Chapter 87

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Mia moved from the fridge only to meet a warm smiling Casper who kissed her forehead and then to her tummy .

" Are you not working today " she asked playing with his hair as he constantly kissed her belly and he slowly moved up to face her .

" Not today , I want to play with my daughter " he winked as he moved away from her and walked back to the fridge , grabbed a coke and looked at her . Mia just smiled .

It's been well on her side as Casper suddenly became the man she's always wanted , he would be there with her when she needs him , assist her with her clinics recommendations , he would not skip a meal home and would cuddle with her at night not to forget not leaving in morning before a good morning kiss and sometimes a sexual act and that made her the most happiest woman in the world .

" Ain't playing with you am tired " she spoke walking toward the living room and he followed quietly .

" That's understandable , I would be surprised if you would be alright yesterday . Anyway what made you so happy by the way , you were in cloud nine " he asked helping her to sit on the sofa .

" Nothing much just satisfied with how things are now ....

She paused for a while then smiled

" I like how things are between us and everything "

Casper smiled as he got lost in the eyes of the woman he's loved before but honestly he wouldn't find that tingle sense anymore even though he's trying .

Thoughts diverge as he could see Charlotte's eyes instead, her smile and he dazed as Mia worked her hand up to his cheek caressing it slowly and he closed his eyes leaning in it with so much feeling , he missed that woman so damn much .

Suddenly their moment was disrupted with abrupt opening of the door and there walked in Rayson who held a gun in his hand pointing at them making a gasp leave Mia's lips as she protectively held her belly and Casper stood in actived mode .

" Don't worry ain't here to shoot but I might so move aside and let me talk to the bitch " he warned but Casper hid her behind his back , he was defenseless .

" What the hell do you want from us ? " Casper asked as Mia shook behind him , she knew what was happening .

" Not you , at least not now but get the fuck away from her "

"No I won't "

Rayson pulled the trigger and shot his leg making Casper fall and Mia scream .

Casper groaned as Rayson walked and grabbed Mia's hand who didn't fight but instead held her belly as Casper struggled to stand but another shot came to his other leg .

" Please leave him alone " Mia asked

" Shut the fuck off " Rayson screamed and the eyes looked like a crazy person ..

" You fucking love playing games , well let's play one Mia " Rayson spoke pointing a gun to Casper .

" You choose what keeps your sanity , your son or your man " he spoke with a grin .

" What do you mean ? " She asked and he laughed as he gazed to a shocked Casper .

" Gio right ? "

" Well be seated and listen ,this bitch here just cut deep in already healing wounds of her sister and am going to show her what is it like to lose your sanity ....

" Am having your son right now in my basement somewhere tied up untouched and don't bother wonder how because I easily walked in your well security in this damn house "

" Who the fuck are you ? " Casper seethed hiding his bleeding leg and Rayson smiled as he changed the hold position and grabbed Mia's hair instead and she shrieked in pain .

" My name is Rayson , you damn know me well " he responded

" But am more of that too bad your father haven't told you about me but you'll know more if me if she chooses you "

"No please let my son go , am sorry I didn't mean it like that "
Mia cried .

" Carlos " she cried again as Rayson dialed a number and came a live video with a child tied in a chair in his school uniform , untouched but just crying .

" Your choice Mia , what's your sanity ? " He asked showing her the video then back to Casper and he smirked at the situation .

He was completely changed person with just hatred and desire to kill .

" Please let my son go " Casper spoke gritting his teeth " .

" Nice choice but I want hers " Ray spoke tightening the hold in her hair and she cried trying to remove his hands but failed as Casper tried to stand and another shot came on his other leg .

" Am going to cripple you if you don't listen , I speak once not twice " Rayson narrowed his eyes on him as Mia cried her heart out .

" Your son or your Man " he asked again and she tried to shake her head painfully with tears down her cheeks .

Rayson pointed his gun to Casper and Mia shouted .

" No please don't shoot him "

Rayson smirked .

" Well then good choice " He dropped his gun as one gun sound came from the phone situated beside them and Mia froze as Ray picked up the phone and showed it to her .

She couldn't believe what the screen had shown but there was a tied Carlos head lowered as if looking at his laps as blood slowly tricked down his shirt and the man wearing a black glove lifted his chin only to see a clean shot of bullet in the middle of his forehead.

Carlos was dead .

Mia dropped down as Ray let her hairs go and Casper screamed .

" I will kill you "

" Well I might kill you right now , but your wife likes to be playing games sadly you're in it now ... Enjoy " Rayson spoke as he walked towards him and looked down to Casper angry eyes with shreds of tears , he was trembling while Mia just held her heart beating it slowly as tears came down slowly .

" You'll pay for this " Casper spoke gritting his teeth hard .

" You'll have to walk for that Giovanni " Ray spoke as he pointed a gun to his left abdomen .

" Is that where you had a surgery because of your selfish mother , right .... I've missed seeing it but this time not feeling mercy for you " .

Giovanni froze as his eyes looked deep to Rayson and he pulled the trigger .

Mia screamed again trying to crawl to Casper who fell down with a line of life and death .

" Yeah , crawl like that ..... that's what insanity starts to feel like " Rayson walked to her and grabbed her face .

" Look at me and never forget these eyes , a hell for you and are the last thing you'll beg not to see but I will be your death Mia .... You've messed with the wrong person " he aggressively pushed her aside and she fell holding her belly as he walked out slowly leaving the deadly mess .

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