Chapter 70

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On the third knock Gareth walked downstairs with a frown , he knew that was Camilla and she knew the passcode but still would take a bother to annoy him . Taking strides  pulling it open only to meet with a stranger's face or rather someone he knew very well .

" You ! " Shock was all over him as his body trembled and nervousness crept on his spine spreading all over his body at once . For the other time Gareth was afraid of what he was looking at before him , quite silent crossed over until when her voice rang on his ears .

" Are you not going to let me in ? "    Her voice came calm yet raging and demanding , he gulped as she walked past him bumping to his shoulder on the way and moved inside without waiting for his response at all .

" How come you're here ? " He asked as soon as he closed the door and walked towards her still not believing that she was standing right in front of him . Still analysing the place she slipped the question .

" Femy " he called and just as a mystery her name sounded in his tongue. There he gained her attention and she smirked at him .

" Lost the sister part , I guess years passed that fast the place looks great anyway as far as I remember back then it was so shaggy until I did some woman's job here "  she responded placing her small arms in the jacket's pocket and he rubbed his face that was glistening with sweat of nervous .

Before him stood the same version of the woman he knew back then but slightly changed , she looked beauty just a little dull in her , the beautiful blessing amber eyes now seemed to carry darkness , everything in her screamed of awful aura , a little bit thin and with a change of hair style , she looked different

" Are you out ? " He asked not so sure if himself if it was so wise to choose that question .

" Preferred me back in jail , Gareth ? " ,his heart thumbed on the question he was responsible for the case on her head , he didn't have the right to ask if she was released or not .

" No... No .. am .. just surprised " he stummered as he walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and she smiled at his actions .Taking a quick snap of the top and downed half the bottle at once before putting the bottle on the table and gulped hard trying to calm his severed nerves , he breathed heavily before looking at her once again and she seemed so calm like a garden .

" I would be surprised of you wouldn't because many of you expected not to see me soon enough but anyways , am surprised to see how your life has changed so much over a night Gareth , this place used to be your peace finding corner but I see it's a hideout nowadays " she spoke .

Gareth closed his eyes as he lowered his head , how can he forget that this place was special to him and one day back then he introduced it to Femy since he considered her as his sister , an advisor and a counselor too , maybe that's why it was easy for her to knock ... He changed the password she knew .

" It was a life Fe sentence , how did you ....

He stopped mid air and narrowed his eyes on her

" Did you escape Aufemia ? " He questioned too shocked to believe that Femy would do something like that .

But there came Femy's laughter so hard and loud like she's never had that for a long time .

" Escape ...

She walked towards the photo on the wall of the Craig's family and she sighed before facing him with a calm but raged face this time .

" Does that word sound familiar or may be collateral , you stood in that box spoke injustice words as evidence despite holding that holy book and swore to speak the truth , you lied Gareth ... All of you lied even when deep down your hearts knew it was not true you stamped on me not having any mercy or prickle of empathy in you all because of what .... escape , escape from the truth for your own desires , escape from reality or maybe something deep I know nothing of "

Her voice went down as she spoke word to word and ended like a whisper as she narrowed her eyes on his , they brimmed with tears that she was fighting with not to roll down , she wanted to be strong and not some emotional freak around a teenage boy who knows nothing but injustice .

Silence took over .

" Does that name sound familiar too ? " She chuckled this time .

" Am sorry " he spoke taking few steps towards her and she chuckled deeper .

" I have lived a hell of a life Seven years Gareth , tell me what does that sorry change , huh ? " She tilted her head as her jaws tensed .

" It changes nothing , nothing at all so save it because it won't help you ... All of you " she spoke walking toward him and he froze , the courage he had going towards her died and she stopped just right before his face .

" Well listen here Gareth , you're going to be my pawn , do everything I ask you to like a good boy you're , you're just so good at listening women don't you ? " She whispered the last word as her eyebrows raised slightly .

" Femy , am sorry " he started again but she placed her finger on his lips .

" I said save it , don't make me repeat myself .. you don't have a reason to bargain with here so you're going to your father's office tonight and take the Craig's family Golden silver card , you bring it to me and wait for your next mission , okay ? "

He froze and she stepped back a little bit .

" What do you want to do Aufemia ? " He asked now really , really afraid .

" You just sounded afraid right now , that's fantastic " she laughed and went back for him patted his shoulder slowly .

" You're still the same Gareth , something's don't die I guess " she spoke and he looked at her like he was pleading to let him go .

" But I bet were thinking the same , am going to do exactly of your thoughts ...

Destroy your whole family "

She smiled like crazy and he was tired of a sudden , this woman before her was a changed woman .

She clapped her hands as if congratulating herself for the victory .

" You've always passed the examinations in school remember , because I was there to teach you how to solve those damn questions ... So I expect you apply the knowledge , make it in use for me , prove to me that you're sorry as you claim just don't say it loud ever again , okay "

" Am not doing it , Femy " he spoke after gained a courage and she smiled at him still .

" Ooh yes you will darling unless you want to see the blood of the woman with that pant over there , what was her name again ... Camilla Wings , right ? " She smiled wider .

" I hope you do know I have your sister's blood on my hands , I wouldn't mind adding one infact tenth I think , so have a good day " ,with that she walked towards the door .

" And don't forget , Am Audrey Greens " ,with that she left .

How the hell did she know about Camilla ? .

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