Chapter 47

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I happily dedicate this to Summerrosie10.

Smut warning 🔔⚠️


Camilla pressed the button for the nineteen time and she sweared that this would be the last one , and just when she had decided to give up the apartment door came open revealing Gareth .

She walked past him pushing him as anger clouded her eyes , so the whole time he was really inside .

Gareth shut the door and walked to her , slightly swaying .

" So you were inside but in thoughts of either letting me in or not you dummy " She raised her voice but Gareth just looked at her .

" Am talking to you , Reth " she raised her voice more .

" Am sorry , Milla " he spoke moving toward her and there she picked on the alcohol scent all over him , she didn't notice this eariel probably because she was on fire fuming out of anger .

" You're drunk " She stated and he looked everywhere but her .

" I thought we talked about this , Gareth " she spoke irritation lacing her voice and he rubbed the back of his head before looking at her .

" Am sorry , Camy " He spoke moving toward her and she stood still .

She clicked her tounge annoyingly .

" I just left you alone for three barely Days an you're like this , look at the room ...are you a pig ? " she asked pulling him to her before heading upstairs still holding him .

When they arrived to his bedroom , she slowly helped him to sit on the bed then went down on his legs to take out the socks he had .

He looked at her at every move she took ,  as she walked to the closet and pulled his pajamas and threw them to the bed ,  then took his towel and walked to the bathroom and prepared him some water for shower .

Then walked out and looked at him .

" Go and take a shower , I  will be back with something to eat " she spoke before walking outside .

Gareth Gazed at the door before pulling himself up and walked to the bathroom , he knew better to behave than having Milla's mouth on reprimanding  him .

He took his time in the bathroom recalling all what has happened , Garen did release the Videos he sent him , he wanted the world to know the betrayal that him and Mia gave him.

He couldn't blame him because he would probably do the same , betrayal shits hurts .

Meanwhile Camilla walked back to the room and placed the tray beside the bed when Gareth came with a towel hanging on his waist showing his v line .

" I always tell you to have some decent with you ...anyway get dressed and have the food , although not your favourite " she spoke standing from bed and walked to the door when suddenly a body engulfed her from the back .

Gareth had his hand well rested on her stomach making it tight , pulling her closer to his body and that's when she felt something poking her arse .

" I don't remember you being a pervert when drunk , now go get dressed and eat am not sleeping here , Mr. Wings just went to a party " . she shrugged the fact he still held her .

He slowly placed his face on the crook of her neck and breathed like taking her scent into his system .

" Gareth.." She spoke holding her hands onto his but the kiss on her neck left her agape ,  as he slowly sucked where he kissed first .

" That's enough , go and eat " she spoke like a whisper because she was losing focus when the the bulk thing  got stronger and big , poking harder .

" What would I do , without you ? " he spoke letting his hands loose on her stomach and she moved a little bit to face him when his hands came again on her waist pulling her closer .

" Gareth " she whispered as his breath hit her face and the mint scent just filled her nostrils riled up the heatness between her legs .

" You would stick with me , right ? " he asked eyeing her with lust and adoration , she nodded and he smiled . His hand then held her chin and raised her face to meet his .

" Then don't ever leave me " he spoke before slamming his lips onto hers and she accidentally moaned .

Gasping at what is happening , Gareth sunk his tounge into her mouth searching for it's partner to take a dominance battle and he would when he squeezed her ass .

Breaking the kiss , Camilla looked at Gareth's eyes and saw nothing but lust and desire been this was wrong , she was his friend and he's doing this probably because he's drunk or because of the broken heart .

" Reth ...."

He silenced her with another kiss , this time going deep into her mouth , his hands grabbed her thighs leading her to jump to his waist and he gladly caressed the arse.

Her hands went on his neck , this seems right yet wrong but she craved for him too even when he'll forget or maybe regret it in the morning .

He walked to the bed and laid her slowly to the bed ,  still having her lips to himself , his hands roamed around her body pulling up the dress she wore .

His hands meeting the heated body that simply laid underneath him , it was a perfect sight to see .

His hand rested on her thing making a some slowly circles while the other went for the mound that screamed with a tight nipple on the air , fuck this girl walks with no bra .

Trailing kisses down to her body , suddenly Camilla sat pushing him away and Gareth narrowed his eyes to her .

" This ....

" This is wrong , Gareth " she stated but he was not fazed by that , instead he tilted his head to the right and asked her .

" What is wrong ? " he asked pulling her legs over to his body where the towel loosened too much .

"This " she pointed the fingers in between them and he smiled

" And you're drunk , Gareth " she added .

He then grabbed her and turned her while he sat making her straddle him .

" Tell me why it's wrong " his husky voice came as a seduction to her ears as his hand now went to her zipper and opened it slowly .

" Tell me , Milla " he whispered to her ear , licking the lobe slowly And she flinched her body getting hotter as time goes on.

" Reth ...." She said as his hands went on undressing her and now her dress was  gathered on her waist making her breast meet his face .


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