Chapter 29

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I happily dedicate this to Pulengzungu.


Mia walked inside among of the fancy hotels in the city but as warned to stay away from Craig's premises , she didn't take the Craig's hotel but the second to the rich after them , The Wings's family .

Swaying her hips left and right , taking her steps majestically towards the reserved table for her .

Her white coat hunged on her shoulders covering the black dress that tightened her body and her bump was clearly shown with every angle it made , her white heels clicked the floor slowly but sure not to take a risk .

Most of the workers stared at her , not because of her beauty or famous status but shocked of how she walks in this place while the Craig's don't get along with the Wings at all .

Questions secluded in their minds considering her visit being so urgent , the receptionist on seeing the woman , her head went down to her computer to see whether she has booked or something but that was not the case .

Taking closer steps to table that had two more females , popular  ones to say , models just like Mia .

May be she's invited .

Many thought so but who can stop her , no one but with the exception of one person only , and so they called the person .

" Mia " one of the woman smiled at her and Mia smiled back ,  " Angela "  , Mia walked towards her , giving her the slight hug as she bent down little bit .

" Careful now , you wouldn't want to hurt a Craig " another woman sitting across table joke and all erupted into laughs , then Mia took her seat .

" This is a pleasant surprise I can say " , Angela spoke still giving her best smile ever , anyways that's what models can do the most , smiling beautifully .

" Nothing big sweetheart " Mia replied flocking her hairs on the back as she crossed her legs .

" You know I wasn't expecting you and least trusted when you said , you'd show up " the woman who sat across the table just beside Angela spoke with a smile on her face .

" This is nothing Astrid , I can't live pretending to fear the Wings forever " Mia explained and the rest smirked .

" Anyways , how's the little Craig ? " Angela came again eyeing the bump on her friend .

" Alive and kicking I can say , not when the father talks and plays with him everyday " , Astrid sly smiled before eyeing her with a smirk while Angela scoffed on the inside .

Mia was blushing the fact that she was married to the top and richest man at most before their face , but also carrying the sole heir to his legacy , many must have wanted that , but she holds it on her hand ......though lost it .

Mia shrugged the fact that she's no longer married to the Craig let alone bearing their heir , she won't back down to the bitches and crawl down their feets , Never .

" Not for the last seven days , we all know he was not in the city " Astrid threw the ball onto her face but Mia wasn't having that .

" The news and spies forgot to report I went with him , did they ? " Sarcastically she smiled and Astrid frowned, of course she hadn't been seen on those days either , Angela cleared her throat an tried to skip the topic.

The models are usually like that , bite and blow , act friendly while holding the knife behind your back ready to stab you anytime , after all no one wants to be below the other ..the position and status fight in their industry is the biggest competition and when you win that  you're the queen .

Mia was the queen of the Modelling industry simply because she was married to the Craig's , the unbeatable .

" So We wanted to have sometime with you and probably work together in the upcoming promotions , on Craig's maybe or something else  " Angela picked up her glass and drank the wine .

" Sometime "

" Together "

Mia paused , leaning foward placing her arms on the table clasps them together before placing her chin on them as she chewed the steak slowly .

" Okay " , she looked between the  girls and then at the food .

" But we'll work when you deem fit the place " , removing her chin and hands before grabbing the fork going back to her steak .

Astrid fisted her palm down the table , how badly wanted to hit her face or maybe miscarriage or rather abort her .

Angela's tounge poked the inside of her cheek trying her best to avoid whatever wanted to get off her lips because she knew , none was good .

The tension grew as no one said a thing , as Angela and Astrid felt humiliated and surely Mia was going to pay for this disrespect .

They have been working as Models for the long time harder than her in every way but she just won the lottery but that doesn't mean she can step on them and live with it .

" What ? "

" Did I say something wrong ? " she asked raising her eyebrow like an innocent girl while she's not .

" You rather did something wrong , Mia " a voice came behind them and both tilted their heads to see who dared to intervene .

" Ooh , Camilla , welcome and Join us " Mia smiled gesturing her to take a seat beside her .

" That suits you and your hunger Mia , you don't get to invite me in my own empire , do you ? " Camilla squeezed the plate that Mia was eating from and placed her silver purse on the table where the plate was .

Mia chewed on her lip but smasked it with a smile looking at her then the purse .

" But seeing it's the steak I love , I may try " Camilla walked on the other side and held the plate then letting it fall to the floor breaking into pieces and the food sparsely on it .

" Ooh , the aroma chocked my nostrils , we're you having that seriously , it smells awful , the Cook must surely get it from me today " .

Camilla spoke with a grin on her face while Mia cleanched her palms into fists that the knuckles were turning white .

Angela and Astrid were amused by the scene Camilla was making already .

" Anyways back to the question you asked , are you seeing everything okay ?" .

People were now filming the act secretly and Camilla knew what she was doing , humiliatung Mia Conrad , she wouldn't spare her after what she had done to Gareth .

" Everything was okay until you came " Mia spoke gritting her teeth .

" Look around you and tell me who came here , me or you " Camilla went on .

" I own this , you should tell Garen to give you one of his hotel if you're so hungry but excuse me here I don't  feed dogs "

Mia snapped her head to her and shouted .

" How dare you ? " , Camilla just scoffed .

" Guards " Camilla raised her voice and men came rushing .

" Throw her out " she ordered and Mia couldn't believe what was happening , people gasped and kept on murmuring as they filmed .


"Guards "

" Throw her out "

That was so cruel but she deserved it , am I right ?

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IverPeace-17 ❤️🙈

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