Chapter 98

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" How is she ??" Femy asked the doctor who seemed to be deep in thoughts .

" She's not in her sense at all and I would recommend you take her to asylum for better treatment " .

Femy gulped before looking back through the mirror to see Mia on the other side crawling on the floor writing something with her nails .

She then suddenly started ruffling her hair begging for forgiveness and blaming herself .

" Am sorry , it's all my fault "

" No son it's my fault you've died . Gio look I killed our son " .

" What ?? " She looked at the airspace her eyes were suddenly red and very teary . " I killed you too , I don't remember that .... But yes I did , I am so sorry "

She started screaming .

" Her mental health is deteriorating as time goes I think she should get treatment soon enough " the doctor insisted .

" What about the baby ? " Femy asked not taking her gaze to Mia .

" The baby is doing fine ,she's very much healthy than I thought she would be , am just proud of that little angel " . The doctor smiled then gazed at the screaming and crying Mia .

" Too bad for her mother though " she added .

" Are you not going to sedate her ? " Femy asked pity in her eyes seeing Mia like that , she definitely knows what she's going through .

" It's not time yet " Doctor spoke and Femy sighed before walking away holding her now full term belly . Anytime she would be delivering .

It's been some months ever since Mia was taken to Ray ,she was just locked up in her room ,given everything she ever needed but her mind was never hers ever since she started to experience nightmares that haunted her both at nights and in daylight .

She would speak to herself and cry her agony out until it became too much to handle ,she started to lose it all .

Mia made sure that her health was checked especially for the baby . That baby has no faults and mistakes in this even though it's brother crossed the same tragedy of death in the circle of revenge in between parents , she wished nothing but to save this one .

Mia would be so stubborn sometimes but Femy always talked to her and she would oblige to let the doctor check on her and treat whenever there's a complication arise .

" Would you ever forgive me ? "

One of the days Mia asked Femy and as much as she pitied her but it was too hard to forgive her , she's done a lot of damage and the scars are never fading any soon .

"Please do forgive my baby "

Mia went on and Femy just gazed at the teary eyes of her sister .

Femy walked to her room and sat looking at the wall , specially at nothing at all .

Tears filled her eyes as the weight on her heard accelerated ,it was peaceful but something was missing .

Ray .

She went days to weeks convincing herself that he will come back but that turned to months and her hopes are flattering slowly as petals fall.

After the explosion ,no one could really tell where Ray and Shawn were but with the simple tell from other soldiers ,both of them died in that explosion but Femy found it so hard to believe .

Tears fell and she gasped walking away from the shell of thoughts when a pitch of cry came her way . Rubbed her tears and walked towards the next room where a crib on middle of the room shot the source of the cry .

She walked to it and looked at the beautiful baby girl before her whom kept crying and she knew that feeling .

She's missing her mother .

Slowly taking her to her arms ,swinging her with a hum and like magic the baby stopped crying .

Those hazel eyes bore to her just like how Gio would glare at someone he loves .

It reminded of him .

The hum seemed to be taking the dreams of the beautiful world to the baby as she slowly went back to sleep .

" Have a beautiful dreams Kaiya "

She kissed her forehead and laid her back then walked out of the room only to meet Pius .

" You should have some rest " Pius spoke looking at her with pity .

" Am not tired Pius " She responded walking past him to the kitchen .

" I've been noticing your sleepless night "

" And I've warned you of peeking my room at night , I don't believe if he was here you would do that " she pulled milk shake and slammed the fridge's door .

" And he wouldn't like it one bit seeing you sleepless while you're in this condition ,stress is something he's been fighting for you not to give in " .

" But am having those because of him " she yelled throwing the shake on his face .

" And am tired of you reminding that , can't you just leave me alone " she yelled once again .

" I just want to be alone " she whispered as tears rolled down her eyes .

The door opened and there walked in Agatha .

" And what's with that yelling ?" She asked .

" Someone is throwing her hormonal tantrums" Pius replied with annoyance .

" She's just pregnant ,Pius "

Pius rubbed his face before looking to his wet shirt then glared at Femy who threw him the same intense gaze that looked more murderous .

" Shit " Pius mumbled turning to face the other way .

" You should really stop screaming ,it's not good for your health " Agatha spoke walking past them to the fridge and pulled another shake ,handing it to Femy .

" Calm down child " ,Femy took it and walked slowly to the leaving room until when she groaned in pain dropping the shake ,holding her stomach .

" Aah "

" Femy what is it " Agatha asked walked towards her same as Pius .some clear fluid was draining down to her legs as the pain came againa and she screamed .

" Pius get the car ready ,it's the baby " Agatha screamed holding Femy whom screamed with another wave hitting so hard .

" Fuck " Pius cursed again .

" Hurry ,Bull " Femy gritted between her teeth as Pius walked off .

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