Chapter 22

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Laughs erupted from Drey's lips and
It was more of sarcastic than a real one after hearing whatever the stranger said to her .

" You know that , you sounded ridiculous right now " she spoke still trying to avoid small laughs from her lips but most escaped .

" Nessa would do anything for money and she hates me , so don't think she  did a good job   in showing you a similarity "

"Why does  she hate you ? " he  asked and she smiled , " I don't like her either way , it's mutual feeling despite the kinship but don't be shocked most of people hate me " , he leaned foward placing his hands on the table  .

" Still why ?"

" Because the only one who loves me were Jesca , Nica and those two sexy girls you met last night when you took me to my bedroom with no permission " seething her teeth at the last statement .

" I don't trust that because Nessa seems to be more honest than you " he spoke regretting that immediately .

" Of course then,  trust seems to be your issue Mr. , and .......

She trailed her fingers on her purse slowly while he gulped at her response , he should trust her not distrust like way before back .

" I've got some tight schedule this week and you being paranoid and obsessive gets in my way , so please do me a favour and stay away from me "

With that she stood and walked away but Garen being persistent himself , followed her .

" I know you're Femy , don't blush me off with some pretence nonsense , am not leaving you alone " he kept on saying following behind as she took long stride down the road back home .

" Because you believe am some Femy of yours , listen stranger , not all fantasies are real man " , stopping and looking at him to we whether he gets that or not , but unfortunately the man was not shaken by the statement .

Drey went on walking until she stood before her door , clicked the passcode and walked inside in hurry to close the door on him but the attempt failed as he pushed inside fastly than her , and both met the four eyes looking at them with curiosity .

"Let's find somewhere private , please try to understand " he tried to reason and she raised her eyebrows , was this man serious .

"Rory please pinch me " Hailey spoke still giving Garen hard glares and Rory smacked her hand that laid on her lap .

" Ooh my god , it's real ....Garen Hades Craig is in front of me " Hailey shouted standing up jumping like someone who won the lottery and everyone was bewildered by her reaction .

" You know yesterday night I really did check on you poorly that I couldn't recognize you almost and my drunk self was on the way too but I can't believe am seeing you in my real senses ....aaaah " she shouted .

" Will you shut up "Rory snapped angrily at her as Drey covered her eyes , this was another embarrassment of the day , and how come she was still here .

With the thought she started walking upstairs and in matter of second Garen noticed her movement when he also followed her upstairs .

" What's wrong with you ? " Rory asked still angry at her .

" See am sorry but am super excited today , he was one of my dreams come true and he was here ....wait "

She left her sentence on the air and run upstairs too leaving Rory all by herself .

" See this is inappropriate , you can't invade my house let alone my room" Drey raised her voice on seeing the man on her again .

" Am sorry but I really need a chance to be listened " he spoke raising his hands up on the air.

" Listening to what I don't know of , I don't know you , you know nothing of me except my similarity with that Femy you claim me to be , do you want me to be your therapist or something " she asked in disbelief .

This man firstly started by calling her the name she doesn't own , kidnapped her and dragged her to his car , parking in the middle of the forest god knows where , forcing a conversation on her with some unknown issue to her , stalking her all over , invading her house and privacy and he still wants to be listened .

" Am not good with words and you know that but it would be easier with you being real "

He went again ignoring her laments .

"Huh ! " she raised her hands and then dropped them tiredly .

" What has Nessa told you for real because this is exhausting " she added in frustrations .

" Janette told us she helped you escape the asylum and brought you here under the protection of her sister Jesca and Nessa told us she was dead but on seeing your photo , she directed us to you , Femy " he explained and her lips parted before forming into a thin line as she gulped down .

"What made you believe her , believe Janette or whomever you went through first , what if they're all wrong , what if you're mistaken that I am Femy ? " she asked simply tired of all bullshit that's happening from yesterday .

" I can not mistake my Wife " , she gulped at the reply as he  stared deep onto her eyes .

" A man can never mistake his wife , can he ? "

" I can not mistake the woman I fell in love with for the very first time In my life , even if thousand of years goes by I can not mistake you Aufemia " he was now close to her towering over .

She gulped looking down fisting her hands and Garen was observing her so keenly .

" How can I mistake those amber eyes that made me see the colour beautiful itself , these brunette hairs you cut even when I liked them long , how can I mistake your heartbeat when you're nervous because it beats like this whenever you were so close to me , like this "

Closing another step making his chest touch hers and she gasped nervousness  creeping down her body as her heartbeat fastly .

She wanted to push him away but his hand found her waist pulling her closer taking her breath again when suddenly a calm voice came .

" Don't forget you're married Garen , even when I adore you I can't let you play my bestie when I know that wicked wife you have got " Hailey spoke crossing her hands on her chest .

Drey pushed him away as that angrily face came back and he gulped ruffling his hairs in frustration, something was going well in here .

" Leave and never return because if you do am pressing the restraining order from the police "  Drey spoke pointing her Finger to the door and Garen looked at her keenly with a 'sorry ' expression before walking out leaving Hailey with his hot raging glare .

Damn you fan .


So Drey felt little bit nervous under his stares and how close they were .

What do you think , is Drey Femy ora simple similarity ?

Leave your comments and questions ladies and gentlemen , I will happily reply to and take on your opinion.

Until next time



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