Chapter 13

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" Take her back to her room " the man ordered as he walked inside the room where people surrounded the bed in which a woman laid there like dead person ..

Her hairs scattered , sweat on her and dark circles under her eyes , her face pale and every bone screamed out in her body .

" Janette make sure she eats today , do everything you can " he added looking at Janette before walking outside then two men dragged her outside , her legs sliding on the floor and her hands held tight by both men.

Janette walked back until they arrived in her room , she opened the door for them and they threw her to the floor before walking out .

Janette rushed to her side .

" Aufemia "  she called and Femy slightly turned her head .

" My God " Janette exclaimed  then rushes to the table and brought some water .

" Please have this " she said pulling her off the floor and placed her head on her lap .

" Garen " Femy whispered

"Have some water please " Janette held her well and made her drink the water .

"Garen " she whispered again

" What did you say ? " Janette asked lowering her ear to her mouth .

" Garen "

" Garen " Janette repeated as she looked at her pitifully .

Garen just sniffed the scarf that Janette gave him back there as they drove back to the hotel .

" She always had this with her , you should take it "

Garen took the scarf and examined it well .It was the scarf he had gifted her on their first date , he sewed that himself even when it took him hours , he wanted to give her that .

" After she was out of the asylum , my sister took her to Cuba , this is her address you shall find her there " Janette added handing them another paper .

" Am sorry that I ever did hurt her , am truly sorry "

Garen's eyes were now red , he couldn't contain himself from crying .Today he heard a lot that broke him , he regretted the day he chose not to believe her .

Silently they walked back to their hotel room and Garen climbed to his bed cuddling himself up still holding the scarf closer to his nose .

Calvin watched his friend and then pulled covers on him before walking to his bed .

Someone else was on this and definitely not Mia because she wouldn't have such huge amount of money to bribe all of those people back there , it is someone from the Craig's , it must be .

Calvin dwelled on his own thoughts trying to solve the mystery though he could still hear the sobs that escaped Garen's lips .

The night went away with all the sorrows for sometime and it was morning again .

Sunrays hit Garen's face and he squeezed his eyes tightly , then slowly opened them to see Calvin standing beside the pushed curtains .

" We still have a long way to go , get up " Calvin ordered as he pulled his phone from the table and sat on the sofa across the room .

Garen grunted as the rays burned his face and turned to face the other side.He laid there for sometime before gathering some energy and got up , still on the bed he glared at Calvin who was well prepared .

" Are you okay ? " Calvin asked and Garen pinched the ridge of his nose . " Just a headache " .

" We're having a flight to Cuba in less than thirty minutes  now get ready , we'll take care of your head on the plane "

Garen nodded as he pulled the covers off his body and slowly moved from bed and walked to the bathroom .

Garen stood before the mirror and looked at his reflection , he looked like shit . Ruffled hairs , red eyes and dark circle under them , he looked pale and like he started losing some weight .

It's just days and I look like this , Femy come back to me please

He thought before grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste too , cleaned his teeth and cleanse his mouth . Slowly removing his clothes until he stood naked before the shower .

He touched the handle and opened it , the water fell on his head and down his body that slowly cooled down , maybe a cold shower is a therapy too .

After he was done he walked out and Calvin spoke to him .

" Your mom has been calling you frequently and you're not picking up " he stated and Garen ignored him as he walked to his closet and found it empty .

" Clothes " he said and Calvin pointed to the bed ,  Garen looked and closed his eyes since he felt likes foolish. He needed to focus and he was highly confused already .

" Your dad too has been persistent " Calvin added .

" I will call them when I cool down " he replied then wore his grey suit .

" If we find her " Calvin spoke looking at Garen who stopped putting his watch and gazed at him , with a blank face .

" What will I do? " he finished the question for him and Calvin nodded. Garen went on his business dealing with his watch until it was done.

" I shall figure that out when I lay my eyes on her " he replied when a knock came to their door .

" Come in " he ordered and two men walked inside , bowed and Calvin pointed to their packages and the men picked them up.

" Until then let's focus on finding her " Garen added as the walked outside the room heading to the elevator .

Took the  elevator down the building and walked to their car , gladly they were rich otherwise this mission would be a failure .

The car drove them to the airport where their private jet settled , walked in it and journey started all way to Cuba.

" Please god let this be the last place I go   " Garen slowly prayed and Calvin laughed smoothly .

" Now this is interesting , someone is praying after a decade if I can guess " Calvin spoke picking the magazine book and went on reading while Garen cursed him down his breath .

" You know I have never been in Cuba " Calvin chipped again still looking on his magazine .

" Nor did I " Garen replied .

" Then it's going to be awesome " Calvin smirked .


So will they find her or another boom travel story , let's find out for the next chapters .

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