks we shall take our leave now " , Nicole glared at Garen and held his hand that brought him back from his shock .

" Please don't turn your back on me , you have to help me " Garen nodded as he stood and walked away with Calvin.

Confusion was understatement with what was happening and Garen was losing it now , what the hell happened back then .

They walked past the offices and headed outside to their car when a voice came behind them .

" Sir , Wait "

Both turned to face the woman in her white loose pant and white blouse completing the staffs uniform around here .

On a quick observation they noted she was not the woman who attended them back there and she was kinda old as Wrinkles started forming on her face .

" If you can, please meet me in this place " she spoke handing them a small paper and Garen took it , she smiled looking at both , " I have something important to tell you " .

Garen narrowed his eyes before another voice came .

" Janette " another woman standing leaning on the pillar called and Janette smiled before running back to the other woman.

Garen took a look on the paper and then hooped in the car like Calvin and drove off .

In the car no one dares to speak , everyone was trying to digest the information they found back there .

Garen fisted his hands so hard until his knuckles were white but he didn't care , all he thought was how comes that he was the one who consented that issue .

He didn't do it , it was somebody else , it must be, because on that very day he was on his groom suit marrying that wretched woman and the next day he was on his honeymoon and it is deadly impossible for him to be twice a person at the same time because he wasn't a magician nor a wizard like tales tell .

He opened the small paper and read what that woman wrote probably

Santalous street , house no 23456 at night "

He squeezes the paper in his hand , cleanching his jaws as the thoughts of what else would come to shock him, this one was a tough blow .

What did that woman have so important and why them , but he couldn't ignore that message , could he ? .

He needed to find Femy and he will flip the world outside down to get her , he just needed to have her back .

Calvin did not give even a glance to Garen's side as leaned backward , hands on his lap while other rubbed his face continuously .

He was restless and having so much question to ask but the place wasn't right because he needed to throw some punches to make his mood right .

Just how the hell he signed the consent and give me trouble all the way here pretending he knows nothing , well he's gonna get shit from me .

Calvin thought as he finally decided to look at his friend anger filling his eyes .


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