Chapter 43

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I happily dedicate this to Piku0195.


Mia was having a good time picking up anything she wanted with a Craig card she still holds , the mall's staffs were happily playing the loyal dogs role just to please her guts .

She took some rounds in picking the shoes and clothes and more of womanly stuffs when she wanted to have a break and ordered a drink .

Sitting on the VIP lounge , one of the staffs brought her the drink and majestically took it slowly as the other staff made her wear the new shoes she just picked , to see if they fit her interest physically .

Looking at her foot seeing how the glass shoe fits her , she smiled .

" Hey bring me that silver one too , I think I like it now " she spoke in a commanding voice but the maid looked at her with a disgusting face and Mia frowned at the disrespect .

" Are you deaf or something ? " She asked slowly getting furious at how the low ranking maid was acting .

" Are you crippled or something ? " the maid retorted back walking and pulled her fellow from the ground , busy picking another shoes.

" Leave it Mary , sluts don't get to be tended but they tend to their masters , so grace up your pride " , the maid added and Mary looked at her confusingly .

" What did you just call me ? " Mia couldn't believe the insult she was just getting considering that she was supposed to be worshipped , she still has a Craig name and heir in her belly to the world .

Suddenly the door moved and there walked the manager of the Mall , it wasn't Craig's property , Mia was glad seeing the manager because she couldn't wait to report the filthy girl, but ...

The manager's face was with an amusement smirk but also disrespect in her eyes that took in Mia from head to toe and she frowned .

Mia couldn't register what was happening around there , why was everyone acting so weird when they just worshipped her few hours ago .

" Can I know what's happening ? " Mia decided to ask because she couldn't handle the hate looks she was just getting , even the cleaners threw her the dirty look and it bothered her inside .

The manager smiled wickedly before taking few steps then halted .

" First of all , get your ass off our precious expensive coach , then Mary pack all the things she tried and brought what she hasn't back where they belong not to forget , do some cleanups on them I don't want slutty germs on them , customers might puke knowing she touched them " , she ordered not taking her eyes from her .

Mary did the told , but Mia scoffed as she looked at everyone around the room not believing the guts they have to disrespect her .

" You really have to guts to disrespect a Craig , do you ? " ,  as soon that sentence flew from her mouth a shattering laugh came from the manager's mouth , not even trying to hide how pitiful she looked at her .

" A Craig ! , hey has nobody told her or didn't you see Mia ? " She said sarcastically .

" Chloe , quit the Bullshits and I think am not taking these anymore being my school mate practically knocked you off to forget who I really am ? " Mia spoke collecting her purse as anger flourished her face .

" Who you really are ! " Chloe spoke raising her eyes , poking her tounge inside her cheek .

" Guys , let's honour her the show , it seems she really doesn't get it or rather know who she really is , now " Chloe picked the remote that laid aside the table and pressed the button pointing to the TV and the news started flashing .

Mia froze as her body tensed and flinched seeing those videos playing on air for everyone to see ,  the videos where she happily confessed her plans with Gareth , the videos that had sex in them and that had stated about the pregnancy , the same videos that marked get downfall and never did she think that Garen could do that to her , digging her grave for days only to threw her in today .

" Now , let me tell you who you really are .....a gold digger who wants nothing but money and power ,  a cheater because loyalty is never in your blood I guess , you just betrayed the people who picked you from trash Mia , you're a slut because you can't keep your legs close when it comes to a man , who fucks the blood related brothers , huh !.....and most of it , You're a Murderer " Chloe spat just beside where Mia stood still not taking her eyes from the TV .

" Now listen here Mia , you're time to be worshipped is gone ......"

Without finishing the sentence , Mia bolted , she wanted nothing but to be out of there, she wanted to hide herself and time is running out , everybody knows .

" Ooh , don't escape too early Mia , you have some scores to settle now " Chloe grabbed her by hand and tightened her hold every fucking second that Mia winced in pain while one of her hand touched her bump .

" You have to pay for those clothes you tried and shoes too with purses because am not  having anything remain here that you tried , and you really need to think fast because that Craig golden card doesn't work anymore " she seethed her teeth as she threw her to the floor .

Falling down but held herself with one hand as the other protected the belly , she snapped .

" Are you crazy Chloe , am still pregnant ? " she shouted and Chloe scoffed .

" With the illegimate child , don't think it will survive , you hardly did that remember until someone picked you up and now you just stabbed their daughter , now pay for the items because the some people are waiting for you out there , to have a great interview with you " She spoke giving her hand to one of the staffs and got the bill order .

Chloe threw the piece of paper to their face  as Mia glared at her with anger .

" Save that face because it would be the last beautiful pose for the picture , trust me you won't have that anymore but some dead like face after few minutes " Chloe added as Mia picked the paper and gasped at the bill .

" What the hell is this ? " , she raised her Voice at Chloe .

" What ? , is that suddenly a huge amount to pay ....well hurry up because you also have to clean up where you walked around , am not having all the time with you " ,  Chloe grinned as Mia looked over to the cleaner who just raised her eyebrow pointing the mopper stick that sinked in the water .

What the hell happened to her life .


Guys I just love how you support me with the votes until now and the comments , and follows too .

I can't explain how joyful I am right now with the progress we all have made .

It may be a normal step for most but to me , it means a lot and am so thankful because I know even for the little I have gained wouldn't be there if you guys wouldn't give me support and motivation to move on with the book , so may God bless you for as a human I really gave nothing that can satisfy your quests but am thankful .

Love you all ........😘❤️❤️💯💋

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