Chapter 14

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" Mother " Giovanni called as he walked in the kitchen , Evelyn smiled on seeing him .She went and gave him a hug .

" Giovanni " she called pulling from the hug looking at her oldest son.

" You look not okay " he spoke and she gulped walking to the sink where she was tending to the utensils.

" And where are the maids ? " he added but she smiled turning to the face him .    " I just wanted to do something to make my mind right,  things are overwhelming "

Giovanni then removed his coat and folded his shirt sleeves to his elbow and went to gave her the upper hand .

"Is what happened bothering you , mother should let it go " he said picking up the plates .

" It's not that easy and Garen is making it harder , he left without  a word since that night and he  doesn't pick anyone's  call " she explained worry plastering her face and he went on Cleansing the plate .

" He must be confused mother , I would be too if I were him but you should reach to Calvin , those two glue to each other " .

" I know but Calvin isn't talking where they are right now but that's not what bothered me so  much " she stated and he raised his brow .

" Femy is instead , I just can't gulp this guilty and worry that she's probably not okay and that now we know she did not do it " , they finished the utensils and dried their hands while Giovanni was contemplating what to say .

" Mother there has to be evidences to prove that she is innocent unless otherwise she ain't getting out from there "  and Evelyn closes her eyes .

" If we are to help her out then our fame and money aren't the best thing to use but instead we should prove that she didn't do it and am afraid that those videos have to go viral " he added and she looked on the floor .

" Garen is to decide that and I needed to talk to him before he takes any rush decision about this " , now they walked back to the living room .

" What about father ? " he asked and she gave out a sigh , " He's been rejected just like me " she reasoned as they took their seats .

" I will see if I can reach him mother but you shouldn't be worried this much , there's some dark circles forming and that tells me you're not getting a good sleep "  , worry on his face as he closed the distance between them and touched her forehead and she smiled .

" Am not sick Giovanni , you're being worried too much right now but I will be fine,  just reach out to your brother and see what's going on " , he smiled and nodded promising her silently .

" Where's Maria anyway ? " he asked

" That little brat has also been gone since that night not daring to set her foot back same goes to Gareth " she gritted her teeth at the last part and Giovanni chuckled .

" I know you're angry about him but he's a Craig and I don't think shunning him is a right thing to do "

" Ooh , Gio you're just being kind as always Gareth has to be punished , what was he thinking sleeping around with his brother's wife and plan the shits that will never happen "  , her nose flared on anger that coarsed her body .

" He's young and stupid sometimes that has always been one of his character mother didn't you see how hesitant and guilty he was on those video " he tried to defend his brother again .

" Giovanni you should remember that a mistake is a mistake when it's done more than twice , your brother knew that whatever they're doing was wrong but still went with it until today "  she spoke palming her face .

" If I noted well , it was all because he loved Mia " 

" Speaking of that witch , she's the key to Femy's freedom but as you said the videos have to go viral " she gave a frustrated sigh .

" Calm down mother Garen will deal with this in a right way just give him sometime to clear his head and I guess that's why he left but I will check on him " he smiled and she too gave one but not genuine .

" We've talked a lot about others , but you should tell me how are you doing ? " Evelyn asked concerned and he just smiled wider .

" Am doing fine mother , difficulties are usually there as always " he explained .

" You shouldn't take everything on yourself son , we all are  here to help you know "

" But that can't be with my personal matters , right Mother " he spoke lowering his head escaping her eye contact .

" Tell me dear , what is it ? " she insisted and he looked at her again bitting his lower lip .

" It's about Charlotte " , Evelyn raised her eyebrows with a grin on her face .

" And who's Charlotte now ? " she added and he smiled looking at her , " She's my woman mother .

" Ooh , you're woman " she smiled putting the hairs that drapes on his forehead right .

" We've had a quarrel and she's mad at me and I don't know what to do "  Evelyn gave out a soft laugh that made Giovanni pout .

" You're so cute you know " she started .

" No am not cute mother " he protested .

" Oh , yes you're " ,  he frowned looking away but that didn't faze his mother.

" I really want to meet this 'my woman ' and see the person  making my sweet boy not to know what to do when they quarrel , I raised a cutie"  she teased and he moved away from her making more distance .

" See now , cutie is moving away from me " she went on and Giovanni just frowned harder not looking  at her .

" Well son call her and meet her up and be there eariel than the time with something she likes as a gift , take her out to places she's never been , talk smoothly and let out your feelings , hear her side and give her some space to think of whatever you shall say to her and then when she comes softy to you ......"

Evelyn stopped and tapped his shoulder and he faced her now listening very carefully to whatever she says .

" Then make up your last move , boy "

" What is it ? " he asked again .

"You really want me to tell you ! " she was surprised and he still nodded.

" Make up sex , my boy that's the best thing women like " she spoke and Giovanni stood right away feeling embarrassed , he pulled his brief case and his coat from the kitchen and walked away without a goodbye leaving the Laughing Evelyn in the house .


It took me everything to write this down but I did it and so my hopes are that you will like this , just please do vote and comments ladies and gentlemen.



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