Chapter 49

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I happily dedicate this to aarnabhatnagar.


"You knew Nica ? " Nessa asked not believing how much these two have betrayed her , they have been lying to her for almost four years .

Monica sighed before nodding her head as yes .

" Where's the really Audrey then ? " she asked narrowing her eyes at them .

" I never knew Audrey but Aunt Jesca told me that she went insane and took Drey's place at the asylum " Nica explained .

" Quit the Drey name on her Nica , she doesn't deserve the name " Nessa raised her voice and Femy just gulped .

"She's not at fault here Vanessa , she's a victim " Nica raised her voice too .

" And what about Audrey ? " Nessa's eyes were now watery with anger on them , she looked with distaste at Femy and back at Nica who just kept quite contemplating what to say .

" She's dead ...she couldn't handle it " Nica stated and Nessa's shoulders slumped down , her eyes wondering everywhere on the floor before she ruffled her hairs .

Something was making it hard to breath on her throat , a pang of pain crossed all over her chest , Audrey Kail Greens , her cousin , the very one she got along with in childhood .

Vanessa never forgot the name even when they parted back then , her first best friend and sister type over all , now claimed dead because she couldn't handle the treatment to what ....insanity .

" Audrey was never insane , she was well and good , you must have dome something to her " she threw the blames to Femy who stiffened on the accusation , not seeing the moves that Nessa took and found herself down on the floor with Nessa on top giving the punches she could ever master .

Aufemia snapped and tried to move from her hold same as Nica who struggled to take Nessa from her .

" You're the reason she's dead've killed her ....Murderer " Nessa shouted on top of her lungs and Femy froze still on the floor as the words hit her ears .

" You should have been the one dead and not her , you killed her " Nessa went on shouting struggling to break free from Nica's grip while pointing fingers to Femy on the floor .

" Stop it Vanessa " Nica shouted too .

" You've killed her "

Mia's voice rang across the room as her eyes kept looking at Mercy who laid on the floor numbly , blood oozing from her head , her eyes closed like she's just a sleep , her one leg slightly twisted and the other well stretched , hands sprang free on the sides .

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" You're the reason she's dead , if only you could have mercy and not push her , she could have been alive " shouted Evelyn .

" You've killed my daughter " she added as Hades gripped her hard not wanting her to escape from his grip .

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" You're a murderer Femy " Garen spoke his lips shivering with those eyes laced with blank emotions as they darkened .

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" I never thought I raised a murderer " , Revagan slapped her face

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"You're a disgrace Aufemia , how could you take ones life " , Gregory asked with tears rolling down his cheeks .

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" Did you really kill her ? " Calvin asked not believing whatever others have been saying .

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" Stop it Vanessa , Audrey had the psychosis since she was ten " Nica shouted but that didn't stop Nessa from ranting out her thoughts .

" Don't take her side Monica , even if she was crazy or mad , what has she done for her to take a death place for this witch , huh ! , she died Nica , your cousin , well blood related died ...on who's place ....her !! "

She pointed again to the floor where Femy held her ears closing her eyes tightly as memories flashed in her mind reminding what she has lived , the demons from her past were calling to her .

" I didn't kill her please believe me " , suddenly Femy crawled and touched Nessa's legs holding them tight tears rolling down her eyes as she spoke wobbling .

" Don't send me back there ....I didn't kill her "

" Please believe me , I didn't kill her "

She went on as she then moved back with horror on her face , her hairs messed as she held her head and crawled down to the floor .

Nica and Nessa froze looking at her , what was happening .

" Don't send me back there ....please " she spoke moving back to the corner and curled herself up , fidgeting with her fingers , clutching them into her legs until some bruises started forming .

" Audrey " Nica called shocked with the state that suddenly changed in her , she slowly moved to her .

" Quit the name Nica , and you cut the damn act" Nessa shouted angrily .

" Aufemia " Nica called as she slowly kneeled before her and reached for her hand but Femy flinched .

Nessa walked and shoved Nica aside before grabbing Femy in a tight grip and shouted .

" Cut the crap and tell me why have you killed her ...murderer "

Monica again grabbed Vanessa from Femy whom just trembled murmuring something .

" Don't beat me ...please "

" What are you doing Vanessa , can't you see she's not okay " Monica shouted .

Suddenly the door came open revealing Calvin whose glare hardened on the scene before him .

He walked inside and shut the door before scanning the environment only for His eyes to fall on the curled up girl on the corner .

" Aufemia " he whispered more like to himself before taking strides and scooped her on his hand .

Aufemia was already weak and defenseless , her lips just whispered things no one can really understand .

" And what do you think you're doing ? " Nica asked leaving Vanessa walking toward the man .

" Step aside woman , I have someone to attend to " His calm yet dangerous voice came from his lips . Monica narrowed her eyes as if trying to recall where she had seen him before and yes , bell rings .....he's the friend of that man who tortured Femy .

" You're not taking her anywhere , not under my watch " Nica spoke widening her hands before him blocking his space to the door .

" Take your sister out of my way " Calvin spoke looking at Vanessa who just nodded and went to grab Monica who seemed to be stubborn but with Nessa as a distraction .

Calvin opened the door with his one hand and walked outside .

" What are you doing Nessa ? " Nica shouted springing free from her hold .

" Letting her go , I want her to pay for what she has done ...let her meet her downfall " Nessa spoke proud if herself .

" You planned all of this , you brought that man here ? " Nica couldn't believe that they were deceived .

" Yes I did , that's where she really belongs right ? " Nessa shouted before sprinting out .


Yay ! Am pleased guys .....We're in 5k's ...thanks guys

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