Chapter 36

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I happily dedicate this to Cindycindy762.


Standing before a church , Drey looked at the building for sometime .She has been here more than she could remember but never gotten the courage to go inside and see him .But she would never live that long in peaceful if she doesn't see him , it's time they finally meet again .

Walking slowly toward the building , people were moving and that meant the sermon was over but being the 24 hours service another one was to be held soon , and lucky that it was the last .

She had stayed all day staring at the building contemplating whether to go or not and finally she made a decision.

She joined the people for the next sermon and walked inside , taking a seat at the back benches .

The sermon started and the process followed in a well Christianity protocols until it came to an end .

Different people walked to the Father's room , everyone spoke their own problem .

It was an usual routine because some were confessing their sims and redeemed themselves , while others went to look for solutions and some went for prayers and Thanksgiving .

She walked slowly to the room but still doubted her decisions until the voice called .

" Is there another one my childrens ? " , she gulped and voiced slowly

"Yes Father " as she stepped closer .

" Come on my child the lord is with you " came his voice again .

Drey walked and opened the door them sat to the chairs that was placed over , she lowered her head trying to push away the sobs .

" How can I help you my child ? " the pastor asked again and She looked over a small window that stood in between the wall that separated where the father sat and her .

She didn't reply but instead dipped her hand and pulled the letters from her purse and placed them on the little space over the window and pushed them inside .

The shuffling came from the other side meaning that the father had picked the letters and slowly opened them , and slowly the window came open but still was separated with a designed metal material that can barely shown .

" My child " the father called .

" Papa Chris " the sobs escaped her lops as Chris gasped .

" Can I see you today ? " He asked and she nodded .

In the matter of seconds , Chris stood on the door looking at her , he couldn't not see her properly still because of the darkness .

Chris walked and pulled her to a hug .

" My child " Chris started sobbing just like Drey who couldn't hold it any longer .

After a moment , Chris held her hand and pulled her to the other room where there's enough light .

Chris backed and looked at her .

" You look so different , and that tells me you've been doing good " he slowly walked to her again and caressed her cheeks, she also observed and noted that his grey hairs increased and his face had more wrinkles than before .

" I have been worried about you ever since that day , am so happy to see  you " he spoke tears still in his eyes .

The old man took her out after he had changed the clothes , they went to his favourite restaurant that seemed a little bit old since no repairment was done .

Customers were few not mention that but still this was a valuable place for him .

He offered her a seat and went in the kitchen , shorty came back with two plates of food and she smiled all the way .

" Let's eat first " he said and she nodded .

After they had taken their meal , few stories and catch up went on until when Drey bide the man goodbye .

She walked a little bit then turned to see the man standing at the entrance of his restaurant that appeared to be his home too , she waved and he waved back with both hands as tears brimmed in his eyes .

The old man Chris smiled as memories took her few years back .

Chris walked humming his gospel song he liked much slowly , he usually does that after coming from the church back to his home where he runned a small business , a restaurant .

As he neared he saw one of his worker pushing a girl chasing her away in good ways .

The girl fell on the floor , she looked bad herself , pale and dirty too , she was thin and more messy .

He walked and picked her up .

" Are you okay ? " he asked and she nodded .

" Hey , Pedro never chase away people , that's not how I run my business " he warned the man .

"Come inside "  he gestured still holding her hand and she willingly went with him .He offered a seat and brought her food by himself , fried eggs and some bread with a soup ., just a local mixture .

The girl without being told she went on the food , taking it as if she had not seen food for sometime .

After she was done , she thanked and ran away .

Then it became a regular , the girl would always wait for the father walking his way back from church and he would give her some food .

It came a day Chris had not seen the girl for sometime and wondered where has she gone , then decided to look for her and luckly found her after few days , all spent and ill on the house that sheltered her .

He took her to the hospital and the doctors told him that she was addicted to drugs .

He took care for her in two days when came a woman named Jesca claiming that she's her relative .

Jesca had taken the blame on herself since she had travelled leaving her with her daughter and they don't get along that well , so the other chased the girl out and had to look at herself with no one help .

After treatment Jesca thanked Chris so much for his kindness and as taking the girl away .

Standing there ready to leave the hospital , Chris approached the girl .

" I have taken fond in you my child , am not pleased with the drug use but the lord is with you , you can quit and get over the thing that influences you " he spoke and the girl sad smiled .

" It's a difficult decision but you need to visit a Rehab , there you'll be free from drugs and whatever heavies your heart , don't forget the lord is your strength and always with you " he added , the girl looked at Jesca who nodded with a sad smile too .

" Will you take a righteous path child ? " he asked and she just glared at him , then nodded slowly .

" Then Christ be your saviour " he added with a smile .

" Thank you father Chris " Jesca said holding the girl's hand and slowly started walking away .

" Can I have your name my child " he begged looking at her few stairs down , the girl let go of Jesca and walked back , she then whispered on his ear and smiled .

Then the girl left with her Relative .

Few weeks later Chris received the news from Jesca of the girl going to rehab .

Chris was happy and sad at the same time but he couldn't let that child go in darkness .

He kept writing letters , encouraging her and knowing about her health but the girl never replied even once .

"Be well my child " Chris spoke still looking at the dissapering figure of the girl he had taken fond of .


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