Chapter 3

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Mia walked toward the office and Gareth smiled on seeing her , " Hi babe " he spoke looking at his computer then back to her face .

" Not afraid that someone might hear you honey , especially Garen " she teased and Reth laughed slowly , " You wouldn't be here yourself " he replied before pulling her into a kiss .

" So tell me why are you here ? " he asked pulling her onto his lap , she smiled and bite her lower lip slowly before releasing it .

" Want some love ? " Reth added and she leaning foward meeting his  and whispered more like to herself but audible .

" Am pregnant , Reth " she spoke and Reth gaped not believing what he was hearing .

" Mine ..." He stummered in his sentence and Mia nodded with a smile and in a flash of a minute , she was now on top of his desk kissing her so hard .

" I can't believe am going to be a dad ! " and went back on her lips .

Then the projector went off and the lights came back to life .

" Garen I ..."

" Did I say you can speak ? " , Mia gulped down hardly and Garen looked at Gareth who sat across the room then to his mother Evelyn and then to the other elders that were present .

" Mr and Mrs .Conrad , make sure as you leave take your daughter with you please " he spoke kindly but angrily .

" No ...Garen, pleas......"

" Will you be quite , Slut " Garen then shouted making everyone flinch and held themselves together , " You think you have the right to speak after what you have done , don't think highly of yourself because if you want a reminder , then be my guest "

" Gareth " he called and Reth looked at his brother ,  " Well you can have her ...take her with you now because she's no longer my wife as both of you planned "

" No still your wife Garen and please don't trust those fabricated videos , I wonder who gave them to you but they're fake " Mia tried to defend herself as her hand went onto Garen's arm and he looked at the point disgustingly .

" Well they're quite original , what do you have that I have to frame you for ....nothing " he spat after taking his arm from her,  distaste on his face.

" Do you think that everyone is a snitch as you are , framing people and fabricating evidences just as best as you can ,  don't fucking play with me Mia , your game is over now , drop the act "  he shouted .

" But am still your wife and just think what shame will cost if this comes out .....I will abort it pleas..." She spoke confused .

" What ? " It was now Reth's time to gape as much as all present in there .

" Shut up Gareth , shut up " she shouted and Maria laughed louder " Getting crazy , are we ? " she added sarcastically .

" Well you're not my wife Mia , you signed the divorce today " Garen spoke standing and composed himself , Mia's mind went wild , signed a divorce , that can't be true , she grabbed his hand again standing too.

" When, I didn't sign anything Garen " she spoke as tears running down her cheeks , her downfall came too early .

" Well you did ,  the fame industry remember " he spoke removing her hand from his ....." You tricked me Garen " she shouted losing her mind .

" And you didn't ? " he spoke walking away ,  " The dinner is over family , have a good night " .

" GAREN " Mia shouted as she started running toward him but a hand grabbed her as soon as she came across Gareth .

" Are you mad , leave me alone " she shouted and Reth stood up.

" Come back to your senses , don't embrass yourself anymore " he spoke like a whisper and she pushed him away ,  " Get off me Reth , you shouldn't be as calm as you're right now "

" And you should fucking know that , it's over " he shouted at her face and she flinched Reth was not a man with anger issues .

" You're coming with me , am also tired seeing you with him " he added and she laughed as a maniac and everybody glanced at her, most wanted to have a befitting talk with her but the show was on the stage play still .

" Why ! , because you think am pregnant with your baby like how that fucking video shows ".

" You know very well that happened and it's true nothing is fabricated in those videos " he spoke glaring at her daring her to deny that .

" Well then , it's not yours either ....I didn't screw you only and you know that " she said pointing her finger on his chest and he gulped closing his eyes .

" There now , I proved your doubt ..but with who , that's not for you to find out" she hissed at the end.


All turned toward the sound and A woman  was there before her and Mia gasped .

" Mom " she called .

" Another word like that and am going to kill you myself , you're no longer my daughter and happily I will take you back to that damned orphanage I adopted you from " the woman screamed as tears rolled down her cheek .

" Revagan , let's go I can't stand her presence anymore I might suck out her life energy "  Mr. Conrad spoke As he walked past them heading outside.

" I don't want to see you ever again " Revagan spoke before walking past Mia and left .

Mia looked down to the ground as tears gathered together her mascara down her cheeks.

" Am ashamed of you " a woman spoke walking away too with a man holding hands together , same with other two more couples.

Gareth looked at her furiously and walked away too but stopped as the voice came behind .

" You're not going anywhere Reth , get in my office " Mr. Craig's voice came and Reth fisted his hands before turning to them .

" You don't have to punish me I regret my mistakes hardly and I will pay "

" Am sorry mom...and....."

" Don't " Mr. Craig stopped him on his rails and turned to him , " Leave but I will settle this score with you anytime "

Reth gulped knowing he fucked it way too far , he looked at his parents, then to Mia and walked away with a pain face .

Two men walked inside wearing black suits their bodies well built .

" Take her out of here and I don't want to see her anywhere near any Craig's Property " Evelyn ordered and Mia's eyes widened .

" No "

The guards grabbed her and started pulling her out even when she screamed , shouted with words, and curses  but she was a virus to this family and she was supposed to be away from it .


So who wants to know Femy , am excited too but not to soon .

Don't forget to comment , like and comment .

Love you all 😘😝🤗


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