Chapter 17

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Nessa walked inside her apartment and gazed at how clean it was , now the view was a little bit better than how she had left it before .

Removing her boots and threw them beside the door then walked to the fridge , stood there frozen to see that there were some new stuffs .

Canned food , water bottles , fruits , few alcohol and packs of cigarette ,  sodas , juices ,  snacks , bread ,  sweets and lollipops  , all well arranged .

Her eyes looked at the doors fridge and a note was there .

Placed the alcohol and cigars , so don't throw the rest and stay health Nessa and if you need someone am always there for you.

Love you , Cousin .

Nessa found herself touching the note and pulled it off , read it again and pursed her lips into a fine thin line .

Touched the alcohol but then gazed at the note and decided to grab a juice instead and closed her fridge .

She went and sat on her sofas then switched on the TV when a knock came suddenly and she closed her eyes praying that shouldn't be Pius .

She walked to the door and opened it only to meet two men in their dashing suits .

" And who are you , gentleman and one handsome guy ? " she asked shifting her gaze to the man behind .

" Am Garen Craig and this is my friend Calvin Maxwell "

Nessa smiled looking at Calvin then at Garen.

" Am I debted to you because all I remember is Pius being on my tail " she spoke crossing her arms on her chest and Calvin tilted his head to look at her keenly .

" No , we're here looking for Aufemia Conrad " Garen spoke .

" And who the hell is that ?" She asked narrowing her eyes , Pius can be cunning sometimes she thought .

" Isn't this where Jesca  Martins lives ?" Garen asked and Nessa sharpened her sight on them , what could these two want to do with her mother .

" What is it with my mother ? " she asked looking at them very suspiciously and Calvin kept her gaze on her entirely .

" We need to speak to her , please " Calvin spoke for the first time and Nessa smiled inwardly .

"Come inside " she opened her door wide as she welcomed them and with no hesitation , they walked inside .Took their seat after a quick inspection of the apartment and pleased for how clean it  is .

" I hate observants , now speak whatever you wanted " she spoke leaning on her seat crossing her arms on her chest giving them a very serious look .

" Jesca Martins ...."

" She's dead , so want is it you wanted to talk with her " , she cut short Garen's sentence as narrowed her eyes at them .

" It's about Aufemia Conrad " Garen started again and she huffed tiredly before looking at them being annoyed.

" I do not know anyone of that name "

Calvin's hand got lost on his coat pockect and scrolled up to his phone before handing it to her .

" We're looking for that woman and Janette  Martins directed us here" Calvin stated as Nessa looked at the photo displayed and she scoffed .

" Aunt directed you here ! " she looked surprised but discarded that shit aside as she took the phone and looked at the picture .

" She looks pretty in this photo , had she used all of her saving to take this one it looks quite expensive " she spoke  scrolling to other picture and Calvin snapped .

" I hate observants , if you're done give me back my phone " and she looked at him rolling her eyes .

" I hate people copying my hates "

" And I hate people repeating my hates " he replied sarcastically .

" So what do you got on her ? " , a sly smile plastered her face .

" If your mother could have been here it would be so easy to explain " Garen spoke eyeing her face keenly and what he came to conclusion was that the woman before them was a cunning one .

" I don't want explanation and I less care of what you want with her but if you want her location , hand me some cash " .

Calvin sighed and Nessa smirked standing up and walked to the drawer on the table beside them , pulled some packect and picked some of the powder from it before sticking it to her mouth .

Smiling to herself , she wiped the remaining and turned to the men looking at her .

" You're not in the police force or something , are you ? "

" Oh , yes we are and you're under arrest for using drugs " Calvin spoke and Garen grinned , his friend was getting into this girl and they were not there for some jokes , are they .

" How do you survive using drugs , how about you quit it pretty woman " he added and Nessa smiled taking her seat again .

" And how do I quit ? " she asked and Garen was totally annoyed by this.

"Going to Rehab " he replied and Garen decided that he should chip in between.

" How much to you want ? " Garen asked and she gigled.

" Now we're talking and oh , Drey handles that very well but for I ...ain't doing that shit , betrayal isn't my way and I love drugs , trust them too well for they bring me where my revires live "

" I will take you to her but she won't know I gave her out also pay me when you see her instantly "

" Okay " they both said to get over it with this woman .

Both walked outside and got into the car then drove to the direction she gave .

" Got nice car , body and you guys smell richness ,  I wonder what she has done to meet you two " she rumbled to herself but no one paid her attention.

The car stopped when she called for it and both looked at her because the place was a club and it looked more of a shallow club .

" So is this where she is ? " Garen asked looking at the people lurking outside , some were on drugs , others were making out, others quarrel , while others were doing some illegal business just by look , and a loud music filled the place and that obviously came from the inside .

" Yes , she wouldn't leave before meeting Nica " she stated looking at them .

" And who's Nica ? " Calvina asked and Nessa held the purse ready to get out .

"My cousin Veronica " , with that she was out and then yelled .

" Come on guys "


How did you like this chapter ?

Any question  up to here , ask and I shall give you answers sweethearts .

Am excited for the next chapters, it's going to be a blast and hope you'll like it too .

See you then ......


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