Chapter 64

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Garen stood looking at the faces of his board members giving him confused signs ,he gazed at Calvin and he was all flaring with anger , what was happening that thought swirled on his mind continuously .

" Is someone going to talk or rather throw me glances with killing desire because I can do so to you " he threatened sitting properly leaning to the back .

"Mr. Craig the board demands you step down as a CEO of this company " his secretary came once not daring to give him a long look since she held pity on her eyes . Garen sighed before looking at each of them around here .

" I object " Calvin spoke  .

" That's obvious of you because you're his dog " someone raised his voice enough to be heard and that was McDonalds making Calvin's jaws clench same to his fist .

" And why is that ? " Came a calming voice of Garen he surely was not phrased by them at all .

" You're losing the stake holders in here because of your ineffective behaviour towards the company " Victor came this time ,Garen nodded .

" And you've ruined your own reputation with your wife ,that woman surely lowered your price name in business and you did nothing knowing she roams free out there with a suspect of  crime on her head "  McDonalds spoke gritting his teeth .

" How many stake holders have I lost ,raise your hand's not like we're talking about someone outside we're all in here ,right ?" ,his eyes widened slightly with a threat on them warning everybody to take their choices very well .

All of the men and women raised their hands except his secretary and Calvin ,he chuckled eyeing everybody as he leaned forward .

" Mia isn't my wife anymore ,the media helped me in announcing that I believe and the crown of a suspect she's wearing isn't mine to deal with ain't a fucking cop ,am I ?" He raised his eye brows at them before carrying on .

" My price name isn't down because of her , for instance It was supposed to get higher since people do the sympathy thing and empathy sometimes and we all saw it did though I never revealed what i did for  business but my personal life issues and I suppose everyone here would do the same just like how you did McDonalds when you're wife cheated ,right ? " , he leaned backward observing a sour expression forming on McDonalds face .

" This tells me a simple thing here ,my price has fallen over a night because of all of you ,you sold your shares somewhere else and I guess am having my enemies out then " he added and some started fidgeting .

" Well then it seems you all have forgotten about me , this is my company ,I built it and lived to see it grow on my sweat and struggles that most of you don't know and just to remind you your shares have no vote in my position and this company ,your shares are just simple investments to a company and you're all well profited .....go back to your own contracts with me " he spoke with a smirk as some gasped .

" Ridiculous " Victor shouted as some went back to the phones and other pads and PC going through the contract "

" Page 12 I guess " he spoke .

" This is cheating " McDonalds shouted banging the table as Garen chuckled .

" You just cheated on me ,all of you " he gritted his teeth .

" So as you all were witness I gave you more of profits than what you invested ,so you sold your shares and you debt me nothing then ,have a good journey it was awesome working with you guys " ,with that he stood bracing himself leaving Calvin and his secretary speechless .

" The board members are the core of any business including yours Garen , our say matters and we have a right to take things to court if you can't resolve this peacefully " Victor threatened and Garen narrowed his eyes on him .

" You're forgetting something here , this isn't my father's business's mine ,my legacy ,I make the rule , I break them and mend them by myself ... I .am. the . Core .to all .of this . " He yelled on top of his lungs as he eyed them with anger and hatred .

" Take this to court like your right you claim and I will show you your place ,everyone of you ... Try me I dare you " ,with that he walked out furiously as his secretary followed leaving Calvin behind to clean the mess left over .

Garen's heart constricted at their betrayal ,he's done nothing than care about them and their families ,he made the names they're all proud of today for them to betray his trust on him for a night .

He knew someone was behind this ,he manipulated his people onto selling their shares thinking that it would drive his business to a fail and yes it might if he's not going to get a best solution as fast as he can .

Slamming the door behind him harshly as he rubbed his hands over his face , Calvin walked right inside looking at his messy friend .

" He's coming out  ,he's taking his pace " Garen spoke making a known look to Calvin that his enemy was out there taking a step to drive him down in failures .

" Whomever this is ,knows where to get you at " Calvin spoke as he walked towards him .

" And when did you change their contract ? " He couldn't believe the feud his friend just made in there .

" When I thought something like this would happen , I know I can trust one not many as them " Garen spoke as he walked to his desk and opened his PC .

" Shut down the server Calvin , I need to shake his mind with his own plan " Garen suggested

" That means we won't be working for days maybe and with this ,we need a strategy to win the price name Back ,we've dropped drastically " he reasoned .

" He's expected this to happen or rather planning to hack my system might be his plan B or something ,I want to do something trust me "

" Okay " was all Calvin before walking outside .

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