Chapter 7

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" Hey get up " a girl with blonde hairs shouted nudging the sleeping brunette who slowly opened her eyes and pouted .

" Don't give me that and get up  " the blonde ordered walking to the closet and started throwing clothes to the floor finding something to wear .

" Am not seeing my green dress drey " the blonde went again and the brunette lifted her head up and supported it with her and and the  elbow on the mattress .

" Thought you gave it to Hailey "

" What ?, she took another dress " the blonde shouted again kicking the clothes on the floor only to hit her buttocks to the ground and Drey tried to hide her laugh but couldn't .

" Come on Rory it's not like you're mad , are you ? " Drey now removed the covers and walked Down the bed only in her pants , her one hand on her bare breasts .

Rory rolled her eyes as she picked herself up and started finding another dress while Drey walked to the bathroom , took her toothbrush and some paste too .

Cleaning her teeth as she looked at her reflection on the mirror , her hand traveled on her brunette hairs that she cut few days away and let the rest hang on her neck .

Spat some saliva mixed paste and then opened the tab , washed her toothbrush and placed it on the cup hanging on the wall where two more others resided .

Fetched water using her hands and drink some then spit them out , she did that four more times then the fifth and sixth she threw it on her face , she smiled at her reflection before taking her pant off and walked to the bathtub to get shower .

After minutes of being done , Drey walked down stairs in her black dress ending just below her buttocks , covered in a white leathery coat and had white heel boots on her legs that went to her knees .

On her hands she held a white purse simple and small , her heels clicked the floor until she met with two girls on the coach kissing their life out .

" You're being gross sometimes " she spoke walking to the dining table where nothing was prepared , she sighed and looked back to the girls , whom now leaned their forehead together .

" No breakfast "

" We already had ours " Rory spoke picking the pant on the floor and handed it to the girl in green.

So that's their breakfast , sucking each others pussies early in the morning , their usual though , Drey thought .

" How was your night Hailey ?" Drey asked and the girl in green smiled before kissing Rory in her lips and stood up putting her pants on.

" I guess even morning is great " Drey added as she walked out of the house,  she couldn't believe how fast her friends could cum because they probably did that when she was taking a bath and that's less than fifteen  minutes .

She opened the car and walks in while the girls followed back and hopped in too , Rory smiled and started the car as Hailey shouted ,  " Time to work bitches " , Drey laughed at that ....Hailey's usual statement to start work with .

Their Journey was magnificent since the weather was  cool and the air was nice today , arrived to their workshop and opened it .

" I think we should change the name " Rory started as she stared at the board hanging on the place with words "Coffee world "

" So how should it be , we sell the best coffee "  Hailey shooted .

" But not the whole world comes here , are they ? " Drey chipped in and smiled as Hailey pouted, they are both against her and surely the name gonna change .

" I suggest RODREYLEY " Drey added and Rory smiled while Hailey still had the pout and now confused face .

" Combination of our names " Rory explained and Hailey smiled .

" That's not so bad now "

They both smiled and went on opening the shop , placing the chairs and tables outside then went to change into uniforms ready for work .

" Early today " a man's voice came behind them in changing room and both turned with smile .

" You owe us then " Hailey spoke as she walked toward him

" How are you , Cliff ? " Rory said walking past him and went to the counter then cleaned the coffee making machine .

" It was great " Cliff replied and Drey patted his shoulder then the girls were out .

After minutes Cliff was also I'm uniform and went to the coffee machine and started to make coffee while the girls welcomed the guests and took their orders .

The day was on.

Customers were filling the place and the girls worked harder until afternoon where the customers rarely came by maybe because their break is over for those working in the companies or enterprises or whatever .

Sitting together in one table with food scattered all over , meal time .

" So when are we gonna change that ?" Hailey pointed to the board and Cliff looked at them with confusion .

" We're changing the name " Drey explained as she took meat steak into her mouth , Cliff leaned forward looking at Rory doubting that it was her idea.

" Of course my idea" Rory defended herself pointing at her chest , Cliff smiled .

" So what's the change then ? " he asked and Hailey spoke closing her eyes raising her chin like she was feeling something sweet on her veins .

" RODREYLEY " she said

" And what does that mean ? " still being confused he looked at Hailey whose eyes were now open .

" Well , Rory , Drey and Ley which is me Hailey " she pointed at herself with a grin.

" And you forgot me ?" Cliff pouted looking at Rory who closed her eyes leaning back , she knew this will be a long story of blame and it's all on her .

" Am full " Drey announced as she stood and went back to the changing room, the drama going to happened there was something she didn't prepare to see nor listen.

" Do you really hate me now , Rory ! " he asked being suprised .

" Now don't attack my girlfriend , ain't liking that " Hailey spoke glaring at Cliff and he scoffed .

" Like it or not she's going to get of from me today " he spoke turning to face Rory .

" Am sorry "she whispered

But the long story and drama went all the way to the end.

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