Chapter 78

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" I can't believe this , Hades has been in the shadows with his sins apparently " Revagan spoke as she sat still looking at the talking reporter on the TV . Gregory on the other side just narrowed his eyes on the news and sighed as he leaned backward .

" This shit is for 20 years ago , someone is onto him " he spoke grabbing his napikn as Ravagan chuckled .

" You knew ? " A surprise look crossed her features , that was a damn crime being hosted and her husband knew of it .

" Participated some so if he's the only one got caught that means someone wanted him on jail " he added making Revagan gasp with a shocked face .

" Are you hearing yourself right now , just shut up before anyone else hears your nonsense " she argued grabbing a piece of a knife and pulled a blue band not wanting to hear anymore shits from her husband .

" Am serious Revagan and if he's targeted that means am on the list and I bet he doesn't even know who's after him " he added making her stop with her business and flared at him . This was being ridiculous , they're having a lot in their plate especially with no news about Femy and all the progress and here was him confessing of his old crimes and sure enough makes suspect assumptions on the fact .

" You better shut up and listen , it's his bad luck he's in there and you better be careful with whatever you say from onwards ,get your head together and deal with your daughter's  case instead  " she insisted .

" Humphrey said he can not help " Gregory spoke .

" It's obvious that Evelyn has a hand in that , the last time I checked she said she has no power but Garen and I see nothing that he does , that hurt less bastard " she scolded in the end as she took a bite of bread .

" Something is going on Revagan " Gregory spoke  she sighed wanting to give a reply when a knock came their way and both looked each other .

" Did you invite your friends again Revagan ? " Gregory asked being annoyed .

" What makes you think am the only one having friends " she replied walking out for the door .

" You're the only one having obnoxious friends " he replied earning a death glare as she opened the door to meet with a delivery man , her face frowned .

" Gregory did you order something " she asked something and a no came her way .

" Who ordered this Mr ? " She asked .

" I don't know maam but was sent for this address " he replied and she furrowed her brows .

" Let me see "

On looking to the address , it was indeed their address she gave out her hand and the man gave a pen , she signed and thanked him .

" Thank you " ,she walked backward and closed the door still trying to figure it out who sent this because she didn't order anything and so did Gregory , so it may be a present or a parcel ordered by another person for them .

Sitting on the coach and slowly opening the box , her yes widened and she called after few gasps .

" Gregory " worry in the voice made Gregory curious of what was in the box that had her stuck like that . He walked from the table , washed his hands on the sink before taking steps to his wife .

On looking inside the box his eyes narrowed instead as he sighed . On the box there were dirty clothes , very dirty one but one thing was clear on them some old blood on it , they more love ke looked for a dead or murdered person .

Gregory rubbed his face with his hands as Revagan trembled not knowing what to say .

" Are you going to say something , am freaking out " Revagan spoke after a while .

" What should I say , huh ! " He asked angered .

" Well seems like your daughter sent you some reminders , oooh... God she's crazy , what does she want now ? " She added making Gregory's head snap to her .

" She wouldn't dare dig up her mother's dead rotten clothes just to remind me of her death " he replaced.

" She's just wicked like her mother " Revagan snapped as she stood and walked around the table when an arm grabbed her hand tightly .

" I see it she's more like you Revagan , you killed her mother remember and maybe you really have forgotten that but this maybe a reminder for you instead "

" But you helped me bury her dead body , didn't you ? " She asked raising her eyebrows .

" And you lied saying you just killed a road walker right because you knew if I knew that you killed her that day I would have never let you be in my life , and just see how that has cost me .... Having my daughter in the behavioural version of you , I just regret meeting you " he spoke gritting his teeth

" Ooh come on Greg , behavioural version while the wickedness runs in her blood well binded in her DNA " she yelled pulling her hand from his hands .

" Mia had the audacity to to sleep with two brothers in the same family because her father does so or are you forgetting you slept with my sister too you bloody fool " she scolded .

Gregory gulped rubbing his face hardly as she chuckled .

" You think I won't know about that ... Too bad for you . Mia is a bitch not because of me , she had it in her since she was born I just triggered it "

" And see where that led all of us , where's Aufemia , where's Mia , where's the damn perfect family I pictured with you , you faked that and this is the reality of what you have been triggering you say .... Now suck it up and see the consequences "  he yelled vein popping in his hands and head , anger surfaced more that ever and he flared high for a minute .

Walking out in her , she just sighed and looked at the clothes and that's when she saw a note inside .

' I wonder how I should punish you Mother '

Revagan sighed as anger bubbled inside her chest , surely she wanted to kill Mia .

" Crazy bitch " she cursed .

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