Chapter 9

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Smut warning .

" Open your legs " Rory ordered and Hailey squeezed her legs further as a grin plastered on her face .

" Like what you see " she asked and Rory scoffed walking toward her after her dress fell to the floor .

" I will ask the same question later but ....

She paused and Hailey knew that face , tonight was going to be a long night of course .Rory bent down and pulled her by  legs that her buttocks were on the edge .

Will be kinda different " she finished that as her fingers slowly trailed up her thighs and slightly touched her pussy .

" See this pink flesh ...I want this to get pinker "  and her fingers parted her folds , Hailey gasped

" And when I make them  I want you to kneed those sweet mounds , am I clear " Rory ordered and Hailey moaned .

" Words now " she came again nibbling her clitoris in between her fingers and she moaned harder .

" Yes mama "

" Good girl "

With that her mouth met with the glistening pink flesh , sucked and grazed her teeth there ,  and Hailey was a moaning mess  , parting her folds again and lapped her tounge continuously and fastly.

Trailing her fingers on her entrance before putting two fingers in a row and Ley gasped harder as Rory rolled her fingers inside her cunt , adding the third and pumped faster than before .

Ley started moving her hips to meet the thrusts and Rory sucked her clit , biting it as a tease and graze her teeth on it still surveying her pretty cunt .

" Aah " Ley screamed

" Am gonna cum " she screamed , She added the fourth finger now as she faced her and smiled as to how her stomach went up and down ,  her body slightly lingered in sweat .

" Come for me , Babe " Rory's voice came being hoarse and in seconds Ley's pussy was glistened with cums .

" Now see , this " Rory mumbled before going down there again licking all of the sweet juice that Ley offered .

Rory's tounge lapped on her cunt until nothing was there and she kissed the folds so proudly .

Ley was still kneeding her breasts pulling her nipples as she gasped for air .

" Now tell me ,  like what I have done " Rory teased her as her fingers slowly circled her folds and teased her entrance and Ley  shredded down aa she was finding  her breath after coming down from a high peak .

" Amazing " Ley panted hard as she closed her eyes Still feeling the pleasure that courses in her body .

Rory smiled as she went down on her again , and  licked her again .

" Mmh " Ley moaned and Rory smirked as she licked again slowly , she did that again for some minutes .

" I want to pleasure you too " Ley whisper and Rory stopped then went up to her lips slamming hers onto them .

Ley tasted herself as her hands trailed on her back down her butts , Rory pinched her nipples as she dipped down her young  in her mouth and Ley moaned .

Rory moaned as Ley's fingers grazed her pussy , she needed a release too .

" You know , today is for you " Rory exclaimed but threw her head back when she felt something intruding her cunt .

" Fuck.. "

" Now it's my time " Ley smirked pumping the dildo slowly .

" What the fuck..." As the thrust came harder and Ley gigled .

" Surprise baby mama "  and she increased her pace ,  Rory looked at her lust filling her eyes and slammed her lips onto hers.

" Now on your four " Ley ordered and Rory turned laying her body down , lifting her ass up in air .

" Nice curves , you got " Ley mumbled as she walked out of the bed with the dildo on her hand , stood and gazed at that ass  , bent and planted a kiss at both before licking her hole and Rory moaned.

" Now another surprise , honey "  Ley walked to the dressing table and pulled the drawer and came back with something purple in her hand .

Rory was looking at her sideways and smirked , " What is that you got there ? " she asked not seeing the thing she went for but only a dildo she held before .

" Your pleasure mama " Ley now caressed her ass and went back on licking that hole and  teased it with her tounge .

Moans came and she was smirking to herself enjoying what she was doing to her ,  slowly she then pushed the thing in her hand and Rory gasped feeling immense pleasure .

Slowly until it went all in and a small part was out , Ley smiled to herself and then went to her cunt and kissed it .

" Widen these " she ordered touching her thighs and Rory obliged as she widened her legs still in her four position  , that made her pussy available and well seen.

" Woow " Ley exclaimed in seeing how wet she was , placed her mouth and licked her harder that made Rory more wet .

She went on sucking and lapping her clit now and then before pushing her fingers three of them altogether and a moan came from both .

Pumping her fingers slowly as she peeked to see what face Rory was making and she felt satisfied because she saw what she expected .

After a while more fluids came from her and Ley removed her fingers leaked them all before pushing the dildo onto her entrance and gasp came for her , she smirked .

Pumping slowly but hard hitting that lovely spot , she touched that sweet thing on her hole and pushed it slightly , now a greater moan came .

Went on pumping increasing her pace on her pussy , she could feel her walls tightens around it and she wanted her to  clench more .

Pushed it all out and then slammed it back harder and harder ,  the strokes went on until

" Ley ..." she cummed and that was it satisfactory plastered on both was another level imagination .

She still went pumping a little bit before taking it out and suck all the cum down her throat .

Rory laid there tiredly on her front and Ley came beside her capturing her lips make her taste herself .

" I love you Hailey " Rory mumbled

" Love you too " Hailey spoke  patting her hairs slowly as sleepiness came for both .


Now that I don't know how it was , am stillnit great in writing this though I promise it would get better .

Hope you enjoyed it though

And for now ,  Ciao


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