Chapter 5

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" We're landing sir " a man spoke professionally and bowed before walking away after Garen nodded , he then looked outside and sighed slowly .

" Nervous ? " another man asked who sat beside Garen as he smirked but Garen just closed his eyes and leaned backwards not being affected by the question even when he truly felt nervous .

" Not sure " he replied and the man chuckled ,  " You deserve that " and he picked the glass and gulped the last straw of his wine .

" I know that Calvin , no need to remind me "  Garen spoke as he breathed and looked outside to see how they decelerated back to earth and he wasn't nervous for that but for something else .

They landed safely and the journey came to it's destination , both Garen and Calvin walked down from the private jet owned by Craig's .

Walked with some bodyguards behind them , slipped into a limousine and drove to their next destination .

" So what are you going to tell her ?" , Calvin couldn't contain himself and rather asked questions from here and there.

" About that ...."

Garen paused and glanced at Calvin , his right hand man and best friend since ages .

" I don't know " he finished his unsure sentence and Calvin sighed , this was going to be tough and he was just trying to be in his friends shoes and all he see is difficulty and a failure thus decides to ask again.

" What if she forgives you ?" ,  Garen sighed looking outside and for the first time from yesterday his worry peaked to the highest level.

Forgiveness , would she forgive him for what he had done .

He never forgive himself , why should others forgive him but right now it was not others but her , he needed her forgiveness although even if he could be her , he would never grant that to a man who hurt her so much and made her life miserable .

But he has to get that , her forgiveness and he would surely get that one.How and when , that God knows but he must get that , he must get her back .

" I would give what she deserves thousands time more " ,  Calvin smiled to this line , was Garen being romantic again , ooh nice move .

" And what if she doesn't ? " he threw another question and Garen ticked .

" What the hell are you today , a journalist ?" , frown in his face .

" Am just trying to alert you for the upcoming situation , you're likely going to meet all of these and you need to be prepared "  Calvin chipped in before  closing his eyes and pull the cover closer to his body .

" God it's so cold here " he mumbled and Garen glared at him , his friend was right he needs to be prepared for whatever is to come .

He gulped thinking about what will he say first when he meets her ,  will she be surprised , yea that she will be , or may be happy to see him , now there nope she wouldn't even smile he guessed .

That sent a painful jab onto his face and he felt cold suddenly only to realise he had lowered the window on his side a little bit and damn winter in this place, it was fucking cold.

The journey took their two hours from the airport despite of Calvin insisting them to take  a rest and go tomorrow maybe or later but Garen being persistent , he couldn't wait to meet her after Seven years .

Damn it was seven years and he nearly lost the track of time since they parted , he then blamed himself of how foolish he was to forget everything they had in a very short time while they had used years to build .

Sleepiness couldn't take him rather than his mind screamed it's thoughts to his consciousness , flashing memories of whatever he had done back then , seven years ago and now here he was heading to the direction he believed she went without even notice and the location she never knew it existed .

He really cut down his ties with her back then , he couldn't believe that either but yea he did and he regrets it now .

The tyres screeched after a long distance and the driver announced ,  " We're here sir " .

Garen nudged Calvin who slowly opened his eyes and looked at him but Garen opened the door then pulled the his coat closer , it was fucking Cold ...this was what Russia was when winter came .

Calvin walked out of the car too and followed Garen as he cursed the cold for aching his bones already .

The gates were opened and a general came to assist them himself , after all they were the Craig's .

Walking across the gates that were opened now And then , Garen's eyes scanned the area closely and at a point he saw prisoners fetching out the ice on the ground and filled the buckets they have to carry somewhere .

His hands fisted so hard inside his black warm gloves , how could they let them pick the Ice  with bare hands when it was this cold.

Femy might be there too, picking...

He couldn't even finish his thought as he tightened his jaws and called for the general .

" What are they doing ? " he asked and the general replied boldly.

" Taking the ices to the factory located maybe two to three kilometers from here " the smile lingered on his face as if being proud of what ever he makes them do.

" Two to three kilometers ? " Calvin gaped and Garen's jaws ticked but controlled his anger , he needed this general now to see his Femy .

He simply nodded and they went back to their walk until they came to the inside gates and then to the offices of various department , the security,  guards cottages , camp and finally his office , the Generals office .

" Welcome Mr. Craig " his Russian accent covered the English manner of pronouncing a word and they didn't mind that as long as they can communicate .

They took their seats on the sofa and  made themselves comfortable , as the guard came and served them hot coffee ,  a cappuccino .

" Thanks " Garen  spoke picking his cup and took sips from it just like how Calvin did .

" So tell me what should I assist you with , Mr. Craig ? " the general asked and Garen placed his cup back on the sos and glared at him .

Calvin did too and the general was all ears to them now .


Will they find her there as they hopes ?

Well find out that with me in the chapter .

And don't forget to voice out your comments and please votes and like too

Yours love 🤗🤗😚


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