Chapter 48

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I happily dedicate this to AdyRae132.

Smut warning 🔔⚠️⚠️


" Is this wrong ? " He asked taking one of the perky breast onto his mouth and she gasped feeling his warmth on the mound .

" Say it " he added leaving the breast with a pop sound and kissed her In between the two beautiful things in her chest and she moaned .

" Is this ...

He didn't finish when he took another to his mouth and his other hand grabbed the other slowly grinding it .Camilla found herself getting herself closer to his body and god knows how wet she was down there .

Gareth smirked to himself on the reaction ,  this woman has always been with him through thick and thin , why not making her  his completely .

" If not then show me what's right ? " He huskily told her and she pushed all the negative thoughts harbouring her mind ,  they were best friend but he was drunk and would probably forget when he wakes up or she can just shrug it when he seems to regret it in the morning .

She couldn't hold her feelings anymore , she had loved this man for so long god knows how , but all he saw was a best friend and young sister to take care of but maybe this night will change something or rather destroy what they have , anyway ....daring was her character .

She slowly started moving her hips , riding him and he smiled as his eyes landed on her beautiful face that now had some sweat from the heat flowing in her body .

His hands did a great job at pinching the nipples that made her gasp here and now .

Seeing how close she was , he grabbed her hips and stopped the movement as his hands now pulled the dress upward as she raised her hands to make it easy .

" So is that right ? " he asked as his hands moved to her thighs again grabbing them and flipped her to lay again on the bed ,  he smiled at how her  breast jumped slightly .

His eyes scanned her body that was only in a lacy pant , he grinned to himself .

" Fuck me now because tomorrow you might forget or regret " she spoke looking at his lustful eyes .

His eyes narrowed at her statement wanting nothing but to tell her how he meant when he told her to never leave him .

" Then you won't forget tonight but you'll regret why we haven't done it sooner " he spoke leaving kisses on her stomach moving upward .

" Always a blabber " she spoke taking a full gasp of air when he suddenly touched her core

" Wow ! , so wet for me Camy"he rubbed her through the lacy pant and she moaned harder .

" He went back to her lips taking them into his as his hand rubbed slowly down there .

Her hands run down from his bare chest to his well collected abs .

" Fuck " he rasped when his fingers pushed aside the pant and slid his fingers in between her lips , the hotness and wetness made his dick twitch .

Leaving her lips he trailed kisses down her body until he faced that one obstacle that seriously annoyed him , the pant .

He slowly pulled it down and Camilla bucked her hips to easy the process and in seconds he threw it to the floor and grabbed her legs that slightly in the air .

He kissed her foot not leaving her eyes ,  sucked the toes slowly and sexily , kissed the ankle and started moving upward ,  leaving kisses that left pleasure on her body ,  she shivered from the sudden wave of  sparks .

Moving slowly until he came face to face with the flushed pink flesh glistened by some fluid , her wetness , he smiled .

Camilla felt ashamed and wanted to close her legs when he squeezed them further and pulled her closer to his face ,  his hand went and parted the lips of her beautiful flower only to see a waiting scene .

He gunned his fingers up and down,  then the clitoris very slowly and her core gave more juicy , he couldn't wait but want to taste her , he slammed his lips in her pussy and sucked hard then  grinned ,  he lapped his tounge across it still running the clitoris slowly .

He rubbed his tounge in between her lips and his brother twitched as he became big enough , making some pain .

He then increased the pace of running and inserted one of his finger in her hole.

" Fuck , so tight " he groan  spoke before latching his mouth on it again ,  his finger moved and took it's pace when he added the second then third and her walls cleanched around them.

Her stomach collected something unknown as it became heavy to bear , the walls gripped tight the fingers and something kept on build up inside her , she wanted to release and be free but the tension still knotted itself well.

Taking the pace to high level , the moans filled the room and Gareth was satisfied how her lips adorned his name .

" Come for me , baby ...come " he whispered to her ear when she released that one thing that had her body tense , he moved fast for her pussy and slammed his lips taking every ounce of juice she had offered and he hummed in satisfaction .

Licking every drop he then kissed the core and gazed at the sweaty body panting before his eyes .

" You smell heaven " he said before taking her lips into his making her taste herself , he looked at her after the break while his hand moved to his towel and threw it to the floor , there stood  man in his birth suit with something hard and erect between his legs .

" That won't fit " she spoke raising her head to look properly .

" Every inch fits , now be a good girl and take it" , he squeezed her legs placing one hand on her trembling stomach then slowly rubbed his dick into her pussy before slamming it in one thrust , thanks to the wetness .

" Aah "she cried and he stopped , leaning down supporting himself with one hand and placed kiss on her lips .

" You okay? " , he asked after it hit him that she was a virgin and he just slammed himself in .

" Reth ...

" Yes baby " he replied kissing her neck not moving waiting for the adjustment .

"  you can move" she told him and he pushed out before slamming back again and there took his pace slowly then harder .

Camilla became a moaning mess , as Gareth took her in every way he can , not giving her a break , orgasm after orgasm  he wouldn't let her take the low slope , he wanted her high all the time and he made sure of that all the night .


I suck at these smut stuffs but bear with me ,  ain't so good I can admit but I will be better though for those who were pleased with it , thanks .

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