Chapter 26

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" How are you feeling ? " Hades asked Evelyn who nodded slowly closing her eyes before taking them to light again , tilting her head to see Giovanni and Maria standing behind their father.

" Am sorry Mother " Vanni's face held sympathy as he slowly walked closer same as Maria on the other side a shades takes a step backward .

" Mom " Maria called .

" Am fine kids , don't give me that face " Evelyn took the courage and smiled at them .

" You scared me Mother , I don't want to explain how horrible the moment was , thanks for your fighting spirit " Giovanni smoothly caressed the back of her hand while bending to place a kiss on her forehead .

" Am fine my son " she said and he nodded , the  her eyes shifted to Maria whose face was all worry one and not that smiley and smirky face of all the times .

" Am okay Maria , I guess am overwhelmed and stressed but am fine so give me that smirky face "  and Maria smiled , her mother managed to be strong , can't they be too .

" Okay , that's enough of talking save some more energy because Garen will also be here soon and you know .......

Maria stooped on her tracks as her mother's eyes widened and her mouth agape before closing it immediately though the shock and sorry on her face delayed to take their leave .

" Mother " Giovanni asked narrowing his eyes on her as Hades tried to take his cool demeanour.

" Is something wrong Mother ? " Maria asked and Evelyn smiled nervously eyes flickering between her children's and her husband .

" Nothing kids , I guess I need some rest " Giovanni nodded before dropping another kiss on her hand and Maria did the same on her forehead before turning to their father .

" You two can go , I can't leave her side " he reasoned and Giovanni looked at Maria .

"Okay but at night we'll take over , you need to take a rest too "  Giovanni insisted before pulling his sister out leaving their Parents .

As soon as they walked out Hades rushed to his wife holding her hand as she kept her eyes on the door , fear evident on her eyes and worry all over her face .

" Has he found out ? " She asked trembling placing both of her hands on his as they trembled and sweat lingered on them .

" No sweetheart, I believe he's here for his mother like the other " he comforted .

" How sure are you , Garen is always persistant when he's into something especially if he swears to " she voice out her fears with a shaky sound .

" We'll only find out if he did when he arrives but take down your worries and calm down , be cool " he insisted and she gulped down while nodding .

I don't want to lose Garen of all people , she thought as sweat glistened her face .

Hades grabbed a bottle of water beside the table and gave it to her.

Hours went by Doctors and Nurses came in hourly to check on her condition and she was doing fine .

" Take some more rest Mrs.Craig and you'll be fine " the doctor ordered and Evelyn nodded .

The doctor and the nurse walked out leaving the couple again when a man appeared on the door after their leave .

Evelyn looked up and gulped down slowly in fear as nervousness crept down her spine , her hands gripped on the sheets so hard .

" Garen "

" Mom "

Hades turned on the name and faced the young man walking with worry and fear on his face direct to his mother , held her hand and planted a kiss on her cheek while Evelyn flinched and tensed at the same time .

" What happened dad ? " he asked still gazed at his mother whom wanted nothing but to disappear .

" She was shocked but nothing really happened before  I was there with her when she fell " he explained .

" Am sorry mom , I shouldn't have shown those videos to you all , that might have pressed some stress " Garen lowered his head avoiding his mother's gaze.

"No son am glad you did otherwise we couldn't have seen Mia's true self and maybe lose the one clue about what really happened back then "

Garen nodded looking at her with a small smile on his face .

" You shouldn't stress yourself though, I will deal with everything  " he reasoned as comforting her too .

"Giovanni told me that you were looking after her " she slowly asked not taking out the name but Garen nodded

" Have you found  her ? " She went on as one of her hand gripped harder on the sheet and Hades was praying to the heavens .

Garen went silent as if contemplating something before he replied .

" No "

Evelyn sighed a little bit .

" She lost her sanity and was taken to the asylum and that's when I got a call from Maria about when and cancelled my journey to Mexico " .

A relief washed over her face and Hades relaxed too .

" Where's Calvin ? " Hades asked and Garen pointed outside with his head .

Hades nodded and walked outside leaving the two together .

Evelyn was now in a relief pace knowing that he hasn't reached the point where she was afraid of and now there's nothing she can't do to make him abort his mission .

Hades walked outside to see Calvin standing with a cross of legs and hands on his chest , head hang low like he was thinking of something .

" Calvin " Hades called and Calvin walked out of his trance.

" Mr. Craig "

" How was your journey ? " He asked straight .

" Good sir , how is she doing ? " Calvin asked instead with worry in his face.

" She's doing fine , experienced shock I guess she's stressed " Hades reasoned .

" Oh "

" Am so sorry " Calvin added .

" Where the hell were you two that Garen had to ignore us like that " he asked again and Calvin sighed .

" We we're in Russia  and on our way to Mexico when the call came our way concerning Mrs. Craig " .

Hades sighed in a relief hearing that , so they haven't gone past Russia , now there will be no more Mexico , mission abort that's what I shall do , I can't risk for him to know .

He then patted Calvin's shoulder and walked away as Calvin's eyes bored into his back until he disappeared on the corner .

Calvin then turned and went to see Evelyn after composing himself .


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